vintage pretties.

home sweet home. i'm so happy to be back! 

IMG_2295IMG_2296i had a fantastic vintage shopping day today with mr. larson & my dad! πŸ™‚ i found this gorgeous dress (it's even prettier in real life!) for my sister and a new formica table for my studio. it's too dark (stormy) to get good photos today, but here's a peek…)

IMG_2319and a here's a peek at something i've been working on for my entry. i found a huge, beautiful paint by number painting last month and i've been collecting some owls for this little space…

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i'm working on a little studio makeover tonight, which involves lots of yarn, chalk, windex, photos and pumpkin candles… maybe not in that order. i feel insanely inspired. soooo much to do. what's on your list this week?

happy Monday! els


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