it’s almost 6 am, so why not….

start a new blog post? oh my! i wanted to share a few "behind the scenes" peeks at our first big photo shoot for the fashion section of the new website! 





(these cutie RVA models are sisters…. the above shot was just for giggles!) 





OK…… one more photo to put me in the mood. haha!



  • I’m so excited about your shop and I feel your excitement too!! I’d like to be there for the opening but … I live too far away from you, snif. Fortunately there’ll be an ol-line shop too!!
    You’re one of the most creative persons all over the world Elsie!


  • everything looks so great and it i am so excited for you to be living your dream! I know this will be successful for you and I can hardly wait till my best buddy and I get a chance to come and see the store! Get some sleep and I wish you all the best!


  • oh my!!! i looooove all of it! i cannot wait! i’ll be buying lots of your products! i love the photos! so that’s where vanessa is…..i was wondering what happened to her!

  • Elsie, question! I don’t use plastic and love the fact you have a cool reusable bag, most of them are ugly as you know what! Can you make some with a larger strap you know 9.5″, that would be fantabulouse! And one tiny other request, and I am sure some of your older fans (you know I am a old 35) would love to see t-shirts for women who are NOT a size 4…LOL how about a nice 10/12/14 & 16 size…ROFL! no seriously!

  • are those button-up sweaters that you and the male model are wearing in the first picture available in your shop too? i have been looking EVERYWHERE for a long button up like that, with the pockets and everything!!

  • i found your site a while ago, it’s a great inspiration to me and i really wish you good luck with the new shop!

    linda (sweden)

  • Love this post! Your models are so cute and so is the fashions they’re wearing, especially the dino one! Fun!

    Also – I left an award for you at my blog!

  • RVA’s store is going to be awesome! Still trying to figure out a road trip there … lol
    I love the felt food pieces! A big ol’ burger for me, fries for my daughter … oh yeah!
    And Jeremy’s space … looks heavenly – good creative space.
    Can’t wait to shop! Wishing you all the absolute best with RVA!

  • Everything looks soooo great!!! It’s sooo soon! Eeeeek!!! I’m soooo happy for you!!!! I can’t wait! The countdown is on!!!! Hope it all goes smoothly this coming week!!!! Congrats again, Elsie!!!!

  • scream!* everything is so awesome! see you in june for sure!


    and i can’t wait until feb 1!!! you are incredibly inspiring! thank you!!!

    ps… the sisters are tooo cuuuute!


  • YIKES! I’m so excited for you πŸ™‚

    Random question: where did Mr. Larson get those lights that hang all in a row like that?

  • I love all the updates. So happy for you and so excited to the opening date. Hope you get some much needed rest.

  • Cute models!

    Looks like you all had so much fun!

    Will you be selling scrapbooking things in the store too? xXx

  • Hi Elsie,

    Thanks for sharing so much inspiring stuff! Congrats on the RVA shop. So cool!!! Wish I lived over there to come over and have a look or two (or even lots more).

    Anyway, we have heard you will be in Italy in March. We are wondering if you might be interested in coming over to Spain. Last summer we opened a scrapbookstore near Madrid. A lot of our scrapbooking friends would LOVE to have you over.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Kindest regards,

    Ellen & Sandra

  • hi elsie, im so excited by your new shop, cant wait!!
    when will the shop opens on the internet ? i want to be there when it happend, so i can get those things i want πŸ˜‰

  • Elsie! I am so excited for you and your store! My bestie and I are actually driving up! We are so excited for the 10 hours road trip and of course being at the opening of your AMAZING store!

    Loves and Kisses!

  • good luck with the RVA opening!!!!
    I can’t wait too see how you’ve put everything up, and all the goodies!
    I wish I lived a little closer than an ocean away too see it with my own eyes, not just on the sceen.
    I’ve been following your blog for a while, and seen your friends blogs, looove them! Looks like you’re all full of creativity!
    BEST BEST of luck again with RVA!

  • so i am a 1st time comment-ter on your blog, since you are on my g-reader, its a pain to leave a “note”… anyway…i just wanted to say, i think its funny, you are posting a blog post b4 you hit the hay, right when i am waking up for my day of work (on the east coast) i envy you and your life…good luck with your store! i KNOW it will be a sucess!

  • The loft is beautifully done and is almost the best nook of the house.Great furniture pieces to add to the romance there.

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