Sister Style: Comfort Zones

Comfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesThroughout the years I’ve had a lot of comfort zones. Some of which I cannot defend. Like the several years I wore yoga pants everywhere (except in photos, that was literally the only time I took off my yoga pants)… or the 20 inch hair extensions paired with a myspace mullet. Haha! I’ve had a lot of awkward phases in my life. Socks with sandals, you guys.

This morning I read a blog comment (on another Sister Style post) kindaaa complaining that all my outfits look the same. I thought about it (for, like, ever) as one does. And you know what… it’s true! But I’m not sure that it bothers me.

Is that bad?

You see, I’m finally finding a groove with my style. I have my three “uniforms”, I’m shopping smarter, and I’m wearing the new stuff I’m purchasing over and over and over! I’m SO happy! I really am dressing up cute every day—in fact, my yoga pants are making almost no public appearances these days.

But, yeah. I can see how it’s maybe a little repetitive too. But it’s my real closet that I’m sharing here. So maybe that’s OK? I’m OK with it, but let me know if you’re not. (We can still be friends even if you think my outfit photos are boring… haha!)

Comfort Zones Elsie’s Wearing: Dress/Free People (it’s called “the perfect dress” and I don’t completely disagree), Tights/ASOS (sold out, but here’s a similar pair), Clogs/Swedish Hasbeens, Sunnies/Zero UV…. the usual suspects. 

Emma! Take it away!

Emma Chapman Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Faux fur coat Glitter shoesHmm. Now you have me thinking about comfort zones too. I think it’s pretty obvious that I love tees. Always have, probably always will. They are just too easy to wear, and you can transition from wearing one with a skirt or jeans during the day, to yoga pants after work to head to the gym. I’ve only worn this alien tee to the gym once so far, but I’ve worn my two the babe with the power tees to the gym only about 100 times. Ha! I like to think it helps me channel some inner strength so I can lift those weights. 😉

And in case you’re curious, I am currently way into Les Mills Body Pump classes at my local YMCA. I’ve been going between 2-3 times a week for the past 4+ months, and I love it. I met one super cute blog reader in class already, so if any of you locals see me there, say hi.

I digress. Comfort zones. In addition to tees, I probably prefer to wear flat shoes more often than heels. I especially love sandals but the Midwest weather just doesn’t allow sandal wearing year round. But then I just have something to look forward to. 😉 I also think I’m pretty set on keeping my hair ombre for a long time. I often think about going all blonde again (like I did for my wedding) because I love platinum. I mean I grew up idolizing Gwen Stefani. But, I worry I won’t make the time to get my roots done often enough, so I feel like ombre is more my speed.

Burmuda Press tee Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Faux fur coatEmma’s Wearing: Coat + sunnies/SheIn, Skirt/F21, Alien tee/Bermuda Press, Shoes/ASOS (similar here), and Purse c/o Fossil

What about you guys? What are your comfort zones? xo. Elsie + Emma

Credits // Author: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Photography: Amber Ulmer and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions

  • Jeans are definitely my comfort zone. I wear jeans every day. About the comments, I sometimes worry that the readers of my blog are also gonna complain that my style is always the same but if I feel good with the clothes I wear, why please others? I advise you to do the same because nobody’s opinion on you matters more than your own.

  • Not bad at all – your blog, your body, your photos, your clothes. I love your attitude!! (And I think you look gorgeous.)

  • Elsie, who cares if they have a similar look if they’re all super cute! <3

    Emma, I'm with you on the t-shirts. My comfort zone if t-shirts and jeans and converse. Lately I've been feeling sort of bad about it though. Like I want to be more fancy in my everyday wear but I wear a uninform five days a week on the weekend I go straight for comfort. And dresses have never seemed super comfortable to me. So there's that dilemna.

  • You’ll hardly ever catch me without a cardigan. It’s my grown up version of wearing a hoodie everyday!

    We all have our go-to’s but there is something to be said for giving your style a refresh occasionally. It could be a fun segment to have a friend go through your closet and style a few outfits for you. It helps to bring a fresh set of eyes into the mix sometimes!

  • Love the jewel toned color and the pattern mixing. You two always nail your looks!


  • Let me suggest that one of the hardest comfort zones to confront is color choice. We have our favorites, and are drawn to them again and again and again. Even when there’s a display rack chock full of gorgeous colors in t-shirts or whatever, our eyes (and emotion!) go to the same limited few.

    I work as a costume designer and have had countless discussions with people about color. When creating an actor’s wardrobe, I am approaching it with fresh eyes, so to speak. I’m thinking, for example, that “she would look beautiful in pink (or fill in the blank)”. When we have our first fitting, she graciously (and quietly) tries on the pink outfit…only to come out beaming and saying “I never wear pink, but I love this!”. I also hear a lot of “my mother always dressed me in (blank) and I have avoided it all these years…lol

    Don’t be afraid of color, and try one you typically would “never” wear. You may be pleasantly surprised, and get a real lift!

  • Elsie- I have been loving seeing your sister styles lately. I don’t think your outfits are boring at all.
    Emma- I’m totally with you on the t shirts.
    For years my comfort zone was black, but about a year ago I started wearing a lot more color and I’m loving it. My red hair is probably my current comfort zone. I’ve had so many different hair colors, but been a red head the longest and have no plans to change it anytime soon.

  • My ultimate comfort zone clothing-wise is a blouse/tee that can handle rough and tough, slim bootleg jeans in a darker wash, and a cardigan with the sleeves rolled up to quarter length. I could live in different combos of that outfit forever. Comfy, cozy, and confident.

    I even have one for dressing up. A skater dress, tights, and boots. Haha. With of course, a cardi in hand!

    Speaking of comfort zones, one of them, like Emma mentioned, is hair. I love my bangs and don’t know if I could ever grow them out now. They’re pretty much inherently me.

  • Elsie your style is not boring . I wear a black dress with black knee socks or tights every day . I’m addicted to black clothes . At least you wear colour!

  • I mean honestly you should wear what you feel comfortable in. It doesn’t matter what others think (unless your outfit is way inappropriate for the occasion….like don’t go work in your office in workout outfits you know what I mean?). I have noticed that Elsie is mostly wearing the same style of dresses these days but that’s what you wear now and the sister style posts are about what you wear. I personally haven’t always loved both of your outfits because it’s not my personal style not because the outfit is bad or boring. I tend to show my style on the weekends but struggle with my office outfits sometimes (especially in the winter because I hate being cold and it’s always freezing at my desk so I avoid dresses and skirts most of winter and that limits me a lot). Pinterest is my friend on that point 😉

  • Elsie, I love that you are sticking to your style and re-wearing your clothes! Too often in the blogosphere we’re inundated with bloggers trying to sell us clothing – always wearing an entire new outfit in every post – and that’s just not attainable to most of us! I’ve kind of put a shopping block on myself and have been having fun getting creative with my wardrobe – finding things I never wear and styling them in new ways. 🙂 I’ve seen so many Valentine’s outfit posts and thought it’d be fun to use what I already have for night out inspiration. I shared some “Valentine’s Outfits” through the decades if you want to take a look. 🙂 Have a feeling your vintage loving self would (maybe? possibly?) be into it, haha.
    Also, Emma, totally digging your coat!!

  • A message tee and jeans with Chucks are my total uniform. I “dress them up” with a cardigan and pins sometimes! Ever since I started my business full time, I’ve been wearing what I want because I don’t work for The Man anymore but sometimes I miss tights and skirts. Sometimes.
    Maybe someday. And Emma I LOVE your ombre! It’s fabulous! When I got one done I took them a picture of you because yours is perfection!

  • I love your style Elsie. I love it because it is you. It reminds me of you. And if you stick to it or take on a challenge to shake things up a bit it is totally ok. Style decisions are personal. Mark Zuckerberg wears like the exact same outfit to every photo. According to him it helps him channel his creative mental energy into the things that matter to him. So who cares if the world thinks it is boring?

    Now in your case I notice that you have sort of established yourself online as a person with distinctive, creative and a varied sense of fashion. At one point I even remember reading a post in which you were predicting that dog dalmatian print could potentially be the next IT print as is the case with zebra print, or cheetah print. So, maybe the opinions in the audience come from a preconceived idea of what your style should deliver to their entertainment needs.

    It is up to you to decide how to channel that.

  • I would so much rather see a reflection of someone’s real wardrobe than a totally new outfit each time!

  • I’ve also noticed that your outfits are just repeats in different colors. Is it kinda boring from a viewer point of view? Yeah. But, I don’t care. I just don’t read the post. I do, however, wonder how you function? Are you wearing shorts underneath?

  • Elsie and Emma-I love these posts!!! Why: because you are authentic entrepreneurs who love creativity, and enjoy expressing yourselves through clothes. I adore Miss Stefani(lifelong Gwen Fans Unite!) I think what makes these posts so fun is you ladies showing us joy in dressing up:) It’s infectious and I appreciate you making the effort to document for us readers. I love seeing real women being creative with their clothes. Dressing up is so fun, and if you get joy from it, don’t ever stop-life is better lived with joy:) Elsie please save all the dresses-your kids will love having all that history that’s stylish and uniquely Mom:) Also may I ask next time you get together to do another cooking segment? Maybe on Facebook Live?

  • I definitely don’t think you should change what you wear for other people, just wear what makes YOU happy! I’d rather read a blog post by someone who is genuinely happy and being themselves, as opposed to someone who is being forced to pretend to be something they’re not.

    Sure, people say it’s good to get out of your comfort zone every now and then, but if you do that and don’t like it, don’t beat yourself up. We’re all unique and should embrace that fact – even if you being “boring” is what makes you unique!

  • I think it would be really weird to click on a sister style post and see you wearing something that obviously wasn’t very ‘you’ if that makes sense Elsie – like you were wearing it purely for pictures rather than for the joy of it! I never bore of clothes, I feel like I can come to this post time and time again for vintage inspired style from Elsie and quirkier ideas from Emma and there’s nothing wrong with that! I’m curious about the hair though Emma, did you dye it for the wedding because ombre was a fairly recent hair trend and you wanted something else for the pictures? I remember you had to dye it back for one of the books soon after the wedding – do you think you would have kept it if you hadn’t had to do that? Just nosy I guess!

  • My fringe!! People always ask me how long I’m planning on keeping my fringe (or in US I think bangs? I’m in Australia). I think it really suits my face and it makes me happy to see you have had your fringe for a long time too Elsie- it rocks! BTW I love the style pics- they are nice reminders to get me thinking about my own style.

  • I honeslty don’t feel like you’re wearing the same thing over and over, you do have your style and of course it shows in the outfits you’re wearing, that’s what i love! I don’t follow trends and i’m not interested in bloggers that do because there is nothing personal it’s the same thing that everybody else wear that season and it makes me even less attracted to it.
    You girls have you own style, never follow popular trends and just go with your own flow, that’s what i love about you, and why i get so inspired by you.
    You do you, that’s what works best you guys!

  • The truth? I’ve been over sister style for a few months now. It’s not your style that is boring, I think its just too often. It seems like sister style is every week:( (you don’t have to post this btw if you don’t want to:)With that being said, I do like the segment just not as often. I miss the renovations. ABM is my go to blog so I LOVE you guys, im not going anywhere:)

  • I’ve wondered that too! I sometimes like the very short dresses that I see but I can’t imagine how one would actually do anything in them without showing the bootie!

  • Thanks! That’s really good to hear!! I feel torn about it, but I think I definitely land more not that side of things. I mean- this isn’t a fashion blog and we started sharing outfits because it was fun… :)) xx- Elsie

  • Really? Does this look too short to you?

    I have a couple things that are so short (or could blow in the wind) where I do wear tiny shorts. I also wear a lot of tights. And I TRY to wear long skirts, I really do, it’s just not my comfort zone.

    xx- Elsie

  • I love both your styles, a lot. I like Elsie wearing the same styles over and over again. They look awesome on her. But these sister style posts are just not that compelling, you know?

  • Sister Style posts are one of my favorites! I hope you always continue to do them!! The one recently where everyone listed their favorite albums was so fun to read! You both have great style and I look forward to these posts!!

  • I’m really challenging my wardrobe at the moment too – trying to find my ‘uniform’ if you know what I mean. I read the book you recommended, Elsie. Good read. It empowered me to purchase a fine knit 70s turtle neck. And you know what? I totally rocked it. Hey, Emma. You do suit platinum (very Game of Thrones) but ombré is hot too! Be sure to drink lots of water at the gym, the Les Mills classes are serious!

  • I love all your posts but, since you asked. I think for me there have just been a lot of sister style posts recently. I know it’s not every other day, but it FEELS like every other day. It’s totally fine, because it’s YOUR blog, but if you want my opinion, I could do with about half the amount of sister style posts. I’d love to see more posts of restaurants, cute places you are trying out in Nashville!

  • I so much prefer seeing your real actual clothes than I would seeing more out-there, but not practical wear-to-the-store things. I sew quite a bit of my own wardrobe, which I think makes me very aware of knowing which things I actually wear from day-to-day. Putting not only money, but a chunk of time into each piece added to my closet makes me more mindful of what I’m willing to put that time into and really consider if it’s something that I will actually wear! Plus, isn’t a smaller wardrobe that you truly love just so liberating??

  • Elsie, I honestly think your style is so much more relatable now! I mean, I always admire yours and Emma’s creative and bold styles but I love that your new “uniforms” are making your closet so consistent and more iconic. 😉

    I love all colors, so I used to be all over the place with my wardrobe but now I really only buy things in shades of red or blue plus neutrals like beige, white, grey, and black, with the occasional pink or olive accents. This is my comfort zone and it’s so much easier to look put together when I limit my clothing color palette!

  • I am so boring sometimes with my style…but it makes me so happy because I dont have to worry about what to wear every morning! I think it’s great that you have a go to style, and it’s not like you’re wearing the exact same outfit for all of these posts! Honestly I love reading the content on these posts even more than I worry too much about your outfits…so please don’t stop! 🙂

  • I’m totally with you when it comes to a lot of my outfit posts looking similar … I think it’s just a sign of you finding your personal style! It’s something totally you, and even if you have your go-to uniforms there’s always room to mix things up a little with different accessories. I think it’s a good thing!

    Chelcey |

  • Haha I was trying to take a photo of me wearing my latest DIY for the blog and couldn’t find a single matching thing to wear. So I suddenly wondered whether you guys repeat your clothing in the photo shootS! 🙂

  • Glamour meets comfort here. Well again nice styled way. Specifically the color zone that make all the things perfect. Well Written. Keep Blogging

  • You look so vibrant in your retro-modern dress. Your style in clothing is very unique. I can see that you are not afraid to experiment and mix and match something new and creative.

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