Easy DIY Bulletin Board (Any Shape or Size)

Thought I’d share this super easy bulletin board project I made for my office recently. My (home) office is one place I just can’t seem to leave alone. Do you have a space in your house like that? For some reason I’m just never quite happy with the layout or the colors, and then I’ll also cycle through wanting lots of wall art and decor. Then one day I decide it’s too much and I become a minimalist for a couple months until the process starts over again. I think part of it is this is the space in my life that is 100% mine—kind of like your bedroom growing up (or your side of the bedroom during those years I shared a room). Of course, Trey has great taste (he married me after all), so I love decorating our house together. It’s not that I don’t feel free in other spaces, it’s more that I don’t feel as free to change all the time in other spaces.

Or maybe I just haven’t found the perfect setup yet. I don’t know. But at the moment, I’m redoing a few things in my home office again. 🙂

I am an avid list maker. I’m sitting at my desk typing this and I literally have SIX to-do lists around me right now. Some are daily, weekly, or monthly; although one has an action item I need to do throughout the year and the dates are the to-dos on that one. Anyway, you probably get the picture, I am a crazy lady when it comes to lists. I’d like to think it’s because I am that cool go-getter we all want to be, but if I’m being honest part of it is that I will totally forget to do things unless I write them down. So I’m a forgetful go-getter. And I’m OK with that.

The last thing you want to do with a to-do list is lose it! So for me, space to hang lists and reminders is really important in my work space. That’s why I decided I needed a larger bulletin board recently and I just wasn’t loving all the standard sizes, so I decided to make something custom for my office. Here’s how I made my own bulletin board in the exact size and shape I wanted.

-foam board
-tape (something strong like duct tape)
cork roll
-Elmer’s glue
-X-Acto knife
-Command strips

Step One: Cut the foam board so it’s the exact shape and size you want for your bulletin board, and tape together.

Step Two: Make sure the foam board fits in your space how you like. If needed, adjust at this point (use the X-Acto to cut more or add more foam board as needed).

Step Three: Cover one side of the foam board with the cork roll, use glue to adhere it. If you are creating a large bulletin board like me, you’ll likely have some seams and I recommend overlapping the cork slightly so that no white foam board shows through. Allow to completely dry.

Step Four: Use Command Strips to hang your new bulletin board in place. Command strips should be all you need unless you plan to hang a LOT of weight from your bulletin board, but I only use mine to hang papers and pictures. Pretty easy and you can totally customize this to fit any space, plus this project is super inexpensive and a great way to fill some wall space if you like the look (and usefulness) of a bulletin board. 🙂 Happy list making! xo. Emma

P.S. In case you’re curious, the two notepads on my desk are from Oui Fresh and the water cup is from Bando.

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with ACS for Desktop actions. Get 20% off with the code: abeautifulmess20

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