Donut Apron DIY

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Do-nut miss this opportunity to make (quite possibly) the cutest apron of all time! OK, I’ll try and keep the donut puns to a minimum for the rest of this post, but I make no promises…With all the cooking we do here at ABM, I thought it would be a good idea to have my very own apron to wear whenever I get in on the cooking action. I’m not nearly at Emma’s culinary level yet, but I thought maybe wearing an apron would make me feel more official as I continue to learn. You know, something classy that says, “Let’s have fun in the kitchen!” but also, “I’m taking this very seriously!” and a bit of, “Oh man, I hope you like this, please eat around that one burnt end…” It seemed obvious to me that a donut apron would say all of the above. So working with our awesome supporters at Canon USA, that’s the direction I chose to go.

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial)

-plain white apron
-iron-on transfer paper (for light colored fabric)
donut photo download
(right click to save)

Canon PIXMA MG7520 Photo Printer

First you’ll want to print your donuts onto your transfer paper. We printed ours with the PIXMA MG7520 because we are just using multiple sheets of 8.5″ x 11″, and this little guy is super simple to use and gives us great results on iron-on paper.

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Cut around the outside and inside edge of each of your donuts. Place your donuts on top of your apron to see what placement you like the best. I planned for a few of my donuts to go over the edge and trimmed them so they would fit right up against the hem, but you can keep all of yours within the apron if you like. 

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Flip over each donut so the printed side is facing the apron, and follow the instructions on your iron-on paper to adhere the donut. Most iron-ons require an iron that has the steam turned off, so make sure you change that setting before you iron.

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Once all the donuts are ironed on, allow the paper to completely cool before slowly peeling off the backing. 

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Once all the backings are removed, your apron should be ready to wear!

Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial)
Love this! Donut apron DIY (click through for tutorial) If you ask me, I think I look pretty professional in my new apron. Talk about a “sweet’ idea! Oh, come on, don’t let your eyes “glaze” over! I could have “filled” this post with puns, but I kept my word and only “sprinkled” them throughout the end. You’re laughing at me?! Man, the attitude towards puns is getting “cruller” and “cruller” these days, but I love them anyway! 😉 xo. Laura

Credits // Author: Laura Gummerman. Photography: Laura Gummerman and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions. 


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