Jeremy’s new project—Violents

Violents musicMy husband, Jeremy, recently started a new music project called Violents. The project is unique because he is creating a series of EPs that feature different female vocalists, but all the music is written by him. It's basically his dream project, and I am so proud to be able to cheer him along. The music is incredible! 

Today I wanted to share that leading up to his next EP release (on February 10th), you can download the first Violents EP for free through Noisetrade. Noisetrade is a site that artists can use to offer free music in exchange for email addresses, to help build a mailing list. It's a really great concept and a win-win for both artists and fans. 

Violents music Wanna listen? 

To get the Blush EP for free, head over to Noisetrade or use the button above. You can also find Violents on iTunes and Spotify. 

Please follow Violents on Instagram @ViolentsMusic! That's the best way to keep up with future music.

Thanks so much for letting me share something so special to me. Happy Sunday! Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson, Music: Jeremy Larson, Photography: Kylie Dailey.

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