Make Your Own Watercolor Luggage Tags

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Make your own watercolor luggage tagsThe summer travel season is almost upon us and I can’t wait to pack my bag and head off on a tropical vacation. Not that I have one planned, but I am heading out to Los Angeles in a few weeks and needed a serious luggage tag upgrade. My current paper one from my past flight just won’t cut it anymore! So I created a watercolor leather luggage tag to use instead. Plus they can double as keychains, which is super awesome if you ask me. And they are a perfect quick gift, too!

If you are planning any trips at all this summer, don’t you think your luggage deserves a pretty tag?

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

-leather rounds (these are 3″ ones I cut from a sheet of craft store veg tanned leather)
-watercolor paints (these gels are available at the craft store and work so well on leather)
-paintbrush and palette
-keychain clasp
-hole punch
-gold paint pen
-colorful tassel (optional – available at the craft store)

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Step 1: Begin by adding your watercolor gels to your palate (or paper plate in my case!) and add a few drops of water to each color to start to dilute them and turn them into more of a watercolor pigment.

Step 2: Use your paintbrush to draw up a bit of the watered down paint and gently add brushstrokes of color to your leather rounds. If you want a very light color wash, spray the leather rounds with a bit of water first. Then when the paint hits the water, it will swirl and create a watercolor effect. Feel free to use just one color or pick a few different colors to add to your tag.

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Step 3: Once painted and dry, use the gold paint pen to add your initial or monogram. A regular pen can be used on the back to add your name, address, and phone number.

Make your own watercolor luggage tagsStep 4: The final step is to punch a hole with your hole punch and use the pliers to add on the keychain clasp and tassel with a jump ring.

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Make your own watercolor luggage tags

Make Your Own Watercolor Luggage TagsAs you can see, they are quite simple to make. Now it’s time to plan your next vacation so you have an excuse to make a few new watercolor luggage tags! xo. Kara

Credits // Author and Photography: Kara Whitten. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

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