DIY Rustic Clipboards

Diy clipboard to display photos in your homeI have always loved the look of displaying photos or small art with clipboards. Rachel always has a few scattered here and there in her home and it's super cute. You could customize store bought clipboards by painting them or adding to them in some way. But one day last week it dawned on me, why not make your own using found wood? And so, I did.Clipboard DIYFirst I needed to find some boards that would work as the base of the clipboards. I had this really rustic looking black board that I cut (using a saw) into three pieces the size of a standard clipboard. I purchased some clipboard hardware from Amazon.Clipboard hardwareAnd then I attached the hardware on to the boards by marking where my screws needed to go, drilling a pilot hole and then screwing on the clips. Once I had the supplies this entire project took less than fifteen minutes.How to make your own rustic clipboard for displaying artI'm currently doing a little painting in my living room, but as soon as that's completed I can't wait to display these in my home! Use whatever kind of wood base that fits your aesthetic and have fun making your own easy art display. πŸ™‚ xo. Emma

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