DIY Hanging Planter Ornament

This one is for all you plant ladies out there. Go on, raise your hand with me. It’s OK if you are a plant lady who also tends to kill your indoor plants (shhhhh … me too). It’s the thought that counts this time of year, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

In all seriousness, this super simple DIY ornament is even easier to care for than any indoor plant because, well, it’s fake. Ha! But it looks like you have a tiny little plant baby hanging from your tree and that’s pretty fun, if you ask me. These would make a fun little gift or a really easy craft night project. They require only a handful of supplies and 30 minutes or less to make!

You could easily customize these by painting the pots or adding other little embellishments. As you can see, I decided to add a little gold metallic sheen to the outside of my final pots, but you could do whatever may look best on your tree or around your home.

-thick string, thin rope, or yarn
-small ceramic pots
faux plants
-hot glue gun + glue
-paint (optional)

I really liked the kind of fake plant you see pictured because once cut down it still looked pretty realistic in my tiny pots. But you could use a variety of things here, including making your own felt plant leaves if you wanted a less realistic look.

Step One: Cut six pieces of the yarn/string equal sizes. I cut mine 18 inches, but this may vary some depending how long you want your planters to hang.

Step Two: Tie one big knot at the bottom, leaving a short tail. Then tie three more knots, each made of two different strands.

Step Three: Now tie three more knots, uniting the different strands. In the photo above, I left one knot out so I could lay the strings flat for you to see how this should be done. Now your pot will be able to sit inside the center of the strands. But wait to tie the top knot until you’ve added the plant.

Step Four: Use a hot glue gun to adhere the fake plant(s) inside your pot. If you choose to paint your pot, this is also a good time to do that and allow to fully dry. Then add the pot to your hanger and tie the top knot. Trim any excess.

You can repeat this process for however many plant babies you want to create for your tree. Happy holidays! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with ACS for Desktop.

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