
wow! i can't believe a whole week has gone by! I had a super busy week with friends and family…. got to visit brett and rachel (sooo good to see them!)

We celebrated Doren's 18th birthday by taking a nice little trip to KC with the family. fun stuff!

Also… I just wanted to thank my friends here on my blog and in the scrapbooking world for so much positive support during my divorce. I appreciated your thoughts and kind words during such a difficult season. I feel very fortunate to have such caring and warm family and friends in my life. Life continues to move forward and I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, elsie

  • Good to see you had a great week! We are back to work busy busy busy!!! The show was great. So gald we became closer friends -stephanie

  • Hi Elsie, I’m a fan from Australia and took a class with you last year. This is the first I’ve heard of your divorce and wanted to give you my support as well. It must be a terribly difficult time. God bless ya Elsie.

  • Oh my God, Elsie. I had no idea. And I had that stupid comment a few weeks ago about wondering where he was.

    I’m so sorry. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  • Hi Els, I am SOO GLAD to hear that you got some YOU time! I HOPE you are feeling better.

    I am sorry that you are going through this. I had noticed on your new MySpace you had put ‘Single’ but didn’t want to be nosy and ask. No matter what girl, you have AMAZING FRIENDS & AMAZING TALENT and you WILL get through this. Sending you a GREAT BIG HUG.


    P.S. I think you should send me one of those YUMMY looking cupcakes!

  • wow Elsie you are being a real trooper at such an incredibly rough time. All the best to you girl as you move on ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Elsie, take care girl, everything will work out the way it’s suppose to ๐Ÿ™‚ Your cupcakes look delicious!

  • Elsie, first, your pics are fabu… and second… my prayers are with you as you go through this very hard process. we all love you and are here for you during this time!! xoxo

  • Elsie,

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I admire your upbeat attitude during such a difficult time.

    Take care you!

    Susan, from your little neck of the world ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hello from the Sunshine State and a big Elsie F. fan….a little older than the rest of your fan base and a little wiser :>

    Just a note to tell you my thoughts are with you and yours during this tough time.

    Take good care.


  • My thoughts and prayers to you as well Elsie.

    Love those cute little shoes….to bad I have bad feet. I would love a pair for myself. So Girly.

  • aw Elsie, im truely sorry… thats a horrible thing to go through and your sooo young like me! Hang in there! You’ve got tons tons of friends who care about you… and i’ve never met you but totally think your fun and awesome!

  • i’m so sorry…it must be hard. you are in my thoughts and prayers. love mackenzie e

  • Hi Elsie…

    I really am sad to hear about the D word. I didn’t want to believe it was true, but thank for allowing us to “help” you through this difficult time. you are an inspiration to so many people, so hopefully that will help carry you through…

  • Been wondering myself about the ‘single’ stuff on flicker and myspace but didn’t want to pry. I have been reading your blog for over a year now so it feels like I really know you…even though I don’t. But I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you during this rough transition and I am sending you *hugs*

  • I went through a painful divorce myself ten years ago, when I was 26. Your circumstances are probably nothing like mine, but I’m pretty sure that time will heal your wounds too, and that great stuff awaits you a little further on the road. You are such a very positive and fun person – how could life not give you the happiness you deserve? All the best.

  • First off…hugs and prayers to you during this rough time. In reading your blog and looking at your pictures you could never tell that you were going through such a huge transition at such a young age. So I am praying for you right now!

    Two….those pics are adorable! And so are those cupcakes….in fact, I am obsessed with cupcakes..you should send some over to Cali! *smile* Hugs to you!

  • We love you Elsie, we really do. We’re all behind you! I am amazed by how composed and mature you continue to be, so many could learn many a lesson from you ๐Ÿ™‚ Best of luck to you and I wish nothing less then sincere happiness for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • You’re always a winner in my books. Thanks for keeping up your blog, it’s fun to see the little snippets into your life. All the best.

  • This is the first I’ve heard of your divorce! Good to see you had a great week!That’s a new begning of life!

    Take care !!!


  • I am so sorry to hear about you! I had hard it but thought it was just a nasty rumor. I have been through it myself and they are NO fun. I pray that God will make you strong and be with you through this! Please let me know if I can do anything! I feel as if I know you! Peace girl!!

  • Elsie, you are an amazing soul and you will make it through anything life throws at you. The universe is perfect that way. It will bring you everything you need. Hugs and prayers for you and yours.

  • Hi Elsie, delighted you are back and sorry about your news I will remember you in prayers that The Lord will bless you and take care of you

    hugs Marlou x

  • Elsie – I am sorry about your divorce and I am sending you lots of luck for you new beginning.

    I totally love all of your products and I’m truly inspired by all of your work. After seeing all of your great paintings on ETSY, I finally reached deep inside myself and started to paint myself. It has become a life saver for me during some of my own hard trials.

    All the best!!!! Can’t wait for the new book!

  • I wish you the best through all this. I cannot imagine what it’s like, but know you have all our support for whatever thats worth.:)

    I think your the *~COOLEST~*!

  • Lots of love and support Elsie! Those cupcakes look scrumptious. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I can’t imagine what you are going through. Your attitude right now is amazing. It’s great you have friends to hang with at this time.

  • I adore this top photo, you girls are totally Fab !!! (like.. all the time !!!) And those shoes… they are delish… Sorry about the divorce… I never would have guessed… no one ever tells me anything !!! {{HUGS}} to you Elsie… Stay strong !!! ยฅ

  • it’s positive ppl in ur life that make all the difference, I know that too Elsie… hang in there… U are an inspiration to so many of us… a divorce doesn’t make u a failure, remember that, despite what the negative ppl try to put on ya.. hugsya

  • Sorry to hear the news about your divorse. i hope you guys go through it smoothly without too much pain.

    LOVE your cupcakes!


  • hi elsie! hope you had a super fun week at CHA! i’ve been sending thoughts and prayers your way, and i’ll continue to pray for you and your families. you’re a total champ! thanks for still giving us these cute peeks into your inspired life! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • so sorry to hear elsie….i had no idea you have been going through such a rough time….take care and take time to just “be”…..love and prayers your way….j

  • Wow . . . I was shocked to hear about your divorce, but hey . . . it happens! I want you to know that you are an inspiration to all of us scrappin’ gals! Keep up the great work and I’ll be thinking of you!!

  • Just wanted to chime in with my support — keeping you in my prayers. You strike me as such a strong person who is able to make the best of a bad situation! I’m sending hug-vibes your way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • i live in MO, if i drive down to springfield will you give me a cupcake? ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Sorry to hear about your divorce. I can not imagine what a challenge that must be for you. Just stay strong and know that all things happen for a reason. I do believe that.

    Love your new lines. Looking forward to playing with them and much peace and joy to you in the coming months. Stay strong!

  • You know how you always say Love, Elsie. I say, love from your friends.

  • Elsie- I love your blog and your incredible positive outlook. You are truly amazing. I am so digging your lines:) Thinking of you, Jess

  • Elsie- I love your blog and your incredible positive outlook. You are truly amazing. I am so digging your lines:) Thinking of you, Jess

  • Elsie- I love your blog and your incredible positive outlook. You are truly amazing. I am so digging your lines:) Thinking of you, Jess

  • I wanted to send you some more good vibes and support. You really are an inspiration to so many.

  • Elsie, good luck with everything girl. You are amazing, beautiful and talented! You will go so far in life! Thanks so much for sharing the new pics ๐Ÿ™‚

  • yummy, yummy, cupcakes in my tummy!!! From what I’ve seen of your blog you are an optimistic sweetie that will rise above any challenge… stay strong.

  • I’m going to chime in with everyone else in saying that I had no clue. I try to stay up to date reading your posts but sometimes I might miss something. I hope that life keeps looking up for you no matter where it takes you!

  • this too, was the first i heard. amazing at such a young age, you kept true to your dreams, goals, and desires and never faltered. i believe in fate, destiny and what will be will be. my mother always says, “everything will all work itself out…” so i give that thought to you. stay strong, sister. this is an amazing huge, tiny little scrappy workd we live in… like some sort of sorority of cyber sisters! take care of YOU. that is what matteres most! hugs!

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you. I was married really young (19) and divorced by 24. It was the toughest time of my life. Let me tell ya something girl, it was also followed by the BEST time of my life. I’m now 33 and feel like that was a lifetime ago. I’ve grown and changed so much and am happy. I know that you will get to that place, too.

    I think your positive outlook, friends and family support will carry you onward and upward. I wish you all the best on the next chapter in your life! I know I’ll be checking in to see all the marvelous stuff you are up to – and to drool over those cupcakes (dieting = no fun!) ๐Ÿ˜‰ *hugs* and all the best! xo

  • Speaking from some similar experiences…Tough times just make you stronger, better and wiser. You’re smart, beautiful and kind. I think the best is yet to come.

  • Hi Elsie. I’m just a fan from Miami but I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and feel as if I know you personally. I had seen the rumors on the Two Peas boards but hoped that they were just that — rumors. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. My fiancรฉ and I broke up just under 2 months ago and I know how much it hurts. But just remember that you are a beautiful and talented girl with family and friends (and fans!) that adore you and want the best for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Best of luck to you with whatever your future holds. xoxo…

  • wow Elsie. I’m really sorry that this stuff is going on for you..

    but you radiate positivity, and i know that you’ll keep your chin up…plus you look like you have a close family network..i’m sure they’ll help you through…keep inspiring us!!!

  • Elsie, many hugs and prayers to you during this difficult time. May you always be surrounded by loving family and friends–and pugs!

  • Oh Elsie, I am so, so sorry to hear about your divorce. ๐Ÿ™ No matter what the reasons are it is never easy, I truly wish you all the best!

    On a lighter note, those cupcakes look delicious!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you make the roses? You just continue to amaze me with your talent! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Oh, Elsie,

    i’m so sorry to hear about your divorce…your in my prayers and i’m sending love and well wishes your way! You are an amazing lady! although i don’t really know you, i have been reading your blog and I think your FAB and such an amazing artist!We all love you!

    God Speed and God Bless

  • Hey sister,

    Curtis, Jackson and I will be at Camp Ethyl and in Springfield next week. I hope we run into you so I can hug your neck! The Jones fam loves you!



  • Elsie,

    I am sorry to hear about TJ (if this is what you wanted – great ! You are doing great with the path you have taken – I can’t believe he doesn’t want to take that path with you.

  • Well, my other comment timed out on me, so here we go again!

    I don’t know you other than through your blog, but I hope things are going well for you and that your life is working out the way it’s supposed to. Stay strong!

    Those cupcakes look awesome! I think I’ll take just one…oh ok, two. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sending you cyber ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))).

    It would be difficult to go through a divorce in the first place, to have to do so in front of a mini-world as personal as sbing or blogging would make it even tougher, I imagine. Thoughts and prayers for you…

    Love the cupcakes, and hope you enjoyed KC! I love that manhole cover, where was it??? (will need a pic for my KC album!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ann Marie

  • I am so sorry to hear about your divorce… ๐Ÿ™ I was there 7 years ago myself – ((HUGS)) and support to you… I know I am complete stranger but wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. When one door closes…

    On another note – I LOVE those cute shoes! What are those? They look so great on you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best wishes to you…

  • Elsie

    We send our love and prayers from Australia at this difficult time – lots of hugs from me and my two girls whom you continue to inspire

    Marelle, Mia and ELlaxxxxxx

  • Awww sweetie!! Im so sorry to hear u have been going thru such a rough time. And yet you cont on. Im sorry luv. Big hug to you! xoxoxox

  • I’m sending you lots of love and prayers during this difficult time. Trust God and be strong! You are such an inspiration!

  • Elsie,

    I love your work, you are such an inspiration. I’m surprised and sad to hear about your D. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  • Elsie, I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce. Lots of good thoughts and big (((Hugs))) being sent your way ๐Ÿ™‚

  • As you can see (70+ comments) – we are all “here” for you…rooting you on. You have inspired many of us to break free and embrace our individuality. Love who you are, just as you are. Thanks for sharing your “Elsie-ness” with us!

  • Hey Elsie, it is true….”that which does not kill us makes us stronger”married at 21, mother at 25, divorced at 27, re-married at 29 to the best man in the whole wide world. one step at a time and remember each step we take teaches us more about ourselves, no regrets, keep on growing and being you, just like you are, everyday and in every way. I’m here cheering you on! You go girl!

  • I love the photo with you and your girlfriends in the picture frame. The cupcakes look amazing.

    Good thoughts from me to you with lots of hope that you will both have peace, happiness, and lots of love as you struggle with this life-change. I wish you the very best.

  • Elsie, you are amazing. You continue to smile and show us your talents and take these beautiful photos whilst going through a difficult time. What a positive lady. A positive lady with great shoes and yummy cupcakes!

  • dear elsie,

    I am so sorry to read the sad news, you are in my thoughts as I know from my own experience how hard it is to divorce, even at such a young age (like me too). I wish you all strenght and wisdom you need! Know you are not alone and we all support you no matter what! Love ya



  • It seems life is one big adventure… We truly cannot predict what is around the bend. Wishing you all things cupcakes & angels wings!!!

  • hi elsie, im really sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch. i hope all is well and you’re in my prayers. take care! *hugs

  • You are yours are so cute as usual! LOVE your shoes! And the cupcakes look delicious and so pretty!

    Big squishy hugs, I’m thinking of you and hope you will go through this smoothly. xxx

  • Dear Elsie, I was SO shocked to read about your divorce today. I am so terribly sad for you but wish you much peace of heart and happiness for the future. You are an amazing person and I was so thrilled to meet you when you were here in Australia. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing with us. May the future be filled with all that your heart desires…

    x Janelle

  • Elsie,

    Hey girl, I’m thinking of you and hope everything continues to smooth out in time:)

    Tracy M.

  • Hi Elsie, you have managed to handle all the rumors about your divorce in such a graceful way, and I really want to wish you all the best in this difficult time. Take care!

  • I’m so sorry to hear that you had to go through a divorce. Hope you can go on with the fun things in life and try to forget the bad things. Have fun scrapping this weekend. I’ll do some scrapping too.

    Love from Belgium, Isolde

  • Adding my ((((HUGS)))) to the bunch! My brother-in-law just went thru a divorce and I know that having a good family support, as well of those as friends, will help you thru this.

    Enjoy your weekend scrappin’ and painting!

  • So sorry to hear the news of your divorce. But you are a multi-talented person and your creativity will help you bloom as usual.Take care {{{HUGS}}}

  • So sorry to hear the news of your divorce. But you are a multi-talented person and your creativity will help you bloom as usual. Take Care.{{{HUGS}}}

  • Thinking of you, and wishing positive and happy vibes to you

    keep on being yourself, you are an incredibly strong person!

    love from across the pond

  • YOU are a ROCK star! And, there is always Jason Schwartsman….

    Seriously, I am so sorry that this is a chapter in your life. Sending prayers and pug love your way!

  • I had heard a rumor but hoped that it wasn’t true. I’ve thought about you for the past month – ever since I heard. I’m so sad for you. You guys were the couple that was supposed to make it – and I know by your scrapbook pages you must have thought that too. I hope that was too much of a sad thing to say – it’s just I was rooting for you. Glad to hear you’re doing good – you’re an awesome chick and such a big part of the scrapbooking world. Hang in there and never leave God’s side. {{{{SUPER BIG HUGS}}}}

  • Hang in there, girl! Life is never easy, but to handle the ups and downs with dignity and class speaks volumes of your character. Just remember you have lots of people in your corner!

  • your getting divorced? how did I miss that???? I’m so sorry though. You’ll get through it, your like that happiest person i never met!

  • ((HUGS)) I hadnt heard about the divorce either. You seem like you have an awesome support system. I know its rough. Take care ((hugs))

  • elsie, had no idea about the divorce, but hang in there girl! i’ve been thru the divorce thing a couple of years ago (thankfully no children, because it would have been much harder) but after 7 years i was dealing with someone who was jealous of my success, and not the soul that completes me….sometimes unexpected things happen, and you don’t really know the person you thought you married. you are completely rad, SUPER talented & success will always be there for you! love ya & lots of hugs!

  • WOW… I had a feeling something was up but didn’t want to ask where t.j. was. Sorry to hear about your divorce!

    Keep your head up high, smile and continue doing your thing sweetie!!! YOU ROCK ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Oh sorry to hear about you and TJ. Glad you got custody of Cocoa, imagine those eyes if didnt have her.

    cutey pie cupcakes as well, if in doubt or sad bake I say


  • I too had no idea about your divorce. I did notice that he wasnt being mentioned and your single status on myspace, but didnt want to be nosey. Sorry to hear that things have been so rough for you. Im go glad to see that you have such supportive friends and family ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with everything!

  • those cupcakes look wonderful!

    i’m very sorry to hear about your divorce and i offer you nothing but many warm wishes. lots of ((hugs)) being sent your way.

  • i have noticed some sadness in your photos and posts the past few months . . . and have been praying for you. will continue to do so.

    big hugs to you this morning, elsie!

  • Sorry to hear your sad news, but glad to see how positive you’ve appeared and how much love and support you’ve got. I divorced at 26, no kids, and though it was tough at the time, I got through it, stronger, and ultimately, happier. Couldn’t have done it without my awesome family and friends! Good luck and keep sharing!

  • Girl…were youin FRESNO?? So mad…I live in Clovis…close to rach…Someday I will meet you! ๐Ÿ˜€

    You have been in my thoughts for a couple of months ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Just wanted to add my support too. Glad you have such fab friends and family who are there for you. x

  • Wishing you the best! I also really like your new stuff coming out!

  • I admire your strength and the fact that you have held your head up high for the last few months. We are all here for you and admire you more than you know! Stay strong girlie!



  • it has already been said before (many times over) but I am so sorry for you as well……i went through a divorce really early on in my life too and it was hard but looking back now it made me who i am today….and stronger…my hope for you is the same….stay true to yourself and your dreams sweetie!! ๐Ÿ™‚ take care…lots of prayers your way ๐Ÿ™‚ t

  • It’s so awesome how positive you’ve been through such a crazy time in your life! What’s more awesome is how many people you’ve inspired who are giving all their support!

    Oh, and LOVE the “frame” picture. So creative and such great composition!

  • Anyone with shoes that super duper cute and talent that BIG will have a happy life no matter what! I’m a huge fan of your scrapbooking and your bubbly spirit! My prayers are with you in this difficult time but I have a feeling you’ll come out on top. Many blessings to you.

  • Those cakes look yummy! You’re such an inspiration to me.

    Sorry to hear about your divorce. *HUGS*

  • Elsie Cake (such a fitting name now with the cupcakes so prettily displayed!)

    Wishing you peace as you continue to move forward in your life.

    As someone who has recently been through trying times of difficulty, I truly believe that things have a way of working out but that we must be willing to accept them as they come even when we struggle to understand. So for that, I wish you peace, love and happiness. Your spirit continues to shine even when you may not feel very shiny at all.

    From a fellow MO girl (KC babe) my best and most loving wishes to you.

  • Hi Elsie,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce. You and TJ were such an inspiration to me as far as your relationship…I wanted to have that someday. I’m not married yet, but I definitely was inspired by you guys! I’m so surprised that I didn’t realize it for the last few months of reading your blog…what happened?? You don’t need to answer that, but I just wish I could understand because I feel so sad for you. Hugs to you.

  • Hi Elsie:)

    am loving those cupcakes, and those shoes..oooh sooo cute. Love the little buckles!

    So sad to hear of your divorce! But, you will get through this Elsie. Prayers and big hugs to you and your family. You have alot of support, and through them and us you will get through this.

    You will.

  • Elsie, I am sorry to hear the news of your divorce. Take care of you. We love you.

  • Glad to see that you were able to spend some much needed time with your family and friends…it is so important! I hope that the rough time you have been going through has made you stronger…and I’m sure it has. You seem like such a vibrant and fun woman, and you obviously have great things ahead of you! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way!

  • elsie, my stomach fell when i read about your divorce. my heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers. as always, you carry yourself with grace and dignity. can’t wait to get your new products! take care!

    tracy french

  • So sorry to hear about the divorce! But you will get past that, and you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. You are such a sweetheart!

    As for the new Love, Elsie lines… CANT WAIT to get mye hands on it! I have had a blast with the last ones. Your stuff makes me so HAPPY!

    Lene :o)

  • Ohh Elsie, I’m so sorry to hear about your divorce! ๐Ÿ™ My thoughts are with you and your family. You are such a beautiful spirit, I’m sure better times are ahead of you!

  • Elsie… So sorry to hear about your news. You are a strong woman!

    P.S. I love your shirt in the frame picture. Where’d you get it?

  • hugs and love elsie…and extra prayers for strength. Thank you for being you, k? ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Was surprised…like many…to read about your divorce. I was wondering why there hadn’t been pictures of the two of you in a while. My thoughts are with and wishing you much happiness.

    Be Happy!



  • Elsie,

    I’ve been a luker at your blog for a a couple of years now! And can you believe it..this is the FIRST commented I have made! ๐Ÿ™

    But when I read today’s post about the divorce, I just knew I had to post and send you happy wishes! You are an amazing artist, and you always inspire me!

  • Sending you the best of thoughts during this rough time. I had no idea, but I will kep you in my prayers! Just know that your fans support you 100%. You are a true inspiration.

  • Sending you the best of thoughts during this rough time. I had no idea, but I will kep you in my prayers! Just know that your fans support you 100%. You are a true inspiration.

  • So sorry you had to go through such a painful experience. Those of us that love you have you in our thoughts. Stay strong! You will get through this and be a better and stronger person. Life will get better, even though it may not seem that way sometimes.

    Sending hugs your way.

  • So sorry you had to go through such a painful experience. Those of us that love you have you in our thoughts. Stay strong! You will get through this and be a better and stronger person. Life will get better, even though it may not seem that way sometimes.

    Sending hugs your way.

  • Sorry to hear about the divorce, you are young, beautiful and I am sure you will pull though!

    Sending you huge hugs and I cannot wait for the new lines to come out and the book!

  • Elsie – having been through a divorce I know what you’re feeling. Just know that you will feel normal again, I swear. You have wonderful friends and family and they will get you through. Journal a lot (which I’m sure you do!!) and feel what you’re feeling! You’ll be fine, you have such a wonderful outlook on life, I know you’ll get through this! Best wishes!

  • Gosh……..sorry to hear about your divorce too. Hope all goes well for you with your future plans and dreams. Wishing you the best during this time of transition.

    Give your PUG the hugs and eat alot of those yummy cupcakes!!!!

    Prayers are with you and your family! God Bless

  • Elsie – I still have fond memories of meeting you at CKC-StL a couple of years ago. You were so friendly and just plain old nice to everyone. You have a great outlook on life and show an amazing maturity, taking the high road and not bashing TJ all over the internet. You are a positive person with a positive energy and your blog makes it obvious that you have tons of friends and family that truly love you. You WILL get through this and the sun will come back out again and stay out. Just stay positive and sweet and it’ll all work out in the end. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I’m so sorry, Elsie, to hear of your divorce. My wish for you is peace and to come thru this happy and a stronger person. But, I know it must be extremely difficult, especially in the public eye.

    Hug Cocoa and throw your energy into your work! You are an extremely talented girl and I know you’ll come out on top!!

    Just remember, that “this too shall pass.” Just keep being the cutie cute girl you are and the happiness will follow!!

    God Bless You, Elsie!



  • I’m sorry to hear about your divorce, Elsie. I went through a very painful one myself a few years ago. But, every day it hurts a little bit less. And, here I am 5 years later at a MUCH better place in my life…much happier. It’ll happen for you too. Much love and support to you!

    P.S. Loooove those shoes!!!

  • I’m tearing for you. ๐Ÿ™ *hugs* You’re such an inspiration, and even in this tough time, you continue to be one!

  • OMG, I had no idea either but now when I think about it, it sort of has been obvious in your recent layouts. Wishing you all the best. This too shall pass – life somehow always works out! Lots of hugs all the way from Denmark

  • Those cupcakes look great!! I am a little obsessed with cupcakes, I finally mastered red velvet cake and thought of you:) I am sorry to hear about your divorce. Though it is tough, it will only make you a stronger woman.

  • I’m sorry to hear about your divorce! I wish you all the best, all strenght and all support of your family and friends!!!

    Take care of yourself!

  • i’m so sorry for your divorce, i didn’t know!!!!

    all my frienship goes to you!!

    see you

    nessa, your scrap’fan, belgium

  • Holy shit! Wow seems like just yesterday that you guys were looking at building a home and wham! It happens to lots of people and I am sure that things will start looking up. I am going thru a troubling time with my husband right now and am hoping for a better outcome than divorce but good luck to you. You have so much talent so I am sure you will be fine on your own. At least you have some securities in that! I don;t make much money so my life would be hard….good luck to you!

  • I just want to say that I have been thinking of you and praying for you. I suspected that you might be single now because of several different reasons…not that it’s any of my business. I just want you to know that I am sorry! I really want to thank you for continuing to inspire everyone the way you do even through this difficult time. We love you Elsie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Another one just popping in to say been there, done that, and to send you some positive vibes from the UK! I know how tough it is – but you are a strong woman, you’ll be ok, I promise ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Elsie – I had heard rumours and hoped they wouldn’t be true (for one rumours can just be ugly lies). I’m so very sorry, divorce can never be fun. I’m very glad that though that you obviously have a very close, supportive family and I hope that you know we all care too!

  • Hi Elsie,

    Love your blog and your product lines. So sorry to hear about your divorce. I hope that you can find peace and comfort in your life during this difficult time. I know that your wonderful family will help you get through this. Sending hugs to you.

    Fran Heupel

  • Please remember, that the best is yet to come!

    Take good care!!!

    Liesbeth, middle name Els, from Belgium

  • Oh Elsie, I had a feeling that something was going on, I haven’t seen any photos of him lately. That certainly explains things. Sorry to hear that, hope that you are on the mend. On a better note I emailed you earlier in November about naming my daughter Elsie. Well, to our surprise I gave birth to a healthy baby boy we named Ryan on Monday. So, thanks for you cute e-mail and if we ever have another little girl we already have a great name picked out. Hang in there..hope this helps you smile.

  • Hi Els, just wanted to send you heaps of {{{{HUGS}}}} and tell you I love you. I have been going through the same in my life over the past three months and it has been incredibly tough. If you ever need some advice or a friendly ear, feel free to email. God bless you girl.

    Love always, Karen xoxo

  • I just want a cupcake… YUMMMMM!!!!

    Sending good vibes and strength your way, girl. Been there, done that… but there is light and happiness in your future. Promise!

  • I was wondering, what kind of camera do you use? Do you use a certain kind of photo software? Your pictures are always amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. I’m glad you have friends to help you through.

  • Hi Elsie-

    Your creativity and personality have been an inspiration for so many of us, we feel like we know you because you’ve shared so much with us. I’m sorry that you are going through a difficult time.

  • I was shocked to hear the news, too. You and TJ “seemed” so perfect for each other! Relationships are so very personal and intimate that I know there is much behind this ending than any of us cyber friends could ever know… I am rooting for your continued success and proud of the way you have handled the situation. Hugs to you!

  • Hi Elsie! I have been reading your blog for two years! I have never posted a comment, but I just wanted you to know that you have been on my heart the past couple of days. I feel like I know you and that we’re friends which is CRAZY! Here’s a couple of things I have prayed for you:

    1. that you would seek out people in your life to encourage and help mold you during this difficult time.

    2. that you would seek God when nothing makes sense.

    I hope someday to take a class from you or meet you! I’m a scrapbooking fan in Texas!


  • I love reading your blog, I love your positive attitude towards life no matter what. I know that good things are going to follow you!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    ps- I saw you at CHA I was just too nervous to say hi!!LOL

  • Hi Elsie,

    I am a HUGE fan of yours from Australia. Really sorry to hear about your divorce. Been there myself . Happiness will come chicky, I am now blessed with a gorgeous hubby and a 2 year old son. Enjoy your ‘me’ time and look after you.

    Ali Russell

  • Elsie dear, I didn’t know about your divorce… it’s silly how life can be sometimes…

    just cease the day, my dear…

    love the ones around you…

    live life…

    I know so many beautiful things are coming your way soon ๐Ÿ™‚ you deserve them.

    love to you…


  • Big hugs from Belgium, I’ve followed your class at Piens in Rotterdam. It breaks my heart to read you are going tru this. Maybe it sounds strange but thru scrapbooking and seeing all your lovely LO’s en other works, I think I got to know you a little. I know you hold family dear and wanted to start one of your own not so long ago. It is your destiny and you will find it some way or the other, I believe in you! You will fullfill your path gracefully, just like Audrey did, and far less tragic then Marilyn, but evenly beautifull! You rock, diva! Lots of hugs, Krisje

  • I think that what you said about it being the best and worst year is truely beautiful. Just your ability to see that means your living, with your eyes wide open and it is so good to see you moving ahead and blazing your own path. You have been an inspiration to me, not just for scrapping but for the way that you always seem to embrace life and not shy away from reality. Maybe I am just seeing what I need to for applying to my own life…anyways…

    Thanks, and one thing’s for sure; Life is a Beautiful Mess! =)

    God bless you Elsie!

  • I am so sorry to hear about this. Take care of yourself. I love the cupcakes, they are the most beautiful cupcakes I have ever seen.

  • Elsie…yor photos are fabulous!! So much fun to look at your work.

    I hope that all goes well for you through this time of change for you. Divorce is never easy. I know I have been there. For me it was all for the best, but it still was rough.

    Wishing you the best.


  • Thanks for sharing with us all your new products. They are simply wonderful. The apron looks adorable. Good choice. It must of been hard for you to work while you are going through such a trying time in you life. WE are all here to support you and thanks for the honesty. I have been there and it’s a hard bumby road, but it does smooth out. I have stayed very close with my x’s family, because i always loved them so so much. My x was the one who messed up so my in-laws told me they would never divorce me and they haven’t. Just thought i would share that with you because from your pics it seems like you loves you inlaw family so much. Anyways hope your weekend was fabu. by the way your cupcakes are super cute.

  • Thanks for sharing with us all your new products. They are simply wonderful. The apron looks adorable. Good choice. It must of been hard for you to work while you are going through such a trying time in you life. WE are all here to support you and thanks for the honesty. I have been there and it’s a hard bumby road, but it does smooth out. I have stayed very close with my x’s family, because i always loved them so so much. My x was the one who messed up so my in-laws told me they would never divorce me and they haven’t. Just thought i would share that with you because from your pics it seems like you loves you inlaw family so much. Anyways hope your weekend was fabu. by the way your cupcakes are super cute.

  • Blessings to you Elsie….I was married at 19 and divorced at 20. Hard thing to deal with at the time but such a relief.

    Just think….if you ever get married again, you’ll have so many more cool pictures to take!

    God bless you at this time and always.

  • Darling girl — so sad and surprised to hear your news. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of hugs! XOXXX

  • I noticed your myspace page said ‘single’ but like some of the other posters said – i didn’t want to be nosy. Glad you have a great support system of family and friends during this time. Love your pics! You are such an inspiration!!! Take care! Hugs!!!

  • Wow. I am really sorry to hear about your divorce! You seem to be a pretty strong person! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I am terribly sorry for the hard time you must be going through! Stay strong girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wow. I am really sorry to hear about your divorce! You seem to be a pretty strong person! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I am terribly sorry for the hard time you must be going through! Stay strong girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi Elsie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your divorce. All the best to you and thank you for continuing to inspire me with your fun and beautiful work.

  • Hey girl!

    Your cupcakes look so yummy and wonderful! I’ve been on my own cupcake kick lately! I think I craft better on a sugar high!!

    Love your cute cute shoes too!!

    As Vivian said to Kit in Pretty Woman…Take care of you!

    : ) kristy

  • Elsie you are a truly amazing person. I’m a huge fan. I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. Speaking from experience, loss is always the most difficult and painful thing to go through. I know the Lord has helped me so many times … draw near to him and stick tight with your family … I promise it will get better from one who’s been there. You have a beautiful spirit and you have inspired so many.

    I will be praying for you


  • My prayers are with you always.

    It seems at times there is much pain and darkness in the world. Life can be so long and so short at the same time. I love you. My heart will be with you. Give Cocoa a kiss for me.

  • So great seeing you again at CHA Elsie. I had no idea you were going through so much! You are always so personable and downright sweet! You are one strong chickie! Hang in there… you’ve got lots and lots of better days ahead! {{hugs}}


  • its always hard to see the positive during the storm, but i’ve been there and agree – some of the most amazing friendships and support have come from wonderful scrappers all over the world. thinking of you during all of this *hugs*

  • its always hard to see the positive during the storm, but i’ve been there and agree – some of the most amazing friendships and support have come from wonderful scrappers all over the world. thinking of you during all of this *hugs*

  • Elsie – I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having some rough times. You are such a beautiful spirit, though, that I can tell that your strength will prevail!

    I stopped by originally to tell you that I used some of your paper – actually, self-adhesive paper-backed fabric – on a book this weekend. I LOVE it! I hope that you come out with more of the adhesive fabric sheets and that they carry them here. (I got mine at Archivers in Boise.) Thank you for the beautiful products. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi Elsie, you don’t know me, but I am old friends with Sarah and Andrew Beard. Even though we’ve never met, I always been impressed with you because they think you’re such a cool girl. Anyway, I saw your link on her blog and thought I’d give a friendly “hello” post! So hello!

  • Elsie-

    My thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult time. You are a very talented person with a wonderful soul and I have no doubt you will continue to inspire many people. I wish you all the happiness.

  • Awesome cupcakes and incredible scrapbooking is there anything you can’t do?!

    Hang in there during what is probably an extremely rough time. The best is yet to come for you I’m sure!

  • Yummy.

    I make cupcakes too and they are FUN.

    Havr a fun and relaxing weekend doing all the things you love.

    the best is yet to be ๐Ÿ™‚



  • YIKES Elsie!! Sorry to hear you were going through that because I am probably as shocked as anyone! You ROCK in every sense of the word…keep your chin up and know you have millions of fans rooting you on! HUGS!

  • I feel like several others here…I had been wondering where “he” went in your work. I am so very sorry. I have only been through this with my parents, but I know it is extremely difficult. Family and friends and lots of love and prayers will get you through this! You will be in mine!



    p.s. All your new stuff totally ROCKS!!!

  • Elsie…you rock! I’m thinking of you…no matter what the cause divorce has got to be difficult. You my dear have managed to still fill everyone with huge amounts of inspiration with that special little fun loving elsie way!! All the best sweet elsie!!

  • My heart truely goes out to you Elsie. Just remember that you are an inspiring beautiful lady and you always bless me with every post and creation.

  • I am currently going through legal actions, too. Definitely not the same thing, but I know what it feels like to suffer through Divorce. 14 years for nothing…….now, I see it as a learning experience. Embrace the memories, the photos, your art, and don’t look back. Never let the past dictate your future!!! Hold your head high, and look for the better life. It will find you cause you deserve it!!!

    Hugs to you!


  • you handle yourself with dignity & composure! you inspire me!! hugs & prayers to you- sarah ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Elsie,

    I am touched that you shared such personal and painful info about you with us, the scrapbooking community. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that you are an amazing young creative soul that we are blessed to have in our scrapping community. Some of us tend to forget that our scrapbook ‘heroes’ are people too… and things happen. We love you Elsie!

  • Elsie

    I am sorry to hear that you have been going through a extreemly difficult thing. You are such a creative and inspiring person to so many of us. I don’t think you know how many people you have touched and inspired. By the way can’t wait to get your new line.

  • It is sad to hear that you’re having such a hard time, so a BIG HUGE digital hug for you!!

    Hope you find peace and new luck in your life!!

    take care!!

    X T@M

  • Sorry to hear about your divorce. I already wondered why there weren’t any photos of TJ on your blog anymore. Take care of yourself.

    A big “knuffel” (hug) from the Netherlands.

  • I’m thinking about you! I’ve found that in rough times you can be assured that it can only get better. You are an incredible person, a great inspiration and I know everything will work out for you. Keep smiling.

  • sweet Elsie, it’s like a lot of other people here has written…it feels like I know you, just from reading your blog…

    I wish you all the happiness, I’m so sad to hear about what’s happening, it’s the most difficult thing, but it can only make you stronger!!

    {{{{big big hug}}}}

    I send you sweet strawberries and pink lemondrops!!

    love Tove*, Norway

  • Elsie, I’m so sorry to hear of your divorce! I had been hoping that it was just a cruel, horrid rumor! I’ve been through the pain of divorce myself nearly 13 years ago, so I know firsthand how very rough it is. I’m glad you were able to keep your sweet little Cocoa…that unconditional love will help see you through the difficult days! I know that right now your dreams seem shattered and sometimes the future must seem rather bleak. As you heal, you will dream new dreams, your future will be brighter than ever and you will be stronger than you ever knew you could be.

    Keep on keeping on…your upbeat, cheerful style as well as how classy you’ve been through all of this is an inspiration to me! I can’t wait to see your new book and all the wonderful surprises that await you!

    Sending big hugs and wishing you a wonderful future!

  • Just wanted to de-lurk and say how much I love your blog – I love your sense of design, your use of colour, your scrapbooking, your art, and, your photos are just beautiful – you inspire me. So sorry to read you’ve been having a difficult time, you must be one brave lady. Glad you’ve obviously got such a supportive family, you deserve to be happy x

    Em x

  • I’m sorry to hear about this trial in your life Elsie. I’ve thought of you often and prayed for you. Let it draw you nearer to God, sweetheart.

  • oh ((hugs)) I’m so sorry to hear about this. Regardless of the circumstances I know it cannot be easy. I know I do not know you but you have my condolences and my thoughts. hold your head high…or as helen keller said, “keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadows.”

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