Casual Friday Vol. 19

Casual Friday Vol 19!Happy Casual Friday on a Saturday everyone! Did everyone venture out for Black Friday!? Anyone? I for one am not like a huge shopper or anything, but I think Black Friday is super fun when you have a drive-through breakfast (while it's still dark), a big cup of hot coffee, Christmas magic in the air, and people-watching all the crazies fighting over things. But maybe that makes ME one of the crazies. If you can't beat 'em, then definitely watch them and take incriminating videos and post them to Instagram, right? Just kidding.

Casual Friday Vol 19! Casual Friday Vol 19!  Casual Friday Vol 19!   Casual Friday Vol 19!    This week was spent shooting and preparing for our extra exciting new products that launched yesterday: 2015 Planners and some really fun phone cases! I love the Messy one. My husband will agree that the Messy statement is very appropriate for me.

Casual Friday Vol 19!     Casual Friday Vol 19!      Casual Friday Vol 19!       Casual Friday Vol 19!        And now that it's socially acceptable to decorate for the holidays in most circles, then count us all in. I've been waiting for this moment since September, which is not a joke. 🙂 Considering we have been breaking out our holiday decorations for shoots for the past couple of months, it feels like the wait to put our tree up has been an eternity!

Well, now for something kind of sad to talk about, but also happy for me. I know I'm (Sarah) not a very consistently present voice on A Beautiful Mess, but I've been behind the scenes full-time taking photos, creating photo filters for Party Party and A Beautiful Mess apps, Photoshop actions and Lightroom presets, and launching my Photoshop for Bloggers E-course! My husband and I moved here from Phoenix, AZ to work with Elsie, Emma, and the team, and we have completely loved it.

Casual Friday Vol 19!         Casual Friday Vol 19!          But this will be my last Casual Friday post as we have made the hard—but good—decision to have me stay at home with our daughter Imogen. (In the photos above, the gals all dressed up in my style as a surprise on my last day with bright red lipstick, chambray, and black and white. Hilarious!!) If you're a working parent, you might be able to relate to that feeling of leaving your sweet babe with someone else all day, and even if they are fantastic and loving to your child, it is still hard. Imogen just turned a year old last week, and I am incredibly excited for this new chapter of life for us! I'll miss you all, your comments and input, your encouragements, and most of all, my buddies here at ABM (and if I'm being honest, the free-flowing coffee)… but I'm not dead yet, so feel free to say hi on Instagram at @arrowandapple! It would make my day to hear from you. And my husband Josh is still a part of the ABM team, so we'll still be around the studio popping in from time to time! PS: keep an eye out for our nursery room tour next week. 🙂

I hope you all have a happy and cozy weekend, full of bargains and stuff. 🙂 xo – Sarah

Credits// Author: Sarah Rhodes. Photography: Emma Chapman, Joshua Rhodes, Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with Naomi, Suzette, and B+W: Wyoming from The Lightroom Collection.

  • Bittersweet moments, but all of you are rocking that color palette. I was telling Johanna ( how I’ve been looking for a really good chambray, and can’t find a flattering fit for myself. So the search continues!

    Good luck on all of your new adventures with Imogen!



  • Yay for you!! So happy you can be a SAHM to little Imogen. Best wishes but we will miss you on ABM.

  • I’m sorry to hear that’s your last post here, but, as daughter of a stay-at-home mom, I’m happy for you, because you’re going to do a big gift to Imogen. So, good luck for your new daily life and a warm hug + thanks for your photos, filters (I love them all!), posts…! xo. Alice

  • Oh, I always love your post and seeing your cheery face on the blog….will miss you. Enjoy every moment with your daughter (as the Mama of an almost 9 and an almost 5 year old, I can vouch for the fact that *time with your children goes far too quickly*)…..

  • Bye Sarah :(. I am glad you are happy with your decision though! I love your photography and writing style!

    best wishes

  • Oh no! I will definitely miss you on here, Sarah! But I’m so happy for you as well, of course!! I wish you a great great time with your little one. <3

  • I always love your posts, Sarah, and of course your photography too! But, goodness, your little Imogen will thank you a million times over someday, I just know it. I’m in the stay-at-home-mama trench with you and I know it’s sometimes difficult, as I mentioned on your IG the other day, but boy do we have a good thing going. What a huge privilege it is. And I don’t think we’ll ever, ever regret the journey. I still get to enjoy my creative jaunts here and there and I know that someday I’ll be sitting around wishing these years back. There’s plenty of time for my creative outlets in the future, I’m sure of it. And they’ll be waiting for me when the time comes. But for now, these babies are so precious and time is fleeting. I’ve got to grab time by the horns while I can with these sweet ones. But somebody please remind me of these truths every once in a while, wink wink, and puhlease pass me a grande Starbucks’ chai while they’re at it! : ) Love to you today, mama!

  • That is so great that they all dressed up in your style. I’m sure it was a really tough decision but I’m happy for you and your family, and it’ll be nice to still be connected to ABM. Best of luck!

  • It will be really weird to not see Sarah’s voice popping in here and there, but I love that she made this decision and hope that it’s rewarding for her. Looking forward to seeing where this takes your team!

  • Such a bittersweet moment. I’m sure Imogen will love having you home with her all day – you should be very proud of yourself for making this decision (even though I’m going to miss you like crazy)! I wish you the absolute best in your future endeavors as a mom Sarah! Also, your style is and always has been, the bomb. xx

  • I literally just made this decision myself two weeks ago. I Have a 10 month old daughter and it was a really tough decision for me because I loved my job! But it just wasn’t working for our little family. I pray you find joy in your new life at home with your girl! Good luck!

  • I’m not a frequent commenter, even though I’ve been reading ABM for at least five years, but I felt the need to comment on this post.

    Sarah, you’re my favourite voice here on the blog and I’m so sorry to see you go. We have a six-month-old baby girl that I have the privilege of staying home with for now, so I completely understand your decision. Kudos to you for making the tough call! I hope you’ll go back to more frequent blogging on your personal blog – I want to still hear from you! Enjoy this special time with your little one – you deserve it, mama.

  • Stay at home moms rock! Sarah you are going to love it! Best wishes to you and your family!

    From a mom who stayed home with both her kids who are now grown and I have never regretted that decision – I wish the same for you.

  • I have admired your work for so long! I know it will always be fantastic – as full time mom or full time photographer or somewhere in between. Best wishes and lots of love!

  • It feels like a weird thing to say CONGRATS to, but seriously…congrats on making this hard decision. I’ll be finishing my last day at the dance studio I LOVE teaching at on December 20th because our wee daughter is on the way in January. I read a lovely quote that said, “there is BEAUTY in walking away.” walk that way girl, walk it proud;)

  • I’m so curious to see what the black room on the main floor is being used for, now that the big communal office table has been moved up stairs. It looks like it’s some kind of project room or craft room now.
    Will we get a peek any time soon?

  • I completely understand your decision! They grow up so fast, I stayed home with mine and went back to work when they were school-aged. My husband actually stayed home with our last child while I worked since my mom was ill and desperately needed my help in our family company. Enjoy the home time with Imogen!

  • Sarah, I wish you all the best and a lovely time with Imogen. Totally understandable that you made that decision.

  • Sarah, that’s awesome! So excited for the new chapter for you. I hope you love it!

    Can we get the scoop on Emma’s swan shirt and blazer? Insanely cute.

  • my kids are 8 & 10 & i stayed home with them before they went to school & i am so glad i did. it goes super fast (though some days did drag on forever!) & you’ll look back & wonder what in the heck happened (i’m sure you have already experienced that a bit with IQ turning 1). it’s not possible for a lot of parents to do it & though i remember feeling a bit guilty, mostly it is just lovely to get to be there as they grow <3
    have fun!
    remember it's not always easy but it's worth it.

  • You’ll be missed, but I am so, so happy for you and your family! Wishing you all the best! 🙂

  • Congratulations! You will NEVER regret the decision to spend as much time as possible with little Imogen. She will be grown before you know it!! Enjoy every minute!

  • I love Casual Friday. We’ll miss you Sarah! I think it’s a brave and unregrettable decision though. The time with our children is priceless. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be at home, even though it’s hard also. I love your style, so looking forward to the nursery tour!

  • I’ll miss you so much, Sarah. I’ve always loved your photos throughout the website and Casual Fridays is my favorite section. I hope you and Imogen have a wonderful time together.

  • Oh, Sarah! How sad I am to see you leave ABM, but I am equally EXCITED (!) for this new adventure in your life of being a stay-at-home mom! Good for you for making that big decision with your husband! I am confident that you made the right choice. I do have to say, however, that it has been such a delight seeing your beautiful work displayed on ABM, and I will forever drool over your beautiful photoshop actions (<3)!


  • Such a bittersweet moment :(. So so so happy for you and Imogen. But also so sad that you’re leaving the ABM team. You have been such a fantastic addition and I love your voice. Please tell me you’ll do some guest features!!
    Gonna miss you!!

    Kris |

  • So sad to see you go! I remember when it was first announced that you and your husband would be moving to Missouri to join the team. What a wonderful gift you are given to Imogen and I hope the transition is seamless and wonderful for you

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