Dinner At Joy The Baker’s House!

Whiskey Lemonade with Mint!Whiskey Lemonade with Mint!Last weekend one of our favorite bloggers, Joy The Baker, invited us over for dinner. (Insert fan girl screams here… We love her!) We brought supplies to make a version of our whiskey lemonade, this time with mint simple syrup, fresh mint and an edible flower just because it's pretty. 

Dinner with Joy The BakerDinner with Joy The BakerDinner with Joy The BakerDinner with Joy The BakerDinner with Joy The BakerDinner with Joy The BakerJoy's yard is such a dreamy space, perfect for a casual dinner with new friends! She made a delicious chocolate chip cake and she let us test some super secret (shh!) ice cream recipes. We had a wonderful time. It was inspiring to soak up a little bit of Joy's magic. xo. Elsie + Emma

ps. If you haven't read Joy's Cookbook, you're missing out!

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