Guest DIY: Rachel from Smile & Wave

6a00d8341c767c53ef0120a8079abd970b-800wiI’m Rachel Denbow from Smile And Wave! Elsie and I started Red Velvet Art together about eight years ago as a fun side project. It’s been a wonderful journey and I am really excited to celebrate the birthday of our store!

I’ve got an easy hair accessory tutorial for you that will invite a little Spring into your wardrobe.  

6a00d8341c767c53ef0128770ab2e5970c-800wiYou’ll need a pair of scissors, embroidery thread and needle, 1/4 sheet of felt, a hair clip, and fabric that measures about 3″ x 24″.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0120a807a400970b-800wiCut your fabric into three long strips and braid them together.  Wind it in a circle to see roughly how big you want it and then cut your felt down to size so that you have two matching squares.  Thread your needle.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0120a807a6dd970b-800wiStitch one end of your braided fabric in the center of both pieces of felt but don’t cut your string.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0120a807aa16970b-800wiCoil your braid around itself and working from the back of the felt, stitch the coils down where they meet about every 1/2″ or more as shown.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0128770ac5d4970c-800wiKeep coiling and stitching until you’ve mostly covered your felt square or have run out of fabric.  Tuck the other end between your coil and the felt and stitch down.  Knot and trim your thread.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0128770ac8e0970c-800wiTrim the felt off so that it doesn’t show from the front and secure your hair clip to the back using more embroidery thread or other desired method.

6a00d8341c767c53ef0128770ace1f970c-800wiYou can make two or three in different sizes attached to a larger piece of felt and stitch them to a headband, make a pretty brooch, or embellish a tote or tee.  It’s a great way to use up random pieces of fabric!  Thanks for stopping by the blog party and be sure to check in later for more fun! 

XO. Rachel Denbow

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