Best Friends Forever

Best friends 1Best friends 1Best friends 1Best friends 1Best friends 1Best friends 1Best friends 1Lately we've been working so much. Yes, much more than normal. Some friends on instagram were asking me for time management advice last night and the more I thought about it, the more I really felt like I can't take credit. Emma helps me a lot, more than most people realize. She balances me and gives me gentle (and not so gentle) reminders before deadlines. She helps me prioritize in ways I never knew possible. I often get overwhelmed with our lists, but together we stay focused each day and knock out as many items as possible. So maybe she's the one whos should be giving advice? Without her I'd be a mess. xo, elsie

Outfit Details: Emma- Dress c/o Vivat Veritas, Yellow Sandals c/o BC Footwear. Elsie- Dress + Belt/Vintage, Shoes/Saltwater Sandals, Glasses c/o 11 Eureka. Best Friends iPhone cases c/o Rebecca Minkoff. ♥ 

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