Doren + Sarah’s Special Day

Wedding 3On October 1st my little brother, Doren, married this lovely lady. It was an incredible day full of autumn magic, pie and (of course) lots of love. I am so excited to share photos of their special day with you! 

Doren sarah 272Doren sarah 100Doren sarah 75Doren sarah 5736doren sarah On the morning of the wedding, we woke up early and traveled to a beautiful lakeside cabin about an hour away from Springfield. We picked up donuts for the bride-to-be. (remember the donut shower? mhmmm) It was very laid back and fun. I loved seeing everything they'd chosen and what everyone was wearing.

InstagramsHere are a few Instagram memories that I snapped with my phone. I love that top photo with our mom. Aren't the wheat bouquets a sweet idea?

Wedding 14Wedding 12Wedding 2It was so heartwarming to see Doren and Sarah so in love and so full of butterflies. They're perfect together.

Wedding 13Doren sarah 184Doren sarah 174Doren sarah 155Wedding 9Doren sarah 191BridesmaidsWedding 6Sarah wore a vintage lace dress from Red Velvet. It was really special to us to help her find the perfect dress. I loved all the fall colors that they chose. The cozy vibe was so good. 

Doren sarah 293Doren sarah 142Doren sarah 281Doren sarah 289Doren sarah 308Wedding 4The ceremony was too sweet. I tried not to cry…. and failed. I actually cried way more at Doren's wedding than at my own. It was wonderful. Full of love…

Doren sarah 295This is one of my favorite photos from the day. Grandparents are the best. So sweet. 

Doren sarah 22Doren sarah 63The reception is a very fond memory. There were picnic tables and blankets spread out. Cute kiddos running everywhere and good conversations. The sun was setting and it was absolutely beautiful. 

Doren sarah 143Doren sarah 221Doren sarah 347Doren sarah 349Doren sarah 354Ruby Doren sarah 20Hope emmaElsie katieI love all these little moments. Each one is so special… 

Doren sarah 359Doren sarah 356Doren sarah 362The dinner was a yummy BBQ meal put together by Sarah's father. It was casual and adorable! 

Wedding 7Wedding 8Doren sarah 365Doren sarah 355Emma created a beautiful dessert table with pies and caramel apples. It was super charming! I loved the mix of textured blankets, ripped fabric and pretty pies. 

Doren sarah 65Wedding 1Doren sarah 387The day came and went too quickly, as all weddings do. I am grateful to Janae Hardy for caputuring the wedding in such a beautiful way! These photos are a real treat. I have already looked at them about 100 times. Thanks so much for taking at peek at my brother's special day! xo. elsie

*All photos by Janae Hardy Photography (plus one by Skunkboy and some Instagrams from my phone). Special Thank Yous to my friends at 100 Layer Cake for featuring Doren + Sarah's wedding

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