Make Your Own Ascot Top

Ascot1Ascot2We love a cute ascot! Here's a super simple way to take a vintage or thrifted blouse and restyle it with an ascot collar. You can make your tie super long (like ours) for a big bow or you could keep it short and sweet.Collared shirt1. Supplies: long sleeve button up, scissors, sewing machine. 2. Begin by cutting off the sleeves of the shirt and hemming the ends. 3. You'll use the sleeves for the collar, so cut the sleeves into same size rectangles. 4. Take all the sections from the sleeves and sew them together, making one long strip. Then, sew it into a tube, turn inside out, iron flat, and close up both the ends. (If you need even extra length, cut a strip from the waist hem, making it more of a cropped top, perfect for tucking into high waisted clothing!) 5. Next, cut off the collar of the shirt, leaving an inch or so left to sew the new collar onto. Stitch the new collar all the way around, making sure you don't sew over the button holes.Ascot3Have fun giving new life to your own tops! xo. emma and elsie

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