Holographic Vase DIY

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial) There are certainly some trends from the 90s that I am not that excited to see when I spot them returning to stores, but let me assure you that the holographic look is not one of those trends. I’M INTO IT! It totally gives me that feeling of sorting through my crazy stickers and Lisa Frank stationery, and I love all the pretty pastels that holograms can make at one time. I found this holographic vinyl online that’s actually used to cover headlights, but I thought it was so pretty that car maintenance shouldn’t be the only use for the material. Perhaps a vase shall I make?? Done!

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)Supplies:
-glass vase
holographic vinyl film
-painter’s tape
-X-Acto knife
flat white spray paint

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)Take your vase and cover the inside rim with painter’s tape. Since you only want to paint the outside of the vase, use more tape to create a barrier and completely block off the inside of the vase.

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)Use your flat white spray paint (a white primer will work) and paint the outside of your glass vase in several thin, even coats. Allow the paint to completely dry.

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)Cut a piece of vinyl that is slightly bigger than what you need to cover the outside of your vase.

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)Line up the vinyl, peel the backing off, and carefully and slowly adhere the vinyl to the vase making sure to press and smooth out any air bubbles as you lay the vinyl down.

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial)When you’ve gone all the way around, use your X-Acto knife to follow along the bottom and top edge and remove any excess vinyl to make it even with the vase.

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial) Now you’re ready to add flowers and really make this vase shine!

Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial) Holographic Vase DIY (click through for tutorial) I definitely wouldn’t put this vase in the dishwasher, but hand washing the inside after use would be fine. You could also do this for a planter with a different shaped container (although I think round containers show off the hologram best) and add some greenery to the top. I definitely want to hunt down some bigger sheets of this so I can cover larger items as well! Wish me luck! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions

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