DIY Velcro Bedskirt

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialVintage headboards are pretty easy to find at antique shops and flea markets, but the caveat is that they usually don’t come with bed frames. I wasn’t sure how I would make this frameless metal headboard work when I found it last year, but that didn’t stop me from taking it home with me! I did what I normally do and just figured it out after the fact. A family member ended up giving us an old, unused metal bed frame that I bolted to the headboard, the ugly steel and a tattered box spring was completely visible underneath the pretty bedding. Not wanting to settle for just any ol’ bedskirt for this pretty vintage bed, I figured it was a good candidate for an easy sewing DIY!

This velcro bedskirt was very simple to make and it really elevates the entire look of the bed. I don’t have any wasted fabric that rests on top of the box spring, as I would with a normal bedskirt, and if your bed is in the corner, you don’t even have to make three sides! I also love how easy the velcro attachment makes pulling off the skirt in case it needs to be washed. Check out how you can make one too!

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialSupplies:
-muslin fabric (check step one to figure out yardage and width) (I used muslin because it’s the least expensive white fabric I could find at $2 a yard before my 50% off coupon at JoAnn.)
-trim (I found this fringe inexpensively online through a Chinese retailer)
sticky-back velcro for fabrics (I used 1.5 packs for a twin bed.)
-straight pins
-matching thread
-tape measure

Not Pictured:
-sewing machine
-iron & ironing board

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialStep One: Take measurements of your box spring. This will determine the lengths of fabric you will cut in the next step.

Measurement one: (Length of bed sides) + (4″ hem allowance and overlap allowance) = length of pieces you will cut in step two

Measurement two: (Distance from top of box spring to floor) – (2″ hem allowance) – (preferred breathing space below) – (any trim overlap) = width of pieces you will cut in step two

Determining width of muslin to buy:
Multiply “measurement two” x 3 and that is the minimum width of muslin you should buy. My combined total was 36″, and thankfully that is a standard muslin width. So I was able to buy one piece of 36″ muslin the length of my bed and cut it into three long strips as shown below. Be sure to add about 1/8 yard to the total fabric you purchase to account for shrinking when you wash the fabric before beginning the project.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialStep Two: Wash and dry your fabric before doing anything! Then cut three fabric strips to the measurements you figured in step one.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialIron 1/2″ of your fabric edges, and fold it over another 1/2″ and iron to make a hem.

Step Three: Pin down the hem and stitch it into place.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialStep Four: Repeat steps 2-3 for the ends of the pieces.

Step Five: Pin your trim material to the nice edge of your bedskirt and stitch into place.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialStep Six: Attach the fuzzy and poky sides of the velcro strips together and cut out 1″ pieces. Peel off the backs of the fuzzy sides and attach a few inches apart from each other on the top of the back side of the fabric pieces. It’s important to use the fuzzy sides on your fabric and the poky sides on the box spring so you can wash them later and not worry about the poky velcro ruining delicates in the washing machine.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialStep Seven: Peel off the back of the poky velcro pieces that are attached to the velcro on the fabric and push it into the the box spring. Make sure you overlap the pieces at the foot of the bed as length allows.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialeasy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialLook how easy it is to remove! No more wrestling with the mattress when the bedskirt needs laundering.

easy and inexpensive velcro bedskirt tutorialThis bed looks 100% better than it did before the bedskirt, and what an easy little sewing project to do! –Mandi

Credits // Author and Photography: Mandi Johnson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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