Exciting News From Elsie!!

OMG! We're adopting a baby!I am beyond excited to share with you guys that Jeremy and I are ADOPTING!!! 

Yep, still #notpregnant. Also, YES, that means there will be TWO ABM babies coming soon. Woooo!!!

Jeremy and I began the adoption process last summer, and it’s not super quick (our program takes an average of 18 months), but, luckily, I already feel like it’s flying by! I answer all the questions about timing, where we are adopting from and fertility on my family blog, The Larson House, in case you are curious.

After six months of keeping this huge secret, it’s so fun and surreal to finally share with you all! There are no words to express how excited and overwhelmed with love we feel. It’s the happiest time in my entire life.

Finding out Laura was expecting was one of the best days I can remember! There are so many things about adoption that are much different than pregnancy, but knowing I get to enter the “new mom” stage of life with her has been immensely comforting and exciting! We have been sending nursery ideas back and forth, talking about strollers and all that fun stuff. It’s so unbelievably exciting! I feel so lucky to share this season with her as well as so many other women I love.

Here are a bunch of photos we took to announce our new addition. We used some of these for our holiday cards, which went out last week. Eeeeek!

OMG! We're adopting a baby! OMG! We're adopting a baby! OMG! We're adopting a baby! OMG! We're adopting a baby! OMG! We're adopting a baby! OMG! We're adopting a baby! I’ll never forget when we were taking this photo a woman at the park walked by and yelled, “LOOK AT THE BABY BOOTS!!!!” Haha! Such a fun moment to share with a kind stranger.

OK, one last thing I wanted to share!

Many of you have asked (for literally years, but also recently in Laura’s pregnancy announcement post) how adding kiddos to our families might change the content of A Beautiful Mess. It’s a very valid question because many of my very favorite blogs have morphed into full-on family blogs (and away from whatever content they focused on before) after a baby has arrived. We get that.

But it’s important for me to let you know that we feel very strongly that we want to continue blogging primarily about Home Decor, Crafts and Food. I’m not saying we won’t ever include our kiddos, we probably will. And we will absolutely share things like our nursery tours and useful DIY projects in the kiddo category with you here (Laura has an awesome DIY coming up soon for how to make your own maternity jeans). That said, the main theme of this website will not change. We plan to keep doing what we do here. We love what we have created here, and we are still 100% passionate about DIY, crafts and recipes! That’s not going to change.

So for those of you who don’t want this to become a baby blog, you’re in luck—it won’t. And for those of you who want to read about my adoption and baby nonstop, I have already started a family blog for those types of stories. So you can follow that if you would like to!

Ah! You guys! I could go on all day about how excited I am, but I guess I’ll just leave it at that for now. Thank you so much for sharing my joy!!!! I love you guys more than you even know. xx -Elsie

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson, Photography: Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with the New A Beautiful Actions.

  • BEST NEWS EVER!!! You guys are going to make AMAZINGGG parents! So so excited for you and your family!

  • Congrats!! Motherhood is such an exciting adventure!
    I’m so excited for you guys!

  • Congratulations to your decision! We adopted a seven year old from Colombia last year. It’s such a sweet boy with lots of humour and a strong personality. I’m so glad we had the courage to make it.

  • Congrats!!!!! I am so excited for you both!!
    You are gonna be the best parents! I am looking forward to seeing you and your family growing full of joy and happiness!!

    Many congratulations!!!

  • Massive congratulations you two!! You will make great parents I’m sure – can’t wait to find out if you have a boy or girl! Now hopefully people will stop asking you if you’re pregnant all the time eh? At least for a few months maybe…. lots of love xxx

  • It’s so nice to read about adoption on such a mainstream blog, and I loved your post on the Larson house! Sounds like a fantastic decision made for wonderful reasons.

  • Ahhh congrats!!! I am a former preschool teacher (now stay at home mommy) and I will never forget I had a boy in my class and he was adopted. Every year on the day that his mom and dad brought him home they had a special day with him and called it his “gotcha day” I’m not sure if you’ve heard of anything like this before but I have always thought it was such a sweet idea…like a second birthday. Congrats again and I am so happy for you guys, you are doing an amazing thing!!

  • I’m SO excited for y’all! It’s been so fun to grow with you guys as a longtime reader, and I can’t wait to follow along on this new journey! I just became a mama to a little girl for the first time and it’s the absolute BEST. YAY!!!

  • How wonderful! I love the little Wellington boots in the pictures, such a lovely addition. Congratulations, doing this with your sister and best friend will be so special!

  • Congratulations!!! I got teary reading your post on The Larson House yesterday. I’m an attorney for children in the foster care system, and work every day with families of all sorts. I really liked your explanation of how this just feels right to you, and that you plan to solely adopt. As an advocate for children whose birth families aren’t always able to provide them the safety and stability they need, I thank you for being so public about your adoption and the decisions and discussions behind it. (And as someone who has no interest in baby stuff, I’m so glad to hear that the ABM content won’t change too much! But I still hope to see some cute baby pictures!) xoxo

  • Congratulations to you both! This is amazing! I love children- we just have one. I wanted to express that I also understand what it’s like, as your wrote on your other blog, when disappointment that can register on ppl’s faces when they find out you are only having a certain number of kids or that you aren’t currently trying to conceive at the moment. My husband and I only have one child and we love that, but each year we face the same set of looks from well-meaning family and their friends. And we recently told everyone that we only want two children over all, so a new set of looks is coming our way this holiday season.

    Never worry about the looks whether it’s about adoption/conception or the number of kids you want or the spacing in-between. No one knows what is best for your small family better than you two do! We have heard it all-I didn’t get to experience a ‘real’ pregnancy or ‘the full experience’ because I had morning sickness for most of it and only gained 12 Ibs ( I still don’t know why that would take anything away from me), that our children aren’t getting ‘real’ siblings or ‘the best’ childhoods because they will be born at least several years apart, etc.

    Even though it sounds like you guys are already basking in the positivity, I just wanted to throw out support should you receive more looks on the way. They seem to come to all of us new parents, so don’t feel alone or that maybe you should change your plans.

    Congratulations again! Enjoy the love you receive from friends, family, and readers.

  • Congratulations to Larson’s family ! It’s a very nice surprise. I follow you since the begining of ABM aventure and I’m happy for you Elsie! Bravo xx

  • Blessings to you both!!! I just read your story on your family blog and I applaud you for adopting. It’s so obvious you and your hubby will shower this precious girl with so much love!!

  • Congratulations! We have an adopted daughter from Korea (as well as three other biological children) and I can tell you the adoption experience is one that you don’t want to miss. Such a beautiful thing. I look forward to hearing your story and seeing your beautiful family together. Much love to you all.

  • Congratulations, Elsie and Jeremy! If I ever become a parent, it would be through adoption and I’m so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the news! Yay!!!!!

  • That some pretty great news to lighten up my boring monday afternoon! Congratulations. I hope your timeline isn’t to much strectched and that in about a year you can experience holding your first child. It is a such a fantastic feeling to be a mother. You definitily have brought a smile to my face!

  • OMG you guys. This is the sweetest thing I have heard (well- read I guess) in a long time. I am a cryer too and now I am a mess (not a beautiful one) at the breakfast table. Major kudos/ good energy/ random stranger love to you and your expanding family. I have been following your blog for years and I never comment on things, but I love my Happy Mail, I made your office desk for my office and your brussels sprout salad is my go to dinner when I am feeling lazy. You continue to inspire me- this time in a much bigger way.

  • Aw guys! I teared up so bad at this. I am SO incresibly happy for you I can’t even begin to tell you. That kiddo will have some badass parents. How awesome that you and Laura can experience this together?! Also – that tiny pair of Hunters is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I would totally be that kind, yelling stranger at the park.

  • CONGRATULATIONS ELSIE AND JEREMY!!! Y’all will be such beautiful parents I’m sure of it. And your little one will be so grateful to grow up under the supportive, caring, and loving watch of the two of you 🙂 best of luck and I’m so happy for y’all!!!

  • This is my favorite post on ABM–and I’ve been following you for years. Such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this. Parenthood isn’t easy (I have three kiddos and I survived!) but it is the most fulfilling thing I’ve done and your love for your daughter will get you through the hiccups.

  • Congratulations! Adopting is an amazing experience. After I struggled with infertility and my husband and I decided to adopt – best decision ever. I look back on my infertility issues now and am actually grateful that I didn’t conceive at that time because if I had I would never of had the honour of being the mom to such an amazing human being.

  • This is such amazing news! I am so happy for both of you guys. I wish you all the best for the following months x

    Jessica — NinetyCo

  • OMG YOU GUYS!!!! this just made my frickin week!
    Congratulations, I am so excited for you! Adoption is AWESOME. My mum is adopted and my granny was just the nicest person ever, I am so grateful that she made the choice to adopt my mum or I wouldn’t be here either!

    So so happy for you guys.
    lots of love, Lindzi xx

  • Congrats! I hope for all the best for you and Jeremy and your growing family! And a very big thank you for making the decision not to turn this into a baby/child blog. As a woman in her thirties who has made the decision not to have children, I have found that very alienating. I appreciate info on kiddos (gift guides/diy gifts, books, etc) because I have some very special ones in my life, but do not want it to be all the content that I find when I turn to blogs that I once enjoyed. That said, I will be checking out the Larson House to keep up on your new adventure! Congrats again!

  • There are so many reasons that I relate to you, your blog and your followers. Not because I’m crafty, dress adorable every day or because even have a family – but I relate to you because of your love to learn, share what you learn and how you are so real. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news, and giving beautiful babies that need homes a loving one.

  • Congratulations and good luck!! There are so many different roads to becoming parents, but however you get there it is an incredible experience. Thank you for sharing your story about adoption. It’s something our family is dreaming about doing as well and it’s so inspiring and encouraging to share others’ journeys along the way. I’ll definitely be following The Larson House!

  • Congratulations! What exciting news!

    I am hoping to adopt one day and my heart is so full for you guys!

    Wishing you all types of blessings and milestones during the rest of the process and when your baby girl is finally in your arms. <3

  • Awesome news, congratulations! Adoption is a wonderful way to grow a family! We adopted our son from china in 2014 and we simply can’t imagine life without him– you will be so incredibly blessed! Are you with CCAI? Blessings on your exciting journey <3

  • Both of my children are adopted, and it is absolutely worth every last form, fingerprint, paperwork filing, home study visit, etc. The process can be overwhelming at times but don’t let it get to you. ❤️

    Also I’m so happy we met our boys birth moms. I was heaitant when we first embarked on things, but it is so good to have met the amazing women who gave us a piece of our family.

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! So exciting!!! I love that you have chosen to adopt. I think it speaks volumes about the giving person you are.


  • I feel very touched to read the great news, Elsie, congratulations and all the best to you!!

  • As someone that is struggling with infertility, I can’t even tell you how much I love this. It’s been 3 years now and adoption has always been something we want to consider, although we’re not quite there yet, but watching others go through the process is truly amazing. Can’t wait to see the little love you get to bring home!

  • Elsie, I’ve been reading your blog since the very beginning, and I would keep reading it no matter the content, because all of you girls are AMAZING, but you are THE MOST AMAZING PERSON on the whole wide web.
    I love your DIYs, the aesthetic of this blog, the décor, all the plants, (most of) the recipes but I guess that what I love the most is getting honest glimpses into your life.

    Hearing this news from yours is so beautiful, and I wish you and Jeremy all the best! You truly are an amazing and beautiful young lady, and I’m sure you’re gonna be the coolest mom EVER!

    Congrats to the both of you and lots of love,
    a loyal reader from Italy

  • Congratulations! So happy for you. And I’m really excited to see your baby and kiddo ideas. I’m expecting my second child and love your previous ideas for kids stuff!

  • Congratulations to you all on the babies!!!! I love adoption and truly hope that it’ll be something in my husband’s and my future too! We have a 9 month old son already, but I’d love to adopt too! Again, congratulations to both of the growing families!

  • Congrats!!! I’m an adopted baby (though now 29 years old) and I’m still so thankful to my parents and to other people who want to do adopt.

  • Elsie! So proud of you for making an unconventional family decision. Congratulations on your growing family and grateful that people like you and Jeremy exist to help babies in need!

  • Congratulations!! I wish you and your husband all the best in your new adventure! 🙂

  • Congratulations! That baby hasn’t probably been even born yet, and is already so, so lucky. You guys are so inspiring and kind-hearted. Wishing you all the best! Xx

  • Congratulations!! That is SO exciting! My brother was adopted…so adoption has a very special place in my heart. Can’t wait to hear more and see pics! 🙂

  • How exciting! Being a parent is the most wonderful (and most difficult) thing you will ever experience. And adoption is a beautiful gift to a child who needs a forever-family. May God bless you and your growing family!

  • Congratulations! What awesome news! Thank you for being so open with your questions and answers on the family website. Best of luck with the adoption process and lots of love to your growing family.

  • this is amazing! read the story on the larson house blog too, what a beautiful decision. congratulations!!! <3

    also happy to hear the blog won't become super mom-ish, thank you for that 🙂 🙂

  • I saw the blog post title…..I screamed!
    I read the first paragraph …… I sniffled!!
    I looked at the adorable photographs…….I beamed!!!!!
    I read the full article……and…sobbed!!!

    You will both be amazing parents. Congratulations xxxx

  • As someone who worked in adoption I am so excited for you! And very grateful that you have chosen to share this journey publicly. More people need to hear about adoption because it is a great thing.

  • I’m so excited for you and this journey–each adoption experience is so personal and unique. My son and daughter-in-law just adopted a sweet little boy after many years of infertility and heartache. I’ve shared their story here if you’d like to read it. It’s such a neat a story of love and hope! http://wp.me/p2U2Tf-ahA
    Much love, Mary Wilding

  • Ahh! Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’ve gone through all of the big life changes with the blog… buying your first home, getting engaged, getting married, moving…etc. When I found out in August that I was pregnant, I literally thought how weird it was that I was experiencing this milestone before my favorite bloggers! How would I know the cutest things to buy/make for the baby? I’m thrilled for you and Laura and your families and am very excited to see how you incorporate mom and baby things into the blog!

  • I’m a crier too. Tears, man. Oh the tears. I don’t know you and my heart is filled with joy for you. <3 Cheers to the greatest adventure!

  • congrats! I’ve followed you for a couple years now and just wanted to give me regards. glad to see your refreshing honesty when it comes to announcing your reasons to adopt and feeling that you truly have no regrets about not going the traditional route. thanks for vowing to keep ABM (mainly) baby free!

  • Congrats so much, amazing news, I’m so happy for you! Just two days ago two of my best friends came home from Manilla with their little girl. Adoption is truly wonderful, so glad for you. I read your other blogpost at The Larson house, I’m so impressed you’re doing the special needs program. So inspiring! Another best friend couple adopted a girl with Down’s syndrome. Lot of people say they are crazy, but why? Their little girl is the loveliest, and doing very well, she’s now four. No matter what child you get, it will be fine. Of course, challenges, but foremost love! And you give this child the best life. Best of luck to you, it will be wonderful! Tove, Norway

  • HOLY MOLY! Congratulations!! This IS huge news and personally makes my heart swell since I was adopted from Korea by the coolest mom on earth. I know you have a ton of support but I’m more than happy to share my own experience with you if you’re ever interested. It was absolutely the perfect path for my family and, luckily, me! Now my husband and I are where I guess you were a couple years ago and while we don’t have a set plan, we’ll almost probably look into adoption ourselves at some point. So excited for you two (and the two you’ll be bringing home)!!

  • Congratulations! I’ve been a long time reader but wow, since you share so much of your lives (ups and downs) I took this news like a family member announced it and got a little choked up! Thanks for sharing–I loved your post on your family blog–incredibly articulate and wish only the best.

  • HUGE congratulations!! I lived in Hong Kong for three years, and met many happy families who had adopted a child (or two) from orphanages in China. It tugged at my heartstrings for sure, but seemed that it would be a longer process being Canadian, than my American friends. Best wishes to you and Jeremy as you journey on this path. Amazing news, for sure!!!

  • This is such amazing news!! My heart is so happy for both you and Jeremy (and the kiddo that will end up being your little one 🙂 ). Sending so much love your way!! <3 Thanks for sharing this news with us!!!

  • Congrats to your family! Best wishes on your journey. I am excited to see cute nursery and baby things here! 😀 <3

  • Really just so absolutely happy for you. And oh how I love the joy you are radiating. An utter delight.

  • This is so exciting and beautiful! I only know you from ABM, but i still teared up.

  • Oh what a journey awaits! We’e adopted 3 of our 6 kids through foster care. It is both the hardest and the best thing we have ever done.

  • Woohoo! Congrats! As a reader who has been following you for going on 10 years now, I have to say, I am thrilled to hear you (Elsie) are working on a personal blog in combination with “A Beautiful Mess”. Admittedly, I have been following along on your life / career journey for a long time and it hasn’t felt as personal to you here anymore. I love what the other women bring to the blog, but I have been missing Elsie’s life updates. That’s what I follow along for. 🙂 HAPPY FOR YOU, and THRILLED about the more personal blog.

  • Elsie,

    It takes magnificent people with gigantic hearts to adopt. SO happy that you and Jeremy are opening your home and your love to someone who really, really needs it. Good luck on this journey and congratulations on being a mom im such a beautiful way 🙂

  • Extremely stoked for you guys! You’re going to be fantastic parents, and I can’t even imagine what kind of creative genius you’re going to raise!! Biggest, happiest, most heartfelt congratulations!

  • Congratulations! This exciting news brought tears to my eyes – so happy for you guys!

  • Founding out that i’m going to be a 2017 mom was the best thing for me and my man ever!
    And I am so happy to hear about Lauras pregnancy only two weeks later and now you have these amazing news! Congratulations and best wishes from germany!
    Its so great and I really have the feeling that you are by my side, with your experience and wonderful ideas. exciting times! It is a big adventure! Do you already know when your little Larsongirl comes to the Larson house ?

  • Elsie, I don’t know you, so it should be ridiculous how happy I am to hear (read) this news. I’ve been following your and Emma’s adventures for a while now and you two are my role models. Fresh, happy spirits, not afraid to fail and so ready to jump into something exciting and new.
    I read your story in your blog first and it warmed my heart the way you talked about adoption. When the right time comes, I want to adopt too, not because I can’t get pregnant, just because I think that forming a family from heart, filled with the joy of giving a child a home, it’s one of the most beautiful things you can do in this life. I truly wish you the best for you and Jeremy, may your days be filled with joy (and loads of sleepless nights!) and happiness for you two and that little new light. Your story is truly inspiring.
    Never forget that, even if you can’t see me, there’s always going to be someone like me sitting behind a laptop screen, from the other side of the world, catching up with your blog after a day of hard work, who’s being inspired by your words.

  • So happy for you and Jeremy!!! As a new mom I have to tell you it is so full of joy!! SO. MUCH. LOVE. in one tiny person!

  • Adoption is the greatest!!! We adopted our first child (domestic, local). She’s almost 4 and she is the light of our lives!! We decided she needed a sibling and did IVF so now she gets a little brother. I jokingly say to my husband all the time “Adoption is wonderful. They just hand you the kid!!!” because my pregnancy has been tough. So while the waiting and the emotional battle with adoption is tough I promise it is SO WORTH IT. You will love it. It is unlike anything else. Congratulations!!

  • Congrats!! There’s a girl I follow on instagram,@katelynfuson, that just adopted a special needs baby girl from china, and she too lives in TN!! There’s a possibility y’all could be adopting from the same agency! Congrats again, best of luck!

  • Huge congratulations to both you and Laura!

    And Laura- I need that maternity jeans tutorial STAT! 🙂

  • So very thrilled for you, Elsie + Jeremy! My husband and I have talked so much about adoption so I am thrilled to follow your journey. <3

  • Elsie, I’ve been reading your blog for 6-7 years now and this is my favorite post! I hopped over and read the adoption post on the family blog as well. My husband and I just brought home our 3 month baby girl from Indonesia (the country we live in). Our story has some similar threads to yours in that we don’t officially have anything “wrong” with us, but just felt that adoption was the right choice for us instead of infertility treatments of any kind. Needless to say, I’m beyond thrilled for the joy your experience NOW as your prepare and for the FUTURE joy you’ll have when you bring home your baby!

  • 1) congratulations on your very happy news!
    2) your SCARF is amazing — do you recall where it’s from?

    xo thanks!

  • Elsie, this is SO lovely. Congrats you guys!!! We just got back this month from adopting our daughter through the special needs India program– it is so hard but so incredibly worth it. We, too, always knew adoption would be a part of our family. Genetics don’t make a child part of a family. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need any encouragement!

    God bless,


  • Great news!!! So happy for you both 🙂 Also happy the blog isn’t going to change but I’ll def hop on over to the Larson House now to read more about your process! I’ve thought about adoption as well (like theoretically – not even nearly there yet haha) so I’m curious and I think it’s so cool you’re doing it!!
    All the best for your growing family xoxo

  • Congrats, Elsie and Jeremy!
    You guys are awesome, wishing you the best on this wonderful journey.
    *So going to steal your photo concept with Hunters. Love it!

  • Congrats honestly I don’t know if I’ll be able to have natural kids but I’m been always open about Adoption, so your is been a great choice, God bless you daily!!!

  • Dear Elsie. I am so happy for you both! Such happy news!
    I am a long time fan, since you began scrapbooking and made your first blog. Can’t wait to follow you on this new journey.

    Marie from Denmark.

  • Congrats!! 🙂 such a great message! I’m reading your blog since three years every day and this message makes me feel so happy for you!

  • I read your post about this on The Larson House yesterday, and wanted to say I think you’re doing a beautiful, and very inspiring thing. Huge congrats to all of you xx

  • Founding out that i’m going to be a 2017 mom was the best thing for me and my man ever!
    And I am so happy to hear about Lauras pregnancy only two weeks later and now you have these amazing news! Congratulations and best wishes from germany!
    Its so great and I really have the feeling that you are by my side, with your experience and wonderful ideas. exciting times! It is a big adventure!

  • Hi Elsie,

    I’ve been reading your stuff forever. I even had your first scrapbooking book! Ha!

    I’m impressed and excited that you’re taking this lesser-travelled path to parenthood.


  • that is truly wonderful beautiful news. welcome to the world of parenting I’m sure you will have a blast and wonderful life as a family xx

  • SO EXCITING!! So happy for you guys! Best wishes that it goes smoothly, and fast! My sister and brother in law are adopting internationally (South Africa!), so this feels close to my heart. <3 They actually just found out they are pregnant, so there is gonna be TWO BABIES. I'm thrilled. Anyway thank you for sharing so your readers can be happy with you. xx

  • This is such amazing news and definitely one of “those moments” in life where you feel completely “synced in” like this is what life is about. I am so happy for you guys. I’ve been following you for years and you always radiate a certain glow in your photos when you are around your niece and any other child in your life. You guys are such adoring and loving parents to your dogs already and can’t wait to see you with your new daughter. How exciting!!! 🙂 🙂 Congratulations to your whole family including Aunt Emma! 🙂 xo Enjoy all of these moments!

  • I don’t think I have ever commented here, although I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 years. My heart is bursting at your news and this post (and the post on the Larson House). My husband and I have always talked about adoption (and have also thought about special needs adoption). I LOVE that this is your choice regardless of your ability to get pregnant and I thank you for being so open about that. When I tell people we want to adopt, they always assume it is because we have some issues with fertility and I really hope that is an assumption we can change as more people think about adoption as an option regardless. You have such a strong following here and I am overjoyed to hear you share this news. Thank you for your having hearts for adoption. I can’t wait to follow along on your journey.

    As a side note… as someone interested in the adoption process, would you ever consider doing some posts on the topic? Like, things you wish you knew at the start, things to consider, the resources you used when making decisions, etc?

  • Congrats, Elsie! That is so sweet and exciting. Personally, I’ve been slightly hoping, like everyone, though it’s completely not my business, that some of the ABM girls might start moving into this phase of life, especially to see the changes reflected in blog content. I think your blog has changed A LOT over the years, and I think it’s been a natural progression and as you have grown your readers have grown with you. If they didn’t, you lost a few, but gained others. I started following you back in the days of elsiecake on etsy and think it’s been fun and interesting how our lives and styles have grown together, just as you do within a circle of friends. I got married about a month after you and was doing wedding DIYS at the same time. My personal style became more grown up as yours did. Without being creepy, though the Internet always is a bit, you and the girls have been an influence in my life similar to that of friends you have around you. You started this blog in the days of creating and renting and young girlfriends and it’s taken you through house buyings, marriage, moves, style changes, being an auntie, and now this. And people have always proven to have interest in the parts you’re willing to share of your personal life too. So I actually hope the blog will change at least some, including more kiddo DIYs and stuff too. If it’s relevant and important and interesting to you, that will come across as true and honest and interesting to your readers, that’s always been your advise on blogging. And it is natural that the focus of your life will change now and that will be what you love talking about, so I hope you don’t censor that for your reader’s sake. Many of your readers are moms too, and you’ve always continued to progress naturally in other senses. You didn’t worry about isolating anyone when you bought a house, starting dealing more with contractor type stuff and slightly less DIY, changed from low budget and thrifting to slightly higher end fashion and decor etc, you just stayed true to you and what was relevant and important and YOU. So you do you, boo?, don’t worry about us. When you are true to your passions,we will all follow. So, so excited for you on this journey. I hope to do the same someday and seeing your journey will be inspiring. I know you don’t know me, but much, much love?

  • SOOO happy for you!!! I was literally crying of happiness when I read your news! Congratulations and all the best <3

  • OMG!I’ve been following the blog for several years now, and is such wonderful news! COngrats to you both! Regards form MX

  • I am sooooo excited for you two! And I have to add that I clicked over to your family blog, and then to Ashley’s blog and read the entire first year (!!!) of their Little One joining their family. What a beautiful, hopeful, awesome story…and it filled me with so much enthusiasm to watch YOUR story unfold. It’s such a special calling! Heroic and brave and I’m just so happy for you! Joyfully, Becca

  • We went through 3 rounds of IVF unsuccessfully and it was painful emotionally and physically. I wish we had chosen adoption instead. I am totally thrilled you are going to adopt your family. Will be saying lots of prayers for you and following along as you go from being a 2 person family to a 4 person family. Heartfelt congratulations!!

  • This is the coolest, most exciting, most inspiring news. HUGE congratulations to you both!

  • Congrats!! It will be undoubtedly the greatest adventure! 🙂 <3

    P.S.- 18 months is REALLY quick! It takes years (sometimes 10, even) in some places!

  • Yay congrats!! That’s so awesome that you’re adopting. You’re going to be such a good mom!!

    Emmy Coletti

  • i dont normally comment but wanted to say well done, adoption is hard, i adopted my little boy 2 years ago and it took over 18 months to go through the process… it is hard but the good out weigh the bad and its a beautiful thing you are doing xxx

  • CONGRATS! That is so exciting. It’s so awesome you decided to adopt. I have always wanted to. Of course I married a man who refuses to ever adopt. But in his defense his sister was adopted and she was 100% that nightmare adoption story. Not to scare you. I have had many close friends that were adopted and they are awesome people that love their family and lives. I hope someday when my child(ren) are older that maybe I can talk him into being a family host.

    Any who. I also just wanted to say it makes me sad that people get mad at bloggers or celebrity type people for becoming moms. It’s entirely life consuming. And it’s wonderful. I am interested to see how a second ‘family’ blog of yours would work out though.

  • Wow, congratulations! This is such an incredible, beautiful thing to do for a child.

  • Adoption is THE BEST. My sister is adopted! This is super fun news to read about! Congratulations!

  • Congratulations! You will be amazing parents – this is gonna be one creative and resourceful kid! Haha. I see the love you put into all you do, and can only imagine the love you will pour into this little human. You and Jeremy – stay strong and love one another – and this kid will see what true love is, and feel it through and through. You guys ROCK for adopting – God bless you all!!! ♡♡♡

  • I used to read ABM all the time but I’m a little busy lately – but I keep checking in to hear about you and Nova! I am so, so excited for you! If I can’t wait, I can’t imagine you must be feeling 🙂 🙂 12 days – good luck!

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