Crazy Pattern Mixing

Work Wears with Elsie Larson : A Beautiful MessLast week Emma kicked off our new fashion feature, Work Wears! It's a pretty simple concept (and God knows we need simple right now!). We're sharing real outfits that we wear at work along with some little peeks of what we're working on at the moment. 

We didn't always put effort into our work clothes. Years of DIYing trained us to be pretty casual (read— lazy) with our work wear. For me it's been mostly a yoga pants uniform for the past few years (nothing wrong with yoga pants, but I'm not doing ANY yoga here at work—haha!). This past year, we started dressing up more. Nothing like hiring employees to help keep us accountable! And you know what? It's been really fun. I feel more productive and more ready for my work day when I'm excited about what I'm wearing. It's a total mind game, but it works for me. All of that to say—we're excited to share some of our office looks with you. This will be fun! 

ElsieWhat I'm wearing: Vera Scarf/The Birdcage Vintage Etsy, Necklace/Need Supply, Top/F21 (I cut the sleeves off), Skirt/Anthropologie (a few years old), Bag/Madewell, Clogs c/o Swedish Hasbeens. Oh, and a fitbit… function over fashion right there. 

Work Wears with Elsie Larson : A Beautiful Mess Work Wears with Elsie Larson : A Beautiful Mess Elsie's messy officeCurrent project? Decorating my new office. My goal is to have it done and ready to share with you by September. Andddd this is how it looks today. 

So—funny story! We recently decided to move all the office spaces upstairs so we could give people a bit more space. When we were planning the rooms, Jacki and Sarah immediately "called" sharing Emma's office because she's clean and very quiet when she's working. I volunteered to share my room with Laura, but because I am storing a bunch of supplies for one of our new projects in there, Emma said I could have my own office. Basically, nobody wanted to share with me because I'm messy. Ha! 

Washi tape + rope
Washi tape + rope
Washi tape + ropeEven though I am, by far, the messiest person here at A Beautiful Mess, I am working really hard to create an organized, colorful, and functional office area. It's a ton of fun! I'll share more as we go. 

Washi tape + ropeLaura brought me this disposable camera snap from Costa Rica, and it's my first photo in the new space. Many more to come, but this one's a keeper! Reminds me of ALL my photos from high school. 

Washi tape + ropeI've been collecting vintage Vera Nuemann scarves from Etsy for a while now. They have so much personality, and there seems to be an endless supply of different patterns and colors. It's my favorite vintage collection at the moment. 

It's tooooo cold in hereOh, and before I go, here's a not-so-subtle hint to some of my co-workers (cough, cough, Trey George) who like to keep it reallll chilly around here. Hoodies are, sadly, a big part of my summertime work outfits. Haha! 

Love you guys! Elsie 

Credits // Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with Stella and Merit from The Signature Collection

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