Hello, Amsterdam!

Amsterdam via A Beautiful MessHey, friends! We just returned from a trip to Amsterdam and Iceland. First, I wanted to share some of Emma’s and my snapshots from Amsterdam. We spoke at a conference called Meet The Blogger and had a great time meeting inspiring women! The next few days after that we took our time to enjoy Amsterdam. We stayed in an Airbnb in the Jordaan area and basically walked everywhere. We went to flea markets, flower markets and ate some delicious Dutch food. Also, WOW, the strongest coffee I have ever had in my life. Haha!

Anyway! Here are a few snaps from our trip—

Amsterdam via A Beautiful MessI always stop for yellow doors (and pink!).

Amsterdam via A Beautiful MessAmsterdam via A Beautiful Mess Amsterdam via A Beautiful Mess We found the CUTEST bar! Hiding in Plain Sight

Amsterdam via A Beautiful Mess AmsterdamWe loved it so much we went twice. The second time with our friend, Carrie, who was randomly in Amsterdam at the same time as us! #memories

Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Honestly, just walking around was our favorite part. We had so much fun just exploring and drinking tiny (VERY STRONG) coffees.

Amsterdam #nailedit

New rule, when you have several days off, you should ALWAYS make time for Matt Damon.

HahaAmsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Hey AmsterdamAmsterdam Amsterdam Those roses!

We really enjoyed our time in Amsterdam! It’s a beautiful city with so much to explore. I wish we would have had more days to venture to other cities, but maybe next time.

LOVE YOU, AMSTERDAM! xx- Elsie + Emma too

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