How to Look Polished (Even When It’s Hot!)

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for moreWe have officially entered the dog days of summer here in New York City! I am fully aware of the many adventures that still await during these last few weeks. My days were packed, cramming in whatever activity I had all but forgotten, until these heavy and muggy last few weeks of summer  arrived. 

There's just so much that I want to see and experience, and there is so little time to fuss on makeup these days. Why should I? The makeup will probably just melt off at some point or another. 

I pride myself on many things, being one that rocks a makeup-less face with confidence is not one. Maybe one day I'll get there, but not today. I much prefer an overall pulled together, light makeup face, despite the heat. Over the summer, I've developed a foolproof routine that pulls me together just enough, makes me feel pretty, doesn't sweat off (and if it did, I wouldn't look drastically different), and takes just three minutes from start to finish. 

Here's how to look polished with just a few easy tips!

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more The summer sun, mixed with working out and sweat and more sun, has caused my face to break out a bit. The tip of my nose, between my brows, and a bit of my cheekbones, to be specific. Every morning after rinsing my face, I use a spin brush and Thayers Lavender and Aloe Witch Hazel to clear it up. It leaves my face feeling fresh and the perfect, clean palette for a little makeup. If I was to just go out without makeup, I would do that morning step and leave my face like the picture above. 

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more  Here are a few products I use to create a easy summer glow:

-Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel 
-Johnson's Baby Oil
-Nars Concealer
-EOS chapstick
-a gold eye shadow for the inner corner
-a bronzer for cheeks (I skip the bronzer and go straight for my favorite shimmery eyeshadow. You can do this too if you have a shade you already love.)
-liquid eyeliner 
-a brush for applying your eye makeup

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more   After I rinse my face with the witch hazel and spin brush, I pull out my witch hazel once again to create a highlight for my cheekbones. On a piece of folded tissue paper, or a small makeup sponge, I apply a few drops of witch hazel. After you apply your drops, apply a drop of baby oil. Yes, baby oil! Blended with the toner, it creates a smooth shine that gives you an off-the-beach glow. 

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more    After applying my cheekbone glow, I apply my concealer. I think it's far too easy to overdo the concealer part. I try to only put it halfway under my eye, and I always rub it in with my index finger. It helps keep your face looking more natural. 

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more      I feel like eyeliner and a bit of eyeshadow in the inner corner is essential to getting the pulled together part of this makeup look. It's not too much. Just enough. I tend to do a cat eye on days like this simply because I won't be wearing lipstick. But if I'm wearing lipstick, I'll skip the cat eye and just do the eyeliner. 

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more            I like to use my eyeshadow as a bronzer simply because it's light and it's the shade that looks best with my skin. But if you have a color that works, and it's an actual bronzer…go for it! Since you already put that toner and oil on as a "glow," you don't need to apply a lot. I put on just enough for a slight sparkle, nothing too obvious. I also apply a little to the tip of my nose and my chin. 

Et voila! It's airy and it's bright. Perfect for summer's heat! 

How to Look Polished (Even When It's Hot!) click through for more             I recommend wiping off your makeup at night with makeup remover and your Thayers. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your exciting summer! xx. LaTonya

Credits//Author: LaTonya Staubs. Photography: Peter Staubs. Photo edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

  • You do that with a brush? That’s interesting, maybe I should try it. I usually use a washing cloth and cotton pads but my face is oily again ten minutes later.

    Btw you look fantastic in the pictures! Such a perfect natural make-up that looks like you’re not wearing make-up. And a pretty smile! 🙂

  • I feel so stupid since I never ever thought of using eyeshadow as a bronzer. My skin is so pale and a light eyeshadow is probably the best thing for me. Thanks Latonya!

  • Gosh you are so beautiful without makeup (and with). And you have the best smile….just sayin. Thanks for an awesome summer tutorial. I live down south and the humidity melts pretty much anything off after 10 minutes.

  • I’m down in Florida and am currently a walking puddle. SO HOT! And this is perfect for me, since I’m into low maintenance makeup looks. Love the witch hazel/oil tip too. You look radiant!

  • I love this post! Your eyeliner application is perfection. The older I get the more I’m trying to perfect that “natural” make-up look, little to no eyeshadow, just enhancing my natural features. I will have to try that witch hazel/baby oil trick!!!

  • So beautiful! Those are awesome tricks for minimal makeup. I love that the end result is just a subtle and polished version of your stunning natural self. I’ll definitely be trying these out!

  • I think you look beautiful (with or without the makeup!) I’ll have to give the witch hazel a try- thanks for the tip!

  • Great trick! I actually use baby oil as makeup remover, so moisturizing!

  • I personally looooove when it’s swealtering hot outside (yes people think I’m nuts). But you gotta understand, winter here lasts forever and it’s really cold and I hate being cold. So when summer comes around I get about 1 month of my perfect weather so I will enjoy it thoroughly! I’ve always disliked the feeling of liquid foundation on my face, especially in summer because it tends to melt away over the course of the day so I switched to powder foundation a few years back and I’ve never gone back. I know it’s not for everyone but it’s great for me. I don’t feel like I have makeup on and I can just refresh it at mid day with a quick brush off.

  • You look so beautiful! I always get so excited when you post things for the site, as I rarely see women of color on any of the blogs I follow. Thanks for being awesome!

  • Love this post and the tips! I’m in Alabama need I say more about heat? Since I switched to organic makeup I have had almost zero breakouts. Physician’s Formula is my brand for a light and healthy look!

  • You are beautiful and I love the little bit of oil trick!!! You just inspired me to get off my butt and get ready for dinner out tonight. Thanks, I needed that!!!!

  • so, I totally get the feeling self-conscious part–we all have our things. but girl, you are GOURGEOUS without make-up. keep wearing make-up if it makes you feel comfortable because…well…make-up is fun. but if you ever have to stop? you’ll be just fine.

    also, I am always super excited when I see that there is a post from you.

  • LaTonya, you are gorgeous! Thanks for the tips – I need some help with all the mugginess around here.

  • You are absolutely stunning! Thank you for the tips – I always breakout this time of year, (I thought it was just me!) I will definitely try these tips out!

  • You know, I tried powder make-up and I just couldn’t get with it. I wanted to love it so bad, but it made my skin feel and look dull. But I have a few friends who also love and swear by powder.


  • Interesting! Would have never thought of baby oil/eye shimmer. I love this (you look beautiful!) & cannot wait to try here in Northern VA! Thank you.

  • Lovely! I would strongly suggest trying out coconut oil for the first step. Baby oil is made out of mineral oil, i.e. a byproduct of the gasoline manufacturing industry. It’s bad for your skin (doesn’t let it breath!) as well as the earth so coconut oil is a much gentler alternative that will actually leave your skin in better shape while still giving you that glow.

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