Holiday Sponsor info & Penelope

Ad-spacei can’t believe it’s almost December! i wanted to make a quick post about sponsor spots for December. i still have special Holiday rates & a few spots left (i think 2 large ads and a few small ones). It’s a great way to promote your indie business like handmade, vintage or boutique! my audience is very crafty and they love pretty things. we have high traffic (average of 10,000 to 15,000 views each day in the past month!) and lots of great quality posting coming up in December! get all the details here.  also, i want to thank my current sponsors & encourage you to check out their shops! they are a big motivator for me to bring you tons of pretty posts every day. Thank You.  

I am excited about Thanksgiving tomorrow. I know it’s just an American holiday, but it also marks the end of the Autumn season in my mind… a season that i wish could last forever! and the little girl we are all very thankful for, miss Penelope Bloom… 

Penelope-bloom-b+wthe cutest little pose with her fingers, huh? (photo by mr. larson)

XOXO elsie 

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