Best Audiobooks For Your Holiday Road Trip!

We know that many of you may have some long (or short) road trips in your future with all the holiday traveling that’s happening over the next few months. With this in mind, we thought we’d put together a list of some of our favorite audiobooks (or ones on our list to listen to soon) you might consider checking out on your travels.

Bossypants by Tina Fey

This one has been out a while, so if you haven’t listened to it yet, what are you DOING with your life!? ๐Ÿ™‚ This is seriously so, so funny. If you’re in need of something lighthearted, hilarious, but still very sweet, this is the book to listen to.

Outliers or David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell

Listened to both of these books during the past year and I really cannot recommend them enough, or probably anything by Malcom Gladwell (he also has a podcast). Both are more about big picture trends in behavior and successful people. I loved them both, which is why I wanted to mention both. Bonus points that Gladwell has an extremely easy to listen to voice.

Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

Another funny listen. I really love listening to the audiobook version of funny books, especially when they are read by the author (which I think is most of the time). It’s almost like the book becomes a performance instead. Love it.

What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

I recently listened to this on a drive to and from Nashville to visit Elsie and really, really loved every minute of it. I almost wished the drive was longer so I could finish it, and I pretty much never wish that drive was longer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Even if you are not a fan of Clinton, I would highly recommend you listen to this book because it will probably convert you. I was already a big fan, and was proud to vote for her in the last election, but this book made me wish we could be friends. I found it absolutely inspiring as a woman and wife, and it made me excited to be a mother and grandmother one day too. Clinton made me laugh, made me cry, and made we want to stand up for what I believe in, no matter the circumstances or obstacles.

Meaningful Work by Shawn and Lawren Askinosie

Elsie and I are such big fans of Shawn and Lawren and the brand they have built with Askinosie Chocolate. Not only do they produce some of the very best chocolate in the world, they use every aspect of the their business to promote equality and fairness within the world. It reminds me I have so far to go as a business owner, and it inspires me to keep dreaming and keep opening my heart.

Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman

I wanted to add a book for any expecting parents and this one has been recommend by so many mom friends. I love the concept behind it, plus I always enjoy learning how things are done in other countries around the world. It always feels good to broaden your perspective a little or at least I think so.

How to Be Married by Jo Piazza

This one is on my list as it was recommended by a friend. The basic premise is you learn principles about marriage from five (very) different women’s perspectives from around the world. I love being married to my best friend and I am always looking to learn more and improve our relationship. So I am really excited to check out this book soon.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

I read this one last year and really loved it. It’s all about how we form habits, change habits, and how they play such a big role in our day-to-day lives. When you get into good habits, it can feel so great and have such wonderful consequences. But getting out of bad habits is always SO hard and can feel incredibly frustrating and even hurt your self esteem as you struggle to change. If you’re looking to change or just understand more why we do what we do, give this book a listen.

Happy Money by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton

I love money and personal finance books. Maybe that’s a bit nerdy to admit, but I just didn’t grow up with a lot of knowledge in those areas, so I’ve always been motivated to grow and learn more. What I love about this book is it’s not just about basic principles like how to save or budget; it dives deep and focuses in on the role of money in our lives. The bottom line: Money should be used to provide the maximum amount of happiness to ourselves and the world. And spoiler: Science shows that has nothing to do with how many material things you fill your house with. It’s about experiences, love, and giving back.

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer

I know I’ve included three funny books on this list, but I know the holidays can be stressful and I just feel like sometimes we need a good laugh. Honestly, this book is hilarious, but it’s also really thought-provoking and inspiring. It’s sort of the best of both worlds, so if you haven’t checked out Amy’s book yet you totally should because it rules.

Happy and safe travels to you all!!! xo. Emma

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman. Photo: Laura Gummerman.

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