Maternity DIY: Make A Belly Band

Make Your Own Belly BandToday we are kicking off a series of super simple maternity DIY projects! This week we will share five clothing projects that you can make with basic sewing skills. We started planning this series as soon as we heard that our beautiful pal Stacy King was expecting. She is modeling each piece. First up, we are making a cute belly band. These are amazing because they can really stretch your pre-pregnancy wardrobe. You can wear non-maternity jeans and tops with the help of this band. Plus it's so easy to create you can make it in different colors and patterns to mix and match with your wardrobe! Enjoy… 

Belly Band DIY StepsHere's how to make your very own belly band… 1. Supplies Needed: 1 yard jersey fabric, scissors, measuring tape, sewing machine. 2. Begin with a strip of fabric the length of your hips (measure around the fullest part and subtract 1 inch), and 10 inches high (you can make it 20 inches for a larger band). Fold it in half long ways with the outside facing in and sew the seams together with a zig zag stitch. 3. Once you've sewn along the seam, flip it inside out, creating a long tube. 4. Now you're going to attach the ends together. Begin by pinning together the inside seam of each end, and continue to pin the edges 3/4 of the way around. You won't be able to pin them together completely because you still need to flip the ends right side out. Once you've pinned it in place 3/4 of the way, stitch it in place. Note: If this step seems too complicated, no problem! You can easily fold both ends towards the inside of the band and sew them together with one straight stitch. This will still work, but look more messy on the inside of your band. 5. Once you've sewn together the ends 3/4 of the way, flip the ends right side out. 6. Last, hand stitch the small hole up to complete your belly band! 

DIY Belly BandDIY Belly Band Handmade Belly BandBelly BandBelly bands are a great way to wear pre-pregnancy button up pieces, like jeans, throughout your pregnancy. The band covers the button or zipper area so you don't have to close them. The band also covers some of your belly so you can feel comfortable wearing tops that have become a little shorter! 

Belly Band DIY by A Beautiful MessStacy is 25 weeks along in this photo and will be able to wear this belly band into her third trimester! XO. Elsie

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