Green Apple and Pear Chi-Chi Cocktail

Green Apple and Pear Chi ChiSummer is primetime for many things. A few of my favorites are camping, floating (can you tell I’m from the Midwest?), long sunlight hours, beach vacations, BBQ sauce (yes, vegetarians like it too), and frozen cocktails. I could probably go on, as summer is maybe my favorite season. Although, why choose? But it’s that last one, frozen cocktails, that I want to focus on today. And if you’ve never heard of a Chi-Chi before, then you are in for a treat! It’s basically a close cousin to a Piña Colada, so get excited!!!

We worked with KINKY Beverages and used their latest flavor, Green Apple and Pear, to spice up the flavors of this cocktail. I also have to admit that I love the almost-lime-green color that this drink turns out to be. It’s fun and vibrant and just feels really summertime to me. 🙂

Chi chi drink recipe How to make tiki drinks at homeGreen Apple and Pear Chi-Chi Cocktail, serves one

1 1/2 oz. KINKY Green vodka liqueur
3/4 oz. cream of coconut
4 oz. pineapple juice
1-2 cups ice

Using a jigger to measure will make throwing together this cocktail a breeze as usually the larger cup is 1 1/2 oz. and the smaller is 3/4 oz. But be sure to double check yours if you are unsure.

SuppliesCombine all the ingredients in a blender and blend well until you’ve got a delicious looking slushy situation. 🙂

Easy blended cocktailsYou can easily double or triple this recipe if you are making these for a group. In these photos I tripled the above recipe. So this is a good one for any kind of get-togethers, but I am just hoping you will make these for a pool party because in my mind that would be the BEST THING EVER.

Easy at home tiki drinksYou can garnish these all sorts of ways. I used pineapple leaves and the tops of a few pears to give mine a fun and playful look. If you want to keep it simple, you could garnish with a cherry and straw. Easy. You do you, as with some cocktails (especially fun frozen ones like this) it can be cool to get creative with the garnish—how very tiki. 🙂

One note—Make sure to shake the cream of coconut well. If you’re not used to this ingredient, it’s awesome and perfect for all sorts of delicious cocktails like this one, but it’s a thicker liquid that can settle into two parts in the bottle. So it’s good to shake well before measuring it out for use.

Thanks for letting me share. Hope there’s a happy hour in your future soon! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions

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