i miss scrapbooking…

i really do. i think i am going to take a few hours this week to start a new album for a new season in life. i want to remember what it feels like to scrapbook memories for no reason other than to keep them close and share them with the ones i love. i was looking at some old layouts and remembering the way it felt to create them… there is such a warm and loving feeling there. i just want to hold on to that.123all that a scrapbook page can ever be is a small moment in time. a little piece of life. it never can tell the whole story. looking back at my first albums reminds me not only of the memories i wanted to keep, but also of the almost overwhelming feeling of love for my family that this hobby has always brought me back to. for the first time in a long time i am reminded that the best part of my "job" is and will always be those late hours at night creating something for someone i love. i am feeling thankful today. thankful and inspired. that is all i really want right now. seasons are changing. life keeps moving. this feels like a really great place to be. how are you feeling? what has this hobby done for you and your family?

  • Wow, I totally feel the same way about it. When I first started it was always about documenting the “big” things, like holidays, birthdays, and firsts…I don’t know exactly when it happened, but I rarely document those types of things…the commonplace/ everyday has become major to me. I value randomness so much more because it is who I am. I guess I’m more focused on the *who* now instead of the *what*.

    and that has transformed what I create and how I do it. πŸ™‚


  • i scrapbook to preserve memories. i never had an appreciation for my mom until i moved away and would look at all my pictures that needed to be scrapbooked. i still haven’t scrapbooked her because i’m waiting for the perfect paper and inspiration to come along. so what i’m trying to say is that this hobby has made me love and appreciate my mother.

  • Thank you for that post…I am feeling very similar right now, I really needed those words. I haven’t scrapbooked like I used to in so long. I think it’s because I have moved on to some really important changes that are just taking a lot of time, which is good because they are positive changes, but I really want scrapbooking to be able to come along for the ride, and also chronicle the ride. In the past scrapbooking has been a way for me to learn about myself, and express that learning to everyone around me in a way that I didn’t know how to do in any other way. I feel like it has changed my life, even though that feels super-dorky to say. So the fact that I am in a rut feels really weird, a little scary, and I am anxious to un-rut myself.

  • Scrapbooking is really special to me because I have two awesome sons that I want to show how special they are and I want them to always remember the way they were and how they started. I had thyroid cancer and I don’t remember things as well as I did before, but scrapping helps me always remember.

    PS…I am going to CKC in St Louis this weekend, would be AWESOME to see you there!!

  • Hey Elsie, I’m happy to see that I am the first person posting on this page. I am used to seeing 327 comments.. haha. I’m glad to hear that you are in such a good place and your pages, of course, inspire me as always!

  • Elsie, today’s blog is just lovely. I remember taking 4 classes with you in Joplin. You had such vision . . . glad to see you going back and doing it just for the fun of it! Bless you much!

  • Elsie, today’s blog is just lovely. I remember taking 4 classes with you in Joplin. You had such vision . . . glad to see you going back and doing it just for the fun of it! Bless you much!

  • Mine started out for my family, making my Dad a little album for Father’s Day… but it evolved into a thing for me and my future family… I’m adopted, and the one thing I could never get enough of was my personal history, or my (adopted) family’s history–it was like I was so hungry to find out more about what shaped my little world and me and my place in it and all the people I loved. And so I began journaling to record that for my kids.

    But when I stumbled upon scrabooking, I was blown away–I was able to document our stories more fully and could share them with other people more easily…

    I miss sbing, too, I’ve been so busy, and sometimes it gets to feeling like a chore, or there are things happening that I don’t want to scrapbook and then I get into a cycle of but I should scrap the bad but I should scrap what I want but I feel guilty. LOL It’s just the crap that we as humans can’t help but add to it. I try to just shake that off and, like you, I find that looking back at old LOs really brings me back to it, I enjoy reliving those moments so much.

    goodness, sorry to blather on!

  • This hobby has given me the ability to put two things that I love, art & photos, and unite them into a masterpiece. At least in my eyes. The feeling I get when I journal about my mother or my best friends is almost overwhelming with love. But most of all, it has given me the ability to release the pain I have endured in the last few months. The pain of betrayal and hurt by a guy who I loved with all my heart. & as I write this I am crying because even though I am now happy I still sometimes feel the urge to release the anger I still feel. I have been scrapbooking for about 9 years now and for the first time I know what it feels like to journal real feeling. And this my sound stupid to some people, but scrapbooking was one of the things that got me through. Thank you Elsie for the continuously inspiring myself and others w/ this wonderful hobby that we all share and love.

  • i also miss scrapbooking. all my supplies have been packed in boxes for a few months b/c we moved and i don’t have any space…but my wonderful husband is making my dream art room in the basement. it’s almost finished and i am so excited!!!!

  • I started scrapbooking for my kids. I wanted to get the info down so that someday if I was gone or to old to remember they would have the stories that went with the pictures. What has evolved through the past few years is that I actually appreciate my husband, kids & my life more because I really can reflect back and write down how I feel. I have never been a person to keep a journal or diary so this storytelling was new for me. Also, I love how when I look back at a picture from when my kids were younger (they are 7 & 9 now) all the feelings that come rushing back to me about that time I can re-live and then write down so those important people in my life know how I feel about them. I also love how I get inspired by people like you with your work and wonderful products. It is just such a great hobby (lifestyle, really!) Have a great weekend.

  • Scrapbooking… the hobby I never wanted to start. Then I met my crazy neighbour and she said I could use her supplies. Little did I know what a complete freak I was about to become. It never became the endless “project” – like I thought it would. Instead, it has given me an outlet for emotion and creativity (and the excuse to buy huge amounts of art supplies). Like you, I love to make stuff for the people I hold dear. I love that every page is a tribute to someone or something that is important to me. I have taken a bit of a hiatus over the last while… but I know I will start it up again. It’s all about the “ebb and flow”. I am currently ebb-ing. πŸ™‚

  • Scrapbooking… the hobby I never wanted to start. Then I met my crazy neighbour and she said I could use her supplies. Little did I know what a complete freak I was about to become. It never became the endless “project” – like I thought it would. Instead, it has given me an outlet for emotion and creativity (and the excuse to buy huge amounts of art supplies). Like you, I love to make stuff for the people I hold dear. I love that every page is a tribute to someone or something that is important to me. I have taken a bit of a hiatus over the last while… but I know I will start it up again. It’s all about the “ebb and flow”. I am currently ebb-ing. πŸ™‚

  • I go through times where I wonder why I even do this…why I stress over a page or why I spend so much money on supplies that tend to pile up…more than I can ever use.

    But then I look back like you just did and realize that never again will I feel the same way or tell a story the same way as I do when I make a scrapbook page.

    I have sometimes felt disappointment with this industry and it’s drama, but in whole, I have felt much more inspiration.

    It’s my motivation and my escape. And I love it.

    Hope your album brings you much joy in this new season πŸ™‚

  • I think scrapbooking is an art that even when we have a break from it we always come back to it…..as it is dealing with people we love. It is also a way to be creative without it mattering what it looks like because as long as we like what we do that is all that matters!!!

    My hobby has has done exactly that for me!! I am not a creative and I don’t mind because I love to create!!

    Enjoy your scrapbooking!!

  • What a sweet and sincere entry this is. I haven’t scrapped in 7 years. I miss it and the feeling you describe but I don’t know where to begin.

  • …lovely pages!! It is so fun just to create for the sake of remembering a small moment to share…=) My scrapbooking has let my family get to know the quiet parts of me a little better, I think..it’s wonderful!

  • What a sweet and sincere entry this is. I haven’t scrapped in 7 years. I miss it and the feeling you describe but I don’t know where to begin.

  • I too missed scrapping for so long and it took a realisation that I was scrapping how I thought I was ‘meant’ to scrap – for what I thought others needed to see. It’s like water. I believe you can’t push creativity. … it has to flow to you, over you… become what it is for you. Does that make any sense… I know what I mean. Mainly scrapbooking has brought me, me. The ability to create for me, of me. Yes the pages will outlast me and I pray that someone will treasure them for what they are. If not then scrapbooking has brought me so much more… it has brought me to souls like you… new and true friends… to art… to music… so much. And I thank you for the part that you have played. Keep doing Elsie… for you.

  • I feel the same way Elsie! I haven’t done any “traditional” scrapbooking in awhile now (been mostly doing mini albums/home projects/photography), and I feel like I need to get back to it, if only to preserve some memories of important things that have happened lately in my life and my family/friend’s lives, and also to document this time in my life where I, too, am quite happy with where I am and what I’m doing…so strange that you wrote this today! You’re an inspiration πŸ™‚ Keep it up, keep creating in all forms!


  • I feel the same way Elsie! I haven’t done any “traditional” scrapbooking in awhile now (been mostly doing mini albums/home projects/photography), and I feel like I need to get back to it, if only to preserve some memories of important things that have happened lately in my life and my family/friend’s lives, and also to document this time in my life where I, too, am quite happy with where I am and what I’m doing…this hobby has opened my eyes so much to life and what I think of it, that I could enever imagine letting it go forever…so strange that you wrote this today! You’re an inspiration πŸ™‚ Keep it up, keep creating in all forms!


  • I feel the same way Elsie! I haven’t done any “traditional” scrapbooking in awhile now (been mostly doing mini albums/home projects/photography), and I feel like I need to get back to it, if only to preserve some memories of important things that have happened lately in my life and my family/friend’s lives, and also to document this time in my life where I, too, am quite happy with where I am and what I’m doing…this hobby has opened my eyes so much to life and what I think of it, that I could enever imagine letting it go forever…so strange that you wrote this today! You’re an inspiration πŸ™‚ Keep it up, keep creating in all forms!


  • Wow, that’s how I feel about this hobby and also photography and music – I don’t have a memory that doesn’t have a soundtrack to it πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  • Thanks so much for sharing that Elsie. It’s hard to describe the feeling I get when scrapbooking, but your explanation is bang on to me! Thanks for the reminder of how special this hobby can be. :D:D

    I included your quote on my blog today, to share the inspiration to others in my circle.

    xoxo Holly

  • So glad that you are taking the time to scrap this weekend! I can’t wait to see what you create.

    Scrapbooking has openned up a world of creativity to me. It is my therapy. I love coming home after a stressful day at work and playing with paper, paint, scissors, and glue. It melts my stress away.

    It has also made me more aware of the world around me. It makes me see the beauty in even the smallest things. While photography lets me capture moments. Scrapbooking lets me turn those moments in to memories. It can even turn those blurry out of focus photos that you would never before thought of putting in a frame or displaying into beautiful works of art.

    Scrapbooking has also helped me discover me : )

    Hope you have a wonderfully creative weekend!

  • I first started scrapping to do something creative… but now I scrap to feel better, to deal with my feelings. Two months ago my BF and I broke up after 4 years together, a proposal and so much love. I still love him and have troubles dealing with the break-up. Scrapbooking for me is now a way to do something for me, to deal with it all, to get to know other people, to think about what my family means to me, what lost friendships and gained ones mean to me, what live is for me…

  • it’s funny that you wrote about this today. yesterday my 12 year old asked me if you’ve done any new layouts lately and i told her you’re too busy working and that i really miss finding new layouts that you’ve worked on. you were my ‘first’ love in scrapbooking and i miss you alot! don’t get me wrong – i love your creative contribution that you’re giving us artists, but i miss miss miss your own personal work. hope you get back to that really fast!

  • I first started scrapping to do something creative… but now I scrap to feel better, to deal with my feelings. Two months ago my BF and I broke up after 4 years together, a proposal and so much love. I still love him and have troubles dealing with the break-up. Scrapbooking for me is now a way to do something for me, to deal with it all, to get to know other people, to think about what my family means to me, what lost friendships and gained ones mean to me, what live is for me…

  • I scrapbook because as an extension to my photography. Years from now, my photos may be meaningless to those that look at them. Not all of my pages tell a story, but they do put my photos in context. I scrapped a photo the other day that to anyone else would have looked like a bad photo of some steps in front of my old dorm. But my page told about the significance of those steps — this was the place where I had my first kiss, and the place where my husband proposed. It makes me kinda sad to go through my grandparents’ photos, and not know WHY the photo was taken.

    And I miss your scrapbooking, too! I get so much inspiration from your work! πŸ™‚

  • Thanks. It can’t be said any better than that.

    Every time I look at a scrapbook layout I’m remembered of that space and time and no matter what the memory is, good or bad, it’s a good thing. My life and my family’s life is documented for as long as those layouts will last. No matter how long I live, 70, 80, whatever people that come after me will see these and will know me and my family. πŸ™‚

    That in and of itself makes me happy and gives me warm fuzzies.


  • You put that so beautifully! I feel so many of the same feelings. Scrapbooking for me is also such an incredible creative outlet. I love finding new and interesting things to incorporate into my pages…felt, pipe cleaners, newspaper, RIT dye… What a great hobby that can bridge the gap of so many artistic mediums; allowing me to incorporate so many of my favorite things into my pages. I love it!

  • My kids are very little so they don’t understand yet. SBing is really my therapy…my quiet time (and only quiet time) to myself and after all that work, my kids will have great memories to carry on through their lifes.

  • If it weren’t for my scrapbooks, there’s no way I could remember, years from now, all our “stories” in such detail. My husband is always telling me what a great gift I am giving our daughter by doing this & how thankful she’ll be some day.

    Plus… it is definitely a creative outlet that I simlply cannot live without! πŸ™‚

  • I love you πŸ™‚

    I can’t wait to see new scrapbook pages from you! I love scrapbooking because of how it is *therapy* for me when I need it, and I love looking back at all of those tiny moments that I wanted to remember and I can see exactly how I felt during that time, can remember what was going on around me and enjoy those times all over again πŸ™‚

    Scrapbooking=love! πŸ™‚


  • I like using that part of the brain that creates things. Do you remember that feeling when you were in kindergarten and you brought home that finger painting and your mom hangs it up on the fridge? It was a nice feeling when I was 4 and I like the feeling still when I create something myself at 44!!!

    Also,I feel the need to scrapbook when I’m a little blue and I need reminding of why I should be happy.

  • Scrapbooking breathed life into me at a time in my life when I really needed it. I was in a rut, feeling down on myself and life and general….who knew that paper & pictures would be so therapeutic. Scrapping brought me happiness because it opened my creative side again after being dormant for many years…it also brought so many special ,lovley people into my life that I am proud to call my friends.

  • i just love what you wrote! i love looking back at past pages and creating new ones… such a wonderful hobby.

  • YAY!!!glad you are back scrapping…miss your stuff!!!!! loved your post!!…I’m feeling very happy and contented today…my sis and i stayed at my parents last nite , our final sleep over there as they have sold our family home..which is sad but exciting for my parents as they are building a new home in a new city not to far away (2.5hrs) so we farewelled the house with a few/lots of wine and a very late nite and today we had a garage sale so we were up at 5.30!! Absolutly hilarious, fun, crazy and so cool all being together, its never just the four of us as we have 2 hubbies and 4 kids, so it was really special…i just love them so much even with all our quirks..and yea i want to scrap how i feel right now!!! thanks for the inspo!! ka kite Rxxx

  • Seeing these layouts reminds me of the first time we meet and you shared your portfolio. It was filled with fun and love. I hope you will always express and feel that in your life.

  • Isn’t it just so ironic that our scrapbook pages can hold a completely seperate memory from that which we scrap?! I totally noticed that recently when I was organizing for my move and sifting through layouts and remembering the events and emotions I felt when creating them…it’s pretty neat! I loved seeing more of your scrappin goodness…I miss seeing more of your layouts πŸ™‚ but it’s fun seeing everything else you dabble with too. Hope you have a fun weekend!

  • Wow its great to have people that all feel the same about scrapbooking. Sadly my friends don’t really get the whole idea of it. I love to spend hours creating someting individual and something o want to look over again and again and never get bored from it.

    I love everthing you do Elsie never stop. πŸ™‚

  • I miss scrapbooking, before this commercial hype came when we scrapbooked because we wanted and could and just because. It feels like we must have the latest paper and embellishments and style thats in. I miss my scrapbooking.

  • I miss scrappin’ too! I haven’t scrapped a pix/page in a couple of months. I’ve been doing mini album gifts, cards, canvas’ etc. I get inspired by new pix, and with the afwul weather in MA, i haven’t had my camera out that much. Shame on me.

    These were my exact thoughts this week, I really want to scrap some more, and i know i’m not the only one. Thanks for confirming and giving me the motivation to do so!

    You ROCK


    aka The Craft Diva

  • I miss your scrapbooking too! lol

    I personally scrap because I love the more “interactive” way of looking at pictures. I love the fact that they aren’t just in plain old photo albums. It’s more fun to look at!

  • this hobby has changed my life. honestly, it has been the jumping off place for many other projects and experiences. it has made me a better mom, daughter, friend, artist and photographer.

    thanks for being one of the few people who have driven the hobby to a whole ‘notha level.

  • this hobby has changed my life. honestly, it has been the jumping off place for many other projects and experiences. it has made me a better mom, daughter, friend, artist and photographer.

    thanks for being one of the few people who have driven the hobby to a whole ‘notha level.

  • I love that you posted this! I am a reader of your blog but not usually a commenter but wanted to share. I used to want to scrap all the big events in my life (which is totally important too) but I kept missing the little things, feelings, expressions, things my kids say on a daily basis, a picture that just speaks to me. I have learned over the years that these are the moments I want to remember and that convey to most love to me. Also I look at scrapping as an artistic release versus just getting it all down. it is really a process that should make you grow as you do it and that you should be in love with the end result. Thanks Elsie for all of your daily inspiration!

  • A woman in the UK asked me, “What do you Yanks find to scrapbook? There are only so many parties and holidays.”

    I told her that scrapbooks were “love letters to life.” I believe that.

    And when I make a page or a project, I am filled with gratitude.

  • “amen” to so many of the comments! i started with birthdays and first days of school, then i moved to more introspective scrapping. when it became mechanical, i stopped – it was hard not to be caught up in the entire industry of paper lines, celebrities, conventions and the ‘newest stuff’ or techniques. i’ve gone back to basics. it feels great!

  • What you wrote is so sweet and inspiring to me. I am in a transition period right now in my life where I realised that random moments are way more important to me than those “special” ones because they are the ones who makes my life so sweet and wonderful. Thanks !!!

  • i am so happy you still feel that way. i have never lost my passion for scrapbooking as many of my friends in this industry have done, and i NEVEr want to lose it……thanks for inspiring!


  • Scrapbooking to me means so much. It’s the best way to capture that moment in your life and explain it on a page for future generations to see. Why else do we take photos other than to show people and share our memories with others. This truly is a worthwhile hobby and everyone around you enjoys it. I know when people come over and my family wants to show pictures of our family vacations they always ask me to bring out the scrapbooks. What better way then to have them all there and beautifully displayed for strangers and family alike to look and observe those moments that meant so much to us. I babbled a little sorry LOL.

  • Beautiful words! Thank you for reminding me why I spend so much time documenting my life and the lives of my loved ones.

  • I love to create art as a way to preserve my memories. What is better than playing with paint & paper. I love to have a creative outlet that also creates something lovely for my family. I have fun making the pages, but the best part is watching my family look through and see their lives in such a fun way.

  • Awesome, Els. *hugs* to you, sweet girly. πŸ™‚

    I haven’t scrapped in over two years…but I’m beginning to get this strong itch to dabble in collage and mixed media art.

    I still love all the luscious paper out there and in my own old stash.

    I want to have all those pretty bits and pieces of paper, fabric, trim and ephemera around me.

  • I really miss your scrapping too. I’ve been looking at your scrapbooking for YEARS and I always looked forward to seeing new layouts from you. Now I hardly ever see them! I really hope you find some time to start scrapping more soon.

    Scrapping is the main hobby I do for me and my family. I actually think it has brought us closer together in a way, it shows them how much i care for them. Each page locks my memories in for forever, and I always imagine my son looking at my scrapbooks when he’s older. I want him to see how much I loved him when he was growing up. πŸ™‚

  • I haven’t been scrapbooking in a while too.. I miss it.

    Me and my mom used to do it all the time, but I’m so busy with school right now, that I just haven’t got the time for it. I love to scrapbook to keep memories.

  • I’m so glad that you posted this and I can’t wait to see more of your ‘new album for a new season of life’… sometimes scrapping is even better after you take a little break from it. πŸ™‚

  • Wonderful post. This hobby has done so much for me. It has inspired me when I am down in the dumps, it has healed me when I recovered from surgery and it has given me happiness and hope when I see my family smiling while perusing my albums. I get so much inspiration looking at your pages…they make me happy! Have a great day!

    πŸ™‚ tina winkle

  • Even this lo are still awesome even a couple of years. I’m looking forward for your next lo.

    xo Simone

  • I remember these pages of yours! My son recently turned 8. I took out some of my old scrapbook pages and shared with him the day he was born and other baby pages. It was a great trip down memory lane for me and an exciting expirience for him. πŸ™‚

  • What a sweet entry today, Elsie!

    I scrap so that I can take happy little snapshots of my family’s life and preserve it. Snippets, if you will. My baby won’t be a baby forever, and I want him to know the wonderful things we have done together when he grows up. I’ve done nearly 5 albums in Lex’s little 18 month old life, and I have so many more to do.

  • more than anything, this hobby has allowed me to show my friends how beautiful they are, and how much i care about them. it has forced me to always carry a camera and take photos like i’d be blind tomorrow. it’s brought me to my love of art, of photography and i’ve been able to share that with my friends and family. it’s allowed me to have FUN and BE MYSELF. i’ve grown up so much through scrapbooking.

    it’s also made me really appreciate the moments i live everyday and see beauty in something everyday.

    looking through old albums is great, i know the feeling of ‘missing’ scrapbooking. i hope you get to have some fun this week and play scrapping! πŸ˜€

  • Elsie- So excited to see your new pages for this new time in your life!!

  • this entry got me…down deep…got me. i am new to this hobby, but it has been life changing. and i hate to sound like a dork, but it has been the best discovery. it has given me great friends, FINALLY a place to belong, new opportunities to use my photography, my writing, and my love for journaling…it has opened doors for me that i never knew existed. it has allowed me to accept myself, not question myself, and pushed me to reach higher.

    and that’s just today!

    so happy for your new inspiration. have fun!

  • Scrapbooking is awesome isn’t it? And I love that every individual can make scrapbooking into whatever they want or need it to be. I love to capture memories, feelings, occassions and I love to put together a picture of what my life is now for future generations. It also is something that brings me and my mom close together even though we live far apart. Like you, this week I plan to take the time and scrapbook!

  • I love looking at your old layouts.

    I recently went looking through my old layouts. Just remember times when each of my kids were younger, remembering times when I was younger.

    That’s ultimately what scrapping is about. Remembering the good times, remembering the bad times, remembering those little moments of life that one would otherwise forget about.

  • Hi Elsie! I had a wonderful scrapbooking day today, feeling very inspired because I got a big ‘ol box of your paper and stamps I ordered last weekend! YAY! What a nice thing to have on the doorstep on a Monday! Thank you SOO much for bringing us the big paperpad! I have alot of your paper packs, but silly me, I’m selfish with the paper–I never want to run out, so I don’t use it! haha Those days are over now that I got the paperpad! πŸ™‚

    Scrapbooking to me is so special. One, it is a creative outlet that I really enjoy. Second, it is for my kid-o to enjoy someday later in life. My mother died when I was very young. Long story short I have no pictures of my childhood. I so wish I did. That is why I am a scapbooking MANIAC for my daughter. I scrap everything!! I just want to make sure she has those memories to show her kids one day, because I so wish I had those for myself.

    Have a wonderful week! I love, love, love your paper and stamps. Every line is so unique! πŸ™‚

  • I totally feel like I’m a better person because of scrapbooking. Reminds me to stop and see the little things.

  • O Elsie – lately i’ve been feeling the exact same way missing my scarpbooking – I’m going to back into this week – enjoy the process!!!

    Love your blog


  • I’m sooo looking forward to see what your new pages will look like. I find so much inspiration from your scrapbooking. Can’t wait to see! πŸ˜€

  • Elsie, I love you! You are my scrapbooking hero.

    Someone here commented that today scrapbooking seems to be about buying the latest papers and supplies. For me (who is new to scrapbooking) I have sort of had a hard time as well with all the commercial hype. I love the availability of products and shopping for scrapbooking stuff. How could you not! But really, being creative is what I love about this hobby. When you get too caught up with all the trends, having the latest stuff, in my view the fun is taken away. Your own creativity is taken away. That’s why I love your work so much because you are an artist always creating from the heart. Your love for art and scrapbooking shines through whatever you do and you inspire me, even at times when I get fed up with scrapbooking (yes, amazingly it happens from time to time :-)).

    Hugs from Sweden!

  • wow…you really struck a chord with me with your post. Life does indeed move on, and it is more than just birthdays and holidays. Life is about living, and my focus has been in the past year to document my life, as plain and raw as it can be. Thank you, as always, for your inspiration.

  • It’s always nice to come back to the foundation of why we create…..for me anyway. Every once in a while when I’m in a slump I’ll pick up an album and relive each of the moments I’ve scrapped (both good and bad ’cause I scrap them both). They make me feel all nostalgic. πŸ™‚

  • i couldn’t agree more. when i first started scrapbooking, it was more of a creative outlet, but as i created more pages, i realized that i want to capture as many memories for my girls. i always wished my mom had done something similar for me, so i hope my girls appreciate the memories i’m recording now for them. i’m sure they will.

    you know, my husband thinks it’s funny that i visit your blog on a regular basis and i don’t even know you. but i always feel inspired when i visit! thanks for that.

  • Scrapbooking completely changed my life and my family. I had a bad addiction to online gamming and my love of scrapbooking took me away from that. It is awesome! now I also think about LIVING the moment so I can scrap it laterm that is certainly another plus, all of that while having loads of fun, it is impossible to not be thankful for it πŸ™‚



    (PS. Sorry for being such a major lurker! love everything you do)

  • wow…this post really hit home with me. the past year i’ve MOVED, got DIVORCED, changed JOBS, and not found a reason to scrapbook. i miss it greatly. i miss ink on my fingers and paint in my hair. i was so passionate about saving my memories in such an artful way. this weekend, my beautiful Momma and i are going to a retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN. i hope it will rekindle my love of the art of scrapbooking and once again making beautiful messes. πŸ™‚

    thank you, Elsie…for being such an inspiration to us all.


  • Enjoy all your blogs and your scrapbook pages. Wanted to say “Thank you” for “introducing” me to She & Him music over at your elsiecake my space. Love “I Thought I Saw Your Face Today” and what a pleasant surprise to discover that “she” is none other than Zooey Deschanel! Not only do you inspire with your creativity but you broaden our other interests as well! Thanks!

  • You are so right… It’s hard to scrap when you are in the midst of a storm… but every season of life deserves documentation… I’m glad you are embracing the new season and getting inspired to begin again. πŸ™‚ Sending you strength, girlie!

  • your work is fabulous!!! I miss your scraping too!!! those pages are so cute!

  • HI Elsie,

    allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bianca. I am twelve years old and a big fan of yours!Your pages inspire me! I love your photography, and creativity!! Your blog is addicting! I love your handwriting, and all your helpful hints!



  • Elsie – I have been enjoying reading your blog today – such inspiration! I remember what it was like to scrap just to get down the funny words my dd said or because I wanted to relax before bed… Aaaah! I want to get back to those days too! Thanks for reminding me!

    Nancie Janitz

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