How To Start Your Blog With A Bang

HOW TO START YOUR BLOG WITH A BANGI receive questions often from people who have just started their first blog and are looking for tips. Two years ago I blogged 5 Tips For Bloggers and while I still stand behind those tips I want to dive in a little deeper today! Recently my friend and co-worker, Kinsey, started her first blog Sincerely, Kinsey. As she prepared to start her blog and developed it for the first six months I had a chance to mentor her a little bit. In this article I'll share the advice that I gave to Kinsey and she will share about her experiences and perspectives as a brand new blogger with you too!

Tip 1Most people blog about more than one subject, but it's good to choose a general theme for your blog. This is the category that you would use to describe your blog in one word such as Fashion, Craft, Lifestyle or Photography. When choosing a theme think about which subject you are most passionate about. Are you experienced with this subject? Do you have LOTS of ideas for posts on this subject? Do you feel confident about your ability to share content about this subject every week? Those are all great reasons to choose a theme!

There are also some not-so-good reasons why people choose themes for their blogs. Is your main goal to get free items? Are you choosing this theme because you admire another blogger and want to be just like them? Also a lot of people start blogging based on trends they see other people writing about and not something that they personally gave a lot of development to. If you start blogging based on what you see other people doing then the chances are good that in six months you'll feel uninspired and in need of change.

Once you've chosen your theme spend some time (weeks or maybe even months) filling journals with ideas and inspiration for your concept. Try to think of ideas that you haven't seen anyone do before. Try to develop concepts that play off of your strengths. Are you a great writer? An exceptional photographer? Are you extremely knowledgeable about your subject? Use your strengths to create ideas that are unique and will be fun for you to work on week after week! 

Kinsey, When you were choosing your theme what advice did I give you? Do you have any tips for brand new bloggers who are still choosing a theme?

"This was one of the most crucial decisions I had to consider before launching my blog. As Elsie suggests above, I spent a good three months developing my ideas, vibe, content, look, and name. Working for Red Velvet gave me an instant urge to start blogging right away, but I'm so thankful I waited a bit to start cultivating the themes and content of my blog and truly believe it made all the difference. 

Something I took to heart was in a conversation we had about blogging and you told me to make sure I blog about what I love. With blogging today, there are so many themes to choose from, but if it's not something you're passionate about, no matter how many readers or sponsors you get, you'll eventually get burned out. I really had to evaluate and say,"If I have just a few readers and don't make a dime, would I still blog?" The answer? Yes. But only because my overall theme is something I'm passionate about and would still be doing even if I wasn't blogging about it."

 Tip 2You don't have to blog about everything. If you aren't comfortable with sharing your personal life, don't. If you don't enjoying developing DIY projects, you don't have to create them for your blog. If you think ________ is annoying, skip it! Give yourself complete control and zero obligations to do what other bloggers are doing. Do what you love and be confident about your choices. Some of my very favorite blogs are super focused on just a few things and never branch out much. Doing less can be a strength! 

This same principle applies to post frequency. I definitely recommend keeping a regular schedule, but if you can't manage to post every day don't stress out about it! Again, some of my favorite blogs only post a few times per week or only during the weekdays. The most important thing is that you choose a schedule that fits with your lifestyle that you can enjoy creating each week!

Kinsey, What are some popular subjects that you decided to skip on your blog? Do you think this more focused concept has made your blog stronger? 

"When choosing subjects on my blog, I really wanted to focus in on my strengths. Just because I love reading it, doesn't mean I have to blog about it! For instance, I really enjoy some food, family oriented, and high fashion blogs, but I choose to steer clear of those subjects because writing about them are not my strong points.

I definitely believe having focused on a couple of really strong concepts has helped my blog immensely. Something I've learned from talking with you, Els, is letting readers be able to define your blog within moments of visiting your blog. You only get one first impression, and if readers can't define what your blog is all about, they might feel a little overwhelmed by your content and unable to relate. When you have a focal point it becomes the "main course" of your blog, making it appealing to the readers you want to attract. But a "do it all" blog can become all side dishes." 

 Tip 3In the first year of blogging it's normal to still have some kinks to work out. Give yourself permission to keep developing, changing your routines and regular refining content until you are completely happy. You might be surprised which posts are most popular. You might even be surprised which posts are the most enjoyable for you to create! These unknown factors are completely healthy and it's good to keep your options open. Don't tie yourself down with lots of rules in the first year, allow your content to develop and evolve in a natural way by listening to your readers and most importantly, your instincts! 

Kinsey, How has your blog concept evolved since you started? Has anything about the blogging experience surprised you? How have you re-developed your content since you started?
"I honestly never envisioned falling in love with blogging as much as I have. I've also been surprised at how easy blogging can be, but only when you truly apply each of the previous topics. When you have a theme you love, subjects you're passionate about, driven focus, and a realistic schedule, it becomes a natural, blissful part of your every day life! 
As I continue to blog, I hope and try to become better each day in cultivating my craft, content, and vibe. While I had in mind the content I wanted to share, over the past couple of months it's been really fun to see how it's beginning to flow more naturally as I learn what I love to post about most." 
Tip 4I am continually shocked by the number of people who come to me asking for blogging advice who don't read blogs. If you can't list off the top 10 blogs you love to read then I highly recommend creating a Bloglovin' account and using it to follow and discover blogs that you enjoy. Create a network for yourself of bloggers who you admire. Make connections through social networking or good ole' fashioned e-mail and keep in touch. One of the ways that my blog grew when it was very young was by cross promoting with my pals. Don't be shy…. make friends! They will encourage you along as you start your blogging journey.  

Kinsey, How have friendships and connections helped to grown your blog in the first year?

"This has got to be one of bloggings' most cherished attributes. I remember finding out at your wedding Els, that some of your bridesmaids started off as blog pals and thinking it was one of the neatest things. I honestly thought meeting such wonderful people through blogging was just a lucky chance and only happened to those who had been blogging for years. But already I've met some truly sweet friends that I plan on keeping in contact with for years to come. There is such a unique connection with fellow bloggers because they can relate with you in ways that most people in your life can't. It's really beautiful."

 Tip 5For most types of blogs photography is a big deal. I really love stumbling upon a blog I've never seen with amazing photos. In fact, photography is the number one thing that attracts me to most blogs I enjoy! To practice your own photography you don't need a fancy camera or editing software, start with what you have. Try angles and photos that you've never tried. Take 10 more photos than you would normally take to get a better "best" shot. Follow some photography blogs and use their photos as inspiration to try a new effect, lighting or pose. Whatever level you are on, challenge yourself to get to the next level!

I take the photography on my blog very seriously. I work hard to find the best lighting and backgrounds. I keep an idea book full of photo ideas to try. I try to improve my skills with each new season. This has paid off in so many ways! It's helped even my personal/family photos to be better, which is a huge plus! I LOVE the challenge of always trying to develop a new skill. I highly recommend getting into the mindset that you are a lifelong learner and that your blog will get better with time!
Kinsey, How has your background as a photographer helped you to develop a better blog? Any advice for new bloggers?
"While snapping photos is something that runs through my blood, I don't think you have to be a professional photographer to have great photos on your blog. I have some close friends that, while they don't have the best equipment, they utilize what they have and take some really great photos. My best advice would be find photography inspiration, scout out great locations that have great shadows, know the best times of day to shoot, and practice! Plus, doing a bit of research is always a great way to learn. Make a commitment to learn one new thing about photography each week and really apply it. This will make it a lot less intimidating than trying to learn it all at once."

I hope you've been inspired by these tips! Since Kinsey started her blog in November it's grown to around 245,000 page views each month. She is a great example of a brand new blogger who is learning, growing and challenging herself every single month! 

Oh… one more question for Kinsey. 

Kinsey, Do you have any personal advice for new bloggers. Anything you learned from your first year that you'd like to share?

"Something Elsie and Emma have said that has influenced me so much, (I don't even think they know how big of a difference it has made!) has been when I've asked specific questions that should be personal decisions, (themes, ideas, sponsor pricing etc) they have told me they will never tell me what to do on my blog. I'm so thankful for that."

From the bottom of my heart… Good luck to everyone who has a new blog or is thinking of starting one! I love working on A Beautiful Mess every single day. Truth be told, I have goosebumps right now after working on this post. I'm excited for you! If you have more blogging questions feel free to leave them in the comments. Love you guys… Elsie 
ps. if you're still wanting more, check out my Blog Love E-Course! XO
  • Thanks for these great tips! My blog is about seven months old now, and I’m really getting a sense of how everything works. 🙂

  • This was such a sweet post! I love hearing and reading tips on developing my blog! Thanks for sharing!

  • What a great post – inspirational, helpful, and uplifting too. It gives me the drive to keep working away at my own little space. Thanks lovely ladies!

  • I’ve definitely been one of the miserable blogger-types who has started and ditched several blogs. I took your e-course, I made a huge journal, I started fresh, and since then I’ve started over again and am about to pull the plug yet again (three times now–yikes!). I love fashion–particularly outfit posts–but I’m uncomfortable posting my own and I don’t really have the time to have pictures taken before I head out for the day, which kind of kills what I envisioned for my blogs. On the bright side, my design skills are slowly improving!

    Blogging has been really love/hate for me. I’m hoping I’ll find some winning combination of features one of these days!

  • I love hearing you talk about blogging! It was awesome hearing Kinsey’s thoughts too! I started a blog with no idea of what I wanted to do. It was sporadic without any major theme for almost two years; I did it the crazy way. But now I feel I’ve got it almost where I want it. Taking your Blog Love course helped so much and I was able to realize what I truly loved writing about and streamline themes. I’m still a work in progress.
    Catherine Denton

  • I really appreciate how strongly you wrote about having a main theme and not feeling pressure to create the all-encompassing DIY/recipes/fashion/home decor/etc, etc blog (not coming down on anyone that does!). But this is such a huge weight off my shoulders when I think about my own new blog. It’s okay that I don’t cover everything!

    Elsie, could you do a post on some of the programs/file types you use daily with blogging? Like how you get the header up, the handwritting on your photos, and what file sizes/types you use?
    Unless this is in your E-course, in which case I’ll look into that!
    Thank you!

  • really great tips and a reminder to myself to keep working on the amazing class! i’ve had a blog since 2007 but just now feel like i’m getting a handle on what i truly love to blog about and have started to develop consistency. i would say consistency is the number 1 lesson i’ve had to learn and i don’t mean blogging everyday… but being true and consistant with theme, blogging regularly and not giving up on it just because “life” has gotten in the way.

    my next lesson to really learn… planning! i’m such a bad planner but i’m trying to work on it because once mastered i think i’ll finally have the blog i’ve been dreaming up for the past 5 years!

    thanks so much for the continued inspiration!

  • Thanks for the tips! I just started a blog in late February, and have found that it takes a LOT of time and dedication to find your voice, your style and even more time to make other blogger friends.

    It is so important to really read and care about other’s blogs, just as they would care for yours! Leave meaningful comments on other’s posts, keep up with their happenings, and the relationships will blossom.

    Original content is very important, as people come to your blog to see a bit of your life. Pinterest has helped me tremendously, and posting original content there is great for bringing interest and traffic to your site!

    It is a constantly evolving process, and I can’t wait to see where my new bloggy friendships go, and where this little blog of mine takes me!

    Secondhand Magpie

  • I have been blogging for almost three years, but only in the last month or so have I really felt like a blogger. thanks for your tips

  • Great tips! I’ve found the “following other blogs” part to be really difficult as a mother of four. I usually only have time to quickly read them but very rarely comment and have never bothered to e-mail anyone. I love the idea of making some blog friends though!

  • I’ve re-read Elsie’s 5 Tips for Bloggers a few times the past few weeks, so I love these additional bits of advice, especially with Kinsey’s perspective in there — I am a HUGE fan of “Sincerely, Kinsey” and it’s encouraging to see her so successful! 🙂

  • This is quite useful. As a relatively new blogger I can certainly use all the help I can get. Thanks!


  • very intersting…
    it’s inspired me to makes mine better..
    thank you beautifull Mess.. 🙂 🙂

  • Great advice! I am a new-ish blogger. The new part is now I am blogging for business rather than personal stuff.

    I would also add to this list that you decide what the purpose of the blog is…like do you want to get traffic and convert shoppers…or are you doing it just for fun and a creative outlet? Or maybe you want to offer advice on a particular topic? All great reasons, just need to be clear on what the goal is before you spend money on a site.

    Also I would add that you pick a topic or purpose for your blog. If your topics are too broad, you may have trouble getting and keeping visitors to your site.

    I adore both yours and Kinsey’s blogs. Need to comment more. But I’m still getting the hang of networking online.


  • I started my blog to help document and share my wedding planning process but over the last few weeks have been feeling like I might finally be getting into my groove – this is where your point about writing journals and journals of ideas really resonates with me – I would be so honoured if you took a look at my blog and let me know what you think 🙂

  • Thanks for the tips Elsie & Kinsey. I’ve been blogging for just over a year but the first year was quite sporadic and I wasn’t really doing any networking. I’m now much more focused, and also worrying far less about who reads it – quality over quantity! I took your course which helped, and have learnt so much from seeing what other bloggers do. I think it really helps to think of your blog as halfway between a diary and a magazine. It also helps to focus on developing your ‘voice’, so that your readers get a sense of who you are and can tell it’s something you’ve written straight away.

  • I started my blog just to give updates to family and friends. Right now it’s just sort of a gallery of my artistic life (music, photos, art)…I’m not sure where it will lead…

    The question I have is about making friends with other bloggers. I feel like I read many blogs and comment frequently but I never receive responses! Is this normal? I know many bloggers have thousands of readers and hundreds of comments on each post and it must be difficult to respond to all of them… so… How does one make friends with other bloggers other than just reading and commenting on their blogs?

    Thanks for all the tips, they’re very helpful. I subscribe to both A Beautiful Mess and Sincerely, Kinsey! 🙂


  • Thank you for the tips. I have to say mine started as “keep a log of our daily travel/and moving life in the military” and it has morphed into this highly contagious WANT to get out and travel even more, find new great sites in our current city of Seoul, and just share our joy of life. I recently stumbled onto your blog and adore it, these tips will help me to keep tweaking and working on the craft!

  • I love this. I’m still working on marketing my art so I decided to start my own blog but problems do arise from time to time and I sincerely appreciate this post. It was informative and inspiring. Thank you.

  • So interesting! My blog is definitely growing and I am really finding my voice on there, but always want to improve. I love blogging so I really love these tips that you take time to write, thank you!

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  • Woow! it’s very informative, It makes me more interested on blogging. Thanks for the tips.

  • I am very excited about this post. I love my bloglovin e-course and refer to it weekly, it keeps me very inspired. I’m sure I will refer to this post quite often too!

    To be honest, blogging can be very frustrating as it does seem to develop very slowly. You DO have to be passionate about it in order to keep at it even when you don’t “feel like” blogging. I love Kinsey’s blog a lot, and I think she is a very talented and passionate blogger but I think that having A Beautiful Mess as one of her “blogging friends” and real life friends has helped her with her high views and success quite a bit. I know that is how I found Sincerely, Kinsey and now I am a regular reader… I don’t know if Kinsey’s success is totally realistic for bloggers who are just starting out (there are SO MANY blogs out there!) but it is certainly something to aspire to. It must have been amazing to have you, Elsie, as a mentor for her first blogging experience. I only wish I was so lucky!

    Best, Brittan

  • While I do think that all of this advice is valuable, it’s unfair to write about Kinsey like she’s completely new and inexperienced in the blogging world. I’m sure a lot more bloggers would gain 2000 followers and 250,000 page views if they had friends like you and Emma to promote them. That isn’t to say that Kinsey isn’t talented… she’s obviously a good blogger and has worked very hard. She just had a huge advantage and it seems unfair to write this post without mentioning that.

  • I am in the journal stage of creating a blog. I actually asked for your E-Course as a Mother’s Day present… fingers crossed.
    Can you recommend some good photography blogs that you enjoy and draw inspiration from?


  • I’m also blogging for just a few months now and have found out what it’s like only when I did it. It was really inspiring to read about your experiences and advices. It’s nice to see, that other bloggers have made the same expriences! Thanks for this post!

  • I’ve been writing for three years. Overhaul in a tad bit just to get the feel of my blog right. Thanks for this post! Inspiring!

  • I love this post! I’ve started roughly a billion blogs in the past (accurate statistic) that for one reason or another haven’t worked out, and I’ve just started a new one, true to form. I really want this one to work and am trying to get my head around what I want to post! It’s only a month old, so I’m eating up posts like this to try to help.

    Take a look if you like 🙂

    Any advice is ALWAYS appreciated!

    Thanks again for this post 🙂

  • Thank you so much Elsie!
    I started a ‘travel blog’ a few months ago, so this is super helpful. Your blog has been a great inspiration in countless ways 🙂

  • You totally read my mind! I have only just started my blog – it’s only a few weeks old, but in the last week or so I have been trying to figure out the basis of my blog and how to move forward and improve over time. This inspirational insight from an experienced blogger is just what I needed to tell myself that I could do this. Thanks Elsie and Kinsey 😀


  • This post is really inspirational. I just started a blog and often wonder if I do the things I do the right way.

    Thanks for all the great advices Elsie and Kinsey!

    I think Im going to start a journal to collect my ideas. I blogged about it, too, you can find the post right here (of course I gave all the credit to you Elsie).


  • Thanks for this. It’s really helped give me a step in the right direction. My head is already buzzing with ideas. Looks like I’ll have to buy a new notebook. Oh well! 🙂

    Your Blog-love e-course is already on my payday shopping list too.
    Thank you.
    Hannah. xx

  • What a wonderful article – thanks so much to you both for sharing your tips and experiences in blogging. I’m still a new blogger so it’s so good to read some great advice!! Thanks again 🙂

  • The idea of taking your time before going live I think is priceless. If I could turn back time and do that I definitely would.

    Keeping an ideas journal is very important – I do that too!!

    My blog is growing slowly but surely and it has evolved as I have gone along. It has taken me a long time to get to where I am right now but I am happy with my blog and like you I make time to be on it every single day. I love it.

    The blogging community is awesome too – so lovely and supportive.

    I will be checking out your blog later today Kinsey – I have a feeling I’ll really like it though already!!


  • Thanks Elsie, as always exactly the post I wanted to read today, because I started my own blog a few days ago. 🙂

  • Your first point is an interesting one. I have a blog but dont have a particular theme. I think I’m ok with that though, I mean, its a blog about my life, thoughts, opinions, etc…is this not ok? Would that be considered a lifestyle blog?
    I don’t ever write about fashion or craft stuff as i’m not creative in that way…
    I try and post blogs daily but mostly about things that are happening in my life or society. Issues that you can’t really write in advance and take a lot of time to prepare…
    are your 5 tips directed mainly to craft, fashion type blogs?

    Louise xo

  • Hey Elsie, thanks for the tips!
    How about the importance of the name we choose for our blog?
    I struggle with it soooo much! I tried everything (from my favourite songs’ lyrics to my favourite books/characters) but nothing seems right… plus my name is too hard to pronounce in English so it’s hard to pick anything really 🙁

  • Excellent article!! Your Blog is so inspiring in all topics you write, thanks for share. I know that you are very busy but if you find a little instant visit my new blog without any expectations , i will love to show you my work.
    Im excited to go to Kinsey blog!!!!

  • I feel like I say this with every post I read here lately, but this is such great advice! I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years now, but was a complete newbie when I started and had no idea what I was really getting myself into (which is probably good, because otherwise I might have been too scared to do it). I have made lots of mistakes along the way, so my blog hasn’t grown as much as I would have liked it so far, but with the help of posts like this one, now I feel like I have a better grasp on things. I still have a lot to learn and improve (photography, design, etc.) but I’m hopeful and excited to do it.

  • Thanks so much for this post….it helps to know that it takes awhile to sitr up a following. I’m a brand new (only about a month old) blogger, but I’m loving the journey!

  • Just when I felt like I was hitting a brick wall you wrote this post. Thank you thank you thank you. It’s given me a fresh way of looking at my blog. I’ve only been blogging for around 6 weeks and wasn’t sure of my direction but I guess thats ok because I’m new and my blog will evolve and I’ll find my feet. Thank you for the advice.

  • This is fantastic. As someone just starting out, these are all great tips that I’m definitely going to take into consideration 🙂 I read so many fashion blogs and would love to have a blog centred around outfit posts, but I’m just not sure I’m passionate enough about it. Deciding what “theme” I want for my blog has been hard, but hopefully I shall find my feet soon enough 🙂 Thank you for your helpful blog post!

  • Thanks so much for posting this and for sharing Kinsey! I have been mulling around my blog ideas for a couple months while waiting for school to be over. I have wanted to just start so many nights when I’ve had a bout of inspiration. But I’m glad I waited and now feel like I have a way better idea of what I want to blog about. And I think, like you guys both said, that is very important.

    Thanks for the other tips, too. I need all of the advise I can get before June when I plan to launch. Have a good day girls!

  • Insightful and helpful, as always! Thank you Elsie and Kinsey! I’m rather new at blogging (ehm, with direction, purpose, etc 😉 ) and appreciate the instruction you’ve provided!

  • Really useful tips, thank you! I wasn’t sure what I wanted my blog to be when I started it, so I just let it develop for a while…as I did.. and it now seems to have a pretty strong theme. But you’ve reminded me that I probably ought to go and tidy it up, to bring it all into line!

  • Thank you so much for the post/tips! All of your posts has been so inspiring and encouraging. I hope to follow and remember them all.

    xoxo, Aves Gry

  • This post came at the most perfect time for me! I have been struggling with my blog and where I need/want to go with it. This helps me focus and I really need to focus! Fantastic advice! Thank you so much! I am excited for the future of my little ol’ blog!! xxJess

  • Thanks so much for the great advice!
    I just started up blogging again, and this really helps me.

    Greetings from the Midwest 🙂

  • this is probably one of my most favorite posts from A Beautiful Mess. I love heaps, but this has definitely reached the top. Amazing tips… and it’s so cool how i’ve been looking at a lot of blogging tips and this happened! 😀 thanks elsie, emma and kinsey! 😀

  • I’ve been blogging since last July and I have been networking and I’ve read your course and such but for some reason I just can’t get people coming and checking out what I create even though I’m completely being myself in it…What gives?

  • Thanks for the advice, and Kinsey your blog is beautiful! Making friends through blogging is one of my main goals 😉
    I certainly feel the pressure to do everything everyone else in blogosphere is doing. That however would be impossible. So I guess it’s best to be yourself!
    On a
    A side note, where did you get those red shoes?! Love them!

  • Thanks for the great advise! I will try my best to follow them, I’m kinda one of those “I blog just to blog” girls… Simply because I can’t choose what I like more: interior, clothes or music.. And because most of my followers knows me personaly, and I live far away from my friends and family, it feels natural to blog alittle about my personal life as well.. What theme do I have then..? Lifestyle, maybe? I don’t know 😛

  • What an excellent post. Might I suggest that another thing that helped Kinsey launch with a nice big bang, was that you mentioned that she was starting a blog several times here on a Beautiful Mess. What an awesome position for a brand new blogger to have found herself in! Recommended by the pros who, through their wonderful work, find themselves at the top of the blogging world!

    Something that I’ve noticed upon beginning to blog in July, is that I am much more engaged in life … actually doing things that before I would have only thought about doing. My husband has noticed a big difference in me on that front too! It’s a great a motivating reason to be blogging, regardless of how many readers one gets.


  • I run a blog and an etsy store, and I’ve found that these kinds of tips work for both. Thank you so much for these. I’m just getting started with my shop, so these will be a HUGE help!

  • First I have to say thank you for this! It really hits home for me because I started my first blog and did the exact opposite of all these tips, I ended up hating my blog and it became a stress instead of something fun. So I took a month long break and really thought about what I loved and what I wanted to share. Since then I have done similar things and so far blogging has become fun again. So these tips are amazing I must say and thank you so much for sharing them!
    PS I absolutely adore Kinsey’s blog. I was one of the first to follow her and it’s amazing how much her blog and grown in followers and content since she first started. Love her little space.

    Again, thanks for sharing!

  • Elsie, I completely agree with these points. A few particularly stuck out for me, especially with regards to networking. I too am shocked that some bloggers rarely read/network. When I first started blogging I wasn’t aware of the blogging community, but once I learnt of it, it is one aspect of blogging that keeps me going. It’s a lovely feeling knowing that people are reading and appreciating your work, and it is also equally as nice supporting others, and opening your eyes to what other people are doing. Through this my blog has changed as have my interests (and my bank balance has been severely dented).

    Another is blog development. I think it’s always good to challenge oneself with posting. Through blogging I’ve improved my photography skills and maybe more importantly my confidence levels have soared. I think blogging pushes people both creatively and personally, and I know some of my new found confidence is down to blogging.

    Anyway, sorry for the essay. I just wanted to thank you on writing an insightful and helpful post, which many will find useful. xo

  • All such wonderful advice! I made a lot of mistakes when I first started blogging… the usual things. Doing too many features, not enough personality, trying to be like everyone else. I finally found my own voice and started a new blog: in less than 3 months, I have as many followers as I had in 2 years on my first blog… not “many”… but I make new friends almost daily. I am inspired and always writing or getting ideas. It’s so liberating to just be myself! I hope your readers take this post to heart.

  • Thanks for sharing! I’m always looking for blogging tips that might steer my blog and my friends’ blogs in the right directions.


  • Thanks for the tips!! The one thing I can say about photography is to not be afraid to take 20 pictures of the same thing..of those, a couple will turn out perfectly!! Practice, practice, practice!

  • Thank you so much for this, this is exactly what I needed: I was in a blank period in the blogging area and didn’t know where to go anymore. Now you reassured me and reminded me why I love blogging so much and how great it is for YOURSELF to make your blog lively and passionate.

    Elsie, you are such an inspiration in SO many ways and I think I’ll never be able to thank you enough for all that you do to make my life amazing! =)

  • Thank you so much for this post ! The tips are really helpful ! i also started my blog last month, so this was such a helpful post i could ever encounter ! thanks 🙂

  • I’ve just started blogging and I am really grateful for this post. i have to convince myself that its OK for me to want people to read! It’s alright if I want to have a larger audience base. I almost feel trapped by the fact that I feel self centered if I blog for more then just my family and friends. It’s a strange feeling, but I’m thinking about taking your e-course.

  • I can safely say that A Beautiful Mess is one of my favourite blogs to read. And, I also discovered Sincerely, Kinsey through it as well (which I totally love also!). I just want to say thank you for these tips. I launched my blog back around the New Year and it has definitely been a learning process. But I am very thankful for other “more established” bloggers helping me out along the way. These tips are wonderful and they are all things that I have come to realize through blogging. So thank you for sharing and for encouraging all of us as we develop and improve our blogs!
    Blessings, Amber

  • I started my blog last august and it has quickly become one of the best parts of my day. I write in portuguese, so there is a natural restriction to viewers, but I see it as something I love to do as opposed to something “commercial”.

    Your blog is an everyday inspiration and I hope some people feel the same about mine.

    Thanks, Elsie, Emma and Kinsey.


  • I started my blog last august and it has quickly become one of the best parts of my day. I write in portuguese, so there is a natural restriction to viewers, but I see it as something I love to do as opposed to something “commercial”.

    Your blog is an everyday inspiration and I hope some people feel the same about mine.

    Thanks, Elsie, Emma and Kinsey.


  • This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve been reading A Beautiful Mess for a long time, I had a blog for a little while but only made a few posts. I’m starting on a new adventure in life, and about to open up an Etsy shop, and have always wanted a lovely blog to go along with it. I’ve been nothing but intimidated and while I put it off cause I know I’m not ready yet, I haven’t tried to organize any of my ideas. While reading this posts I started making notes of how I want MY blog to be, I am greatly inspired by others but the last thing I want to be is a copy cat. This post inspired me more than I ever have been about blogging and I already have a list of ideas and things to not only set me apart from others, but make it truly suit me and who I am. Thank you Elsie and Kinsey, you are both so wonderful, helpful and inspiring!!!

  • Thanks so much!! I just started my blog in late April. It’s still a baby but I am so excited to be blogging about something I am finding that I am very passionate about. I will take your tips to heart. I am working on my networking skills and I’m sure my design will be changing as I continue to blog more and the blog grows. You’ve really given me things to think about. Thank you again! xoxo

  • Thanks for these tips! I’ve been blogging for two years but really haven’t hit my stride with it yet. But encouraging posts like this always make me stick with it!

  • What a great post with GREAT advice. The fact that Kinsey’s blog has become so successful in such a short amount of time is really inspiring–as is your space! This inspired me even more to work on my blog!


  • All I can say is….more please! This type of article is something I’m really interested in as a blogger.

    Could you expand more on getting readership? I’ve been blogging for three years and studying blogging and I think I’m missing something with finding more readership.

  • Really nice read! I think the hardest part is gathering the courage to talk to people/etc. however. x-x

  • This was so helpful! I’ve been blogging on and off for about 2 years (off because I get discourage very easily when I see no comments and very few views…) Keep up the good work beautiful mess and sincerely, Kinsey! Your blogs are so fun and crafty and inspirational!

    bri from

  • These tips are very helpful and encouraging! I have one question, though? Is it possible to do a very general blog well? I like blogging about food, design, decorating, gardening, DIY, Travel, Fitness… This may be a dumb question but do you have any advise to someone like me who likes doing all these?

    LOVE THE BLOG – Thanks, again for the help!

  • Hey, Elsie — in case you don’t remember, you were on my show, the Paperclipping Roundtable with Ali Edwards.

    I have a question. I’ve been experimenting with adding text — both typed and handwritten — to my photos. I’m wondering what your process is. Do you do it with a wacom tablet, an iPad, or with a smart phone app?

    That’s my burning question, but I’m also curious about your overall system…

    Do you plan your photos to fit certain templates you use for your posts?

    What steps do you take your photos through to get from the camera to their presentable state (gridded and/or with text) and onto the blog?


    Thanks! 🙂

  • Great post, I needed this advice! My blog is still in its new born phase and I will definitely use your experience and knowledge!


  • As always lovely advice ladies and I love that you interviewed Kinsey. She has such a beautiful blog.
    I agree 100% about being in the life long learner mindset. My blog is creeping up to the 6 month marker and I still have so much I am learning everyday. I also feel as someone who loves to learn and wants to learn as much as they can, my blog has really made that happen for me. It gives me a space to create and share all that I am learning and most of all a space to grown in!
    You ladies both have gorgeous blogs and are so talented. Thank you for sharing your talents and encouraging others! So beautiful!

  • Thank you so much for the advice! I wish I’d had some of them a few months ago, when I started to blog, but there is always room for growth and improvement! Thank you for encouraging me that its ok to just blog about what I feel comfy with! I’ll keep all of your advice in mind as I work towards building a lovely blog! 🙂

  • Thanks for great tips and advice girls! I recently started a blog about food and baking and I’m really enjoying the experience so far. I’ve got so many ideas I sometimes can’t fall asleep because I can’t switch off! I had two blogs before but they were never about something I truly loved and I got bored or ran out of ideas quickly. Here’s hoping I’ll be able to celebrate my blog’s first anniversary next year 🙂

  • I think tip #4 is the one I need the most, three years into blogging under my name Sweet Eventide (not to mention three years before that before I switched gears), and I still haven’t gotten it down. I have some steady, loyal readers but the number has stayed the same almost this entire time. I think it’s time to make more friends. 🙂

  • Elsie, another great advice post! My sister and I just started our very own blog just about a month ago and I will really take these morsels to heart as we grow. Thanks so much for the timely tips and please check out our blog! We’d be honored 🙂

  • Thank you so much for your tips. I’m from holland and just began blogging for a month now. xxjes uit Nederland

  • I do admit, I appreciate this post very much. Starting a blog has been such an amazing journey. Sure there have been bumps along the road, but I have they only make you stronger and I am now confident about the blog that I am working on.

    Plus, I enjoy that you write to post what you want and not what your audience expects. It is true! As a college student, I post what I can. Sometimes it is hard to create DIY’s and food recipes in a dorm room, but now my blog is concentrated more towards a college lifestyle, which is what I’ve always wanted.

    Thanks for this post 🙂

  • Well how nice! You mean I can just write about what I like and not try to be the next superblog? Yay! Haha! I’m still not sure how to get view numbers up, yet- I wonder, does that come with time and content, or is it mostly about connections..? Well, either way- thanks so much for the encouragement!
    {to watch her unfold}

  • I have been considering signing up for your Blog Love E-Course, and this just pushed me over the edge. Just this little post helped me, so I’m sure I’ll be able to learn more from your course. I’m having a blog reveal party this month, and I want to get people excited, and develop even better content. Thanks for the tips!!

  • This was such an inspiring post. Recently I’ve been thinking about taking a step back from my blog to re-define and style it because it started becoming too random. I just didn’t really know where to start or how. I need to ask myself the questiions you posed.
    Thank you so much!


  • i fell in love with kinsey’s blog instantly. i could tell right away from her photography style to her personal style we were kindred spirits. and ive enjoyed getting to know her more as time goes on! thanks for sharing this girls!

  • Your tips are always so helpful. I’m just starting my blog but I am soooo all over the place and trying to tweek it all the time before I really talk about it.

  • Started my first blog in January and I had no idea of the wonderful world of bloggers that was out there. Thanks for the great tips… love your blog!
    AP x

  • great tips! I wrote a few tips myself some weeks ago! some were quite similar, so I think were on to something! 😉

  • great tips!
    There two themes on my blog: Food and selfmade.
    I blog for one year now and even if I’ve just a few readers I blog whenever I love to. And I’m so excited about the new readers and comments and questions!
    Do you have any advice for my “header”/ top of my blog? I really don’t know what to do, but I think about it so much since I got some new readers..
    Thank you for all the inspiration I get when I look around on your blog!

  • This was wonderful, and encouraged me so much that I started to tear up. This was great affirmation that I am on the right track, but also gave me some direction as far as content and theme. Thank you so much ladies.

  • I like reading your posts about blogging! I’ve had the same blog for years, and have enjoyed writing it. I don’t have a huge following (sometimes I wonder if I have anyone following!) but I like doing it. Something that caught my eye in what Kinsey said though was:

    “Something I’ve learned from talking with you, Els, is letting readers be able to define your blog within moments of visiting your blog. You only get one first impression, and if readers can’t define what your blog is all about, they might feel a little overwhelmed by your content and unable to relate.”

    I love A Beautiful Mess, I found it maybe a year or 8 months ago or something. I read it through Google Reader every day, but I wouldn’t say I could define it, and that’s part of what I love! My own blog started out just about knitting, but now it is knitting and baking and cooking, the odd home decor thing… I felt like it was a tiny version of A Beautiful Mess (minus the fashion!). I like seeing a ‘big name’ blog talking about a variety of things.

  • This is very nice of you to share, Elsie, your advices are great, as always. I’m looking forward to applying them to my blog, because I got so much to share ! And so many blog pals to make <3

    A big thanks to Kinsey as well, for being a part of my blog success 🙂


  • As a new blogger, I can tell you that I was most surprised by how much I’ve grown to love blogging. A year ago, I hardly even knew what a blog was, let alone have one. It’s like my baby! I don’t have one single reader, yet, and have only posted a few times because i’m still learning how to schedule personal time into a new marriage and a demanding career, but I have so many ideas! I’ve really enjoyed the whole learning process of this new creative outlet, and just want to say how inspiring your blog is, and discovering other incredible blogs has been wonderful. Thank you so much for all your suggestions.

  • Im in love with all of you!! you are all so postive and full of great energy. You can really tell how passionate you are and how much you love what you do, its refreshing, inspiring and contagious! Thanks for the great tips on blogging and for always giving your readers/fans! something to look forward to and grow from…<3

  • Of all the blogs I read and have blog crushes on, yours is really one of my favorites. Even if I didn’t read a single word, it’s just so darn fun to look at. And your content is wonderful and helpful! I started blogging last year to keep in touch with my faraway friends and family when I had a baby. These tips inspired me- maybe someday my little blog will be something more! Keep a-postin’! You’re awesome! Check me out if you have time = )

  • Thanks so much for sharing these ideas. I love your blog, and after reading your advice, I can see why.

  • What great advice. I have just started my second blog. The 1st one was attached to a website that I have for my handknit designs. I didn’t really love the blogging part. My writing felt forced, I felt like I had to write about something to do with my website, which can be okay for a little bit, but not every single blog. I love designing and knitting and crocheting, but did not really like limiting myself ti that.

    This time my blog feels more like me. I am loving every bit of the process this time. I feel organized with everything about this time. Your tips will help out tremendously. I love being able to write about whatever i love. I am keeping it focused, but still allowing myself the creativity and freedom to write about different things. I have alwats been creative, and this blog us an outlet that feels absolutely right for this time in my life.

    The next goal is to get readers.

    Thanks for your post.

  • thanks so much! ive been needing something like this coz my blog has been diving since school started again. im a youngun so its not very good but i think when i apply this it will start to be a bit better <3<3<3 Thank you!

  • Hey,

    I think those are some really great tips and I do love Kinsey’s fresh style.

    Although I do wonder if some of the success lies with the links with this blog and being friends with you, Elsie. This is one of the biggest blogs in the states so of course, anyone you link to is going to get loads of traffic.

    In this sense, I wonder if ‘creating connections’ should be a tip? Or ‘networking’ perhaps.


  • Thanks for these tips, they are very helpful for those of us just starting out, though I might slightly disagree with planning it thoroughly first tip. I think that differs from person to person.

    I’m a horrible perfectionist and if I hadn’t jumped in the deep end, I wouldn’t have a blog now. I just downloaded a template, changed the name and off I went. Less than 3 months later I’m developing my style as I go. I’m never happy with my work, but I’m glad I have something going rather than a failed ‘plan’! It’s also difficult to spend the time planning when you have a full time job, freelance work going on, a house to run etc. For some people, planning is important, for me, I plan as I go, working under pressure and expectation (my own mostly) is what works best for my personality.


  • THIS is GREAT!!! I started almost 2 months ago. I’m having a blast with it. I’m at almost 5000 views and at a point where I feel I don’t want to keep bugging my FB pals about’s time to focus elsewhere without that pursuit being so time consuming it robs from my idea time, which I LOVE!I am that person that never checked out blogs before…thinking I’ll take your advice and start making friends. Ha! THANKS!!! kimi encarnacion

  • Thank you for this, it is really helpful. I started my blog at the beginning of the year and like you said, it really takes some time to find your voice. I already made a few friends who always comment back on my blog and I comment on theirs, that’s the best way to start I think!

    I also always make sure I comment back (and usually follow too) on everyone’s blog that comments on my blog, and it has helped find some really awesome ones.

    Anyway, thanks so much for this. It really helps.


  • Thank you for this ‘tutorial’! I’ve been working on my personal blog for the last three months or so and I really like it – even though I don’t have many readers. But having this little something out there that reminds me of the beautiful things in my life seems to bee enough to keep going – at least at the moment 🙂
    Maybe your tips will help me to improve my skills 🙂 Thanks anyway for posting something like that and not just being happy about your own successful (and really special) blog!

  • Muito incentivador esse post, adorei!! Ainda estou criando coragem para iniciar meu blog, mas fiquei muito inspirada (:

  • Wow!thanks I feel very encouraged by this post which is what I really needed to help motivate me to keep persevering with mine

  • I just launched my blog this week (, so I’m constantly on the hunt for blogging tips. I’m also in the middle of reading your blog love e-course. I’m soaking up all the advice I can get. Thanks for the motivational post!

  • Thanks for sharing these brilliant tips! I have been blogging for a while but always need tips and advice to help make it better! I also LOVE the blogger e-course that you wrote Elsie, and I read and re-read it as often as I can!

    Thank you for being so inspiring and for creating such a lovely blog for us all to read!


  • Thanks for the tips.. what a great post. I have been blogging for a few years now and always thought of it as a something to do.. The past year I started to get more focused.. found my voice and now even a regular readership or sorts.. I have come to a point where I look forward to each post and I think the readers can sense it and that is what makes them come back for more.

  • Excellent advice. My blog is very new – about 6 months old. I am still experimenting to be sure. I think I need to check out Bloglovin’ more as well. Have a great day!

  • thanks for the tips! i think they’re really helpful (: btw, i really love your blog. i follow you on bloglovin’ too <3 xoxo, Oleah

  • Tolle Tipps! Ich habe den “folgenden anderen Blogs”-Teil erwies sich als wirklich schwierig als Mutter von vier Kindern. Ich in der Regel nur Zeit haben, um schnell lesen sie aber sehr selten und nie zu kommentieren E-Mail jemand die Mühe gemacht haben. Ich liebe die Idee, einige Blog Freunde aber!

  • thank you, thank you, thank you for this post! i am not starting a new blog, and also have your blog love course, but the reminder that i don’t have to do everything (specifically, i don’t have to come up with tons of DIY posts) was a breath of fresh air to me.

    pinning this post so i can remind myself very often!!!

  • This is just the best. I love how personal blogs can be sometimes. Some blog friends of mine have become best friends and they haven’t even met each other!! How crazy is that? Crazy. Thanks for the tips- they really do help.

  • Almost two years following your blog and I´ve never commented before…yeah, TIP 4: I should improve my networking. Seriously, thanks. My blog is only two months old, but I already started feeling I was doing something wrong, as I don´t get any comments. But your words encourage me and make me think I can do it better.

    Hugs from Spain

    Let´s start networking…


  • I love you too. Especially for writing this! Haha! Been following you and Kinsey for awhile now and I can say you did a great job w/ your blogs. I really really love it. You both inspire me to be crafty! Thanks for that! <3

  • my blog isn’t new but I think ponder something from this post will really help me, I’m always wanting to make my blog better.

  • Really good advice, Elsie 🙂
    I recently started a blog and I have a really tiny amount of followers but I’m trying my best to spread the word about it, would you mind having a look?

  • Thank you so much for the advice! I’ve just started attempting blogging about two months ago, so I’ve been doing more experimenting in what exactly I would like to write about and what sort of blogs I find interesting to read. I really appreciate the time you took to compile all this; I hope to find my ‘voice’ in the blog world and create something.

    I’ve always loved reading A Beautiful Mess and will definitely be keeping up with Sincerely, Kinsey. Beautiful work, I love it so much! Thank you for being so inspiring! 🙂

  • hi from Istanbul!
    thank you for all of these tips 🙂 I started my blog 2 months ago and these are so helpful for me.

  • Great interview and tips, so excited to start following this blog more often!

  • These are such great tips!

    I write about music mostly, which surprisingly is a very small niche for bloggers. So I’ve had trouble finding bloggers that write about similar things. But I’ll keep trying!

    Thanks for your thoughts.


  • I’m just starting out and was really considering taking your ecourse, though for a different blog. It’s something for and advocacy (education) which I wish can also be income-generating (IDK how yet). BUT I started a fashion blog for fun. I update it simply because I love it, whether anyone reads or not! 🙂

  • Thanks for this post, Ive read and re-read your 5 tips for bloggers and I must say that it definitely has giving me a lot to think about. For years now (yes… years) I have thought of started a blog and there have been a few questions/concerns pop up that have held me back but all of these these tips that you shared are really good ones and have given me some more thoughts on blogging and hopefully I’ll start one up soon!

  • Thanks for this post, Elsie! You are definitely my top blogger inspiration! Seriously considering the Blog Love e-course.

  • Elsie and Kinsey, thank you so much for sharing your advice!!

    I really enjoyed reading this post.

  • Hey, I like Tip No. 2. We don’t have to do it all. Very often as we are starting out, we feel we have to do everything and target alomost everyone to drive traffic. Sometimes small is beautiful . Just focusing on a niche and expanding from therewill enable us to create lots of great content.

  • SUNFAST portal invites you to communicate on the forum and social network, you can also submit a free listing on the site and exchange links in directory sites.

  • Hi Elsie,
    These are really great tips! I particularly like No. 3. I am new to blogging and having a really great time on working on my blog. I think I have a really great theme – but I still need to work on finding my audience, as my theme is “post”, but I want to reach a broader audience than stamp collectors… like people who are into history and design and… well, all sorts of other things that I write about through the theme of stamps. So it is tricky, but blogging is certainly fun and rewarding too!

  • Such an inspiration! I always try to make my posts better, but still I`m not 100% sure they are good

  • Great advice to streamline your topics and write about what you love. I am always trying to incorporate too many ideas – worried that if I streamline too much, people will stop reading. But actually, people want to come to your blog for a reason, and they need to know what they’ll find there!

    This blog is one of the prettiest I’ve seen. Lovely design 🙂

  • Thank you so much for these tips Elsie and Kinsey! I’ve recently made a public blog to share my love for a number of things and lately it has been exhausting…turns out I need to find a focus. Thank you so much, girls! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this post, I’ve been following your blog for about 1 month now and one of the things that keeps me checking your posts is your photography, there are all beautiful, your blog is truly a “beautiful mess” in a good way of course! Love the whole vibe here…

    my blog: FunSillyThoughts! ( is about 3 months now. Up till the day I started this blog I never considered it, then one day – I have a blog. It all started as an experiment to read and write more and channel all my thoughts, and now I don’t see myself ever quitting. While building followers still elude me, I’m willing to keep learning tips to improve on my blog. I’m really loving it and can’t wait for it to mature and take a life of it’s own.

    While I still think maintaining a blog is a bit intimidating, I won’t quit, I love it too much.

    Many thanks for all the tips shared here 🙂

  • I really like your article.You have written a great post.Its a great info for, thanks for sharing such nice post.

  • Really good 5 advices about blogging, thanks so much 🙂 Those could be my guidelines in a blogging world where I`m just a rookie with my own blog.

  • Thank you so much for these tips. I wish I had come across them sooner, just starting to figure out my site. Cheers

  • Hi Elsie! Thank you so much for sharing these tips, and for writing your Blog Love E-course (I’ll be reading it again and again, I’m sure!). It’s such useful info, especially for a new blogger like myself. You’re such an inspiration! All my best to Emma and Kinsey, too! 🙂

  • thanks my blog is about a day old and if it wasn’t for yall i whould have not known where to start yall are my inspiration thank you so much you have no idea

  • Thanks for the advice.

    I have two blogs. One I write in fairly frequently and the other one I neglect fairly frequently. I’m wondering if there is any sense in combining the two or leaving them separate. where I write about my dreams, my kids and dancing hula where I write about my adventures of crocheting on public transportation

  • wonderful, common sense advice for us life-long learners! thank you!

  • I ‘m developing my own blog the last few weeks and all your advices were really useful indeed. I also read the one about tips for bloggers.. and now that! I ‘m really excited about having a blog! I can totally understand why you are so passionate about it too! it’s so overwhelming having this little niche of the web where you can share all your thoughts and ideas! I admire your blog sooo much and it’s quite inspirational when you post about blogging! makes me feel creative about it too! Thank you again!

  • Thanks for all the wonderful and inspiring tips… I am in the pregnancy stage of blogging, so this will really help with a direction to take.

  • Great advice! I’m just starting my blog about food/recipes and home ideas, and your tips are great!

  • Hi Elsie and Enma! thank you very much, it’s great you share these things with all of us! I would love if you could visit my blog and tell me your opinion… I’m really trying on it, and it would be great to know what you think 🙂
    Love, Pili.

  • This is great advice, especially the photography part. That is definitely one aspect my blog is lacking, but I am signing up for a photography class. Your blog is inspiring – thank you!

  • I love this! I’ve been considering creating a blog for the longest time, and I actually just started mine a few days ago, so this post definitely helps a lot!

  • Thank you so much, forgave this incredible blog, it’s helped me a lot for stating the blog, and I love to read this, thanks.

  • thank you for such a great articles. deeply describe each point to be considered…tell some wordpress lifestyle theme will be more good…thanks

  • I have been reading you since I was 14 years old, and am glad to say that with your inspiration, I have finally found the courage to start my own blog! Thank you for the years of tips and advice and for this thread of posts specifically! I hope I can be half as good as your blog has become!


  • Oi lindas!! I recently came across your blog and I love your content! You have great posts that are helpful and enjoyable to read. Can’t wait to see more from you guys!

    Beijos xo

  • Hey Kinsey, thanks for the tips. I’m new to blogging and didn’t know about Bloglovin’, but I made an account right away. It’s encouraging to hear what you used when starting out and how you got this far. Keep up the good work

    Bogdan @

  • You must not get everything done at once. That’s one point bloggers need to have in mind. You keep adding features to it becomes top notch

  • Great instructions and tips! #4 is especially important I’ve found in this day and age, and that is networking. I recently launched a new blog, and am already gaining traction mostly thanks to joining facebook groups in my niche and participating in blog posts and social media sharing.

  • One of the easiest way to start a blog and manage it is by using cPanel. cPanel has lots of great features, from creating email user, automating repetitive tasks like creating daily invoices, it includes some useful metrics for you such as Errors, bandwidth usage, and Raw Access Logs. It is also important to have reliable cPanel hosting like while updating your WordPress website to ensure everything goes smoothly.

  • There are so many great tips! Although I’ve been blogging on and off for a while, I’ve never put much time into developing my own style. Perhaps because I had co-authored it and we both had a different vision. Now that I’m going solo I’ll definitely put more time into networking, experimenting and style.

    Thanks again for such a great post, love your blog!

    Karis x

  • Appreciate what you’ve put together. I’m surprised this blog is more than 6 years old and still gets comments.

    Keep up the good work.

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