My Vinyl Collection

Hello friends! Today, I want to share my number one favorite collection with you—my vinyl collection. When we moved into our home, I saved up for a record player setup that was a pretty big upgrade from the built-in-speaker one we had in our previous home. I was a bit worried that we wouldn’t use it enough to justify the cost, but three years later I am happy to report that we still use it regularly AND it adds so much personality and charm to our home.

We have a Bluetooth speaker setup as well (which we also use a lot), but there is something so nostalgic about vinyl that I don’t think I could ever give it up, even though we can TECHNICALLY listen to all the same songs with our Google Home setup.

We often like to stop at a record store on the weekends and pick up old records (we have a huge collection of Elvis, Dolly Parton, Frank Sinatra and vintage Christmas records). And each birthday and holiday it’s fun to add a few of our new favorites to our collection. I always say it’s the gift that keeps giving because once you buy a record player it’s SO easy to continue coming up with new records to gift at each occasion.

Jonathan Adler always says you should collect things in your home that your children/nieces/nephews will fight over when you die. Haha! I love it and I think vinyl 100% falls into that category since Emma already claimed our dad’s vinyl long before I even had a record player.

Record table sources: Console Table/West Elm, Palm Tree Print by Moonlight Magpie on Etsy, U-Turn Audio/Orbit Basic Turntable, Speakers/Audioengine, Record is Dragon Inn 3 (Nova’s favorite).

This collection sparks so much joy for me! There are memories attached to each record as they usually remind me of the year or season when we were listening to it nonstop. And, old records are so special because I love imagining who played them in their homes 40 or 60 years ago.

Sources: Shania Twain, Smashing Pumpkins, Alvvays, Margot PricePurity RingRoberta FlackKaty PerryAlabama Shakes, Vampire Weekend, Kacey Musgraves, Neko Case, Fun, Arcade FireSturgill Simpson.

Do you have a favorite collection? xx. Elsie

Note: This post is pre-scheduled. I am currently on my maternity leave with baby Marigold (!!!!!!!), so if I don’t respond to your comment, don’t worry, someone else on our team will. I am so grateful for the opportunity to take a little time to bond with our new baby. But I left a bunch of posts in the drafts for you to enjoy while I’m away. See you on the other side! xx

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.
  • We love our vinyl collection! It’s probably our favorite family hobby. Also, it’s given my kids a musical education the I didn’t even have to work at (we homeschool). My 14-year-old asked for her own record player for her birthday and collects all the ballet music and old musicals she can find on vinyl. It’s just so fun. P.S. The speaker we have for our record player is nicer than the one we have for our TV, haha.

  • I would love to see a post about how you care for your vinyl especially your vintage lps. Lovely space!!!

  • Such a good post!!! We started collecting vinyls before we had kids and bought some new (when we had our pre kid budget ha!) and our little collection has been so special and a great way to introduce our boys to a variety of music. Our library lets you check our records which just makes me SO happy and has been so fun. I think my favorite record is an original copy of translanticism by DCFC that my husband gave to me with our wedding song on it ❤️

  • I just bought my first vinyl (Box Car Racer) and need a turntable now! Thanks for the recommendations! I am excited to collect more and frame some of the classic album covers.

  • We have a turntable and vinyl collection in our living/dining area. We currently have 4 full crates of records and we’re out of space. I like crates for flipping through much better than shelving, but I need to build up to get some of the crates out of the floor. Any ideas for crate storage in a small, living space?

  • I used to have a small personal collection and cheap record player, but when my parents moved out of state I inherited my mom’s 1970s-90s vinyl and CD setup – include the turntable, 5-CD disc carousel, the radio, the sound equalizer and two old AF speakers – PLUS 200 records. (The good stuff, with her records from Paul Simon, Crosby, Stills & Nash, etc 🙂

    It is probably pretty ugly to look at the sound equipment stacked in our living room, but it still sounds great and my inner nostalgia monster won’t let me replace it for anything newer. And, now I can listen to my CDs from high school again! Someday I’d like a much nicer permanent storage setup for the records, but I rent the house I’m in so crates will have to do. If/when my boyfriend and I move in together we’ll have a heck of a problem – he’s collected records since high school, so we would have over 400 albums to manage!

  • I have all my mom’s vinyl from the 60’s and 70’s. GOOD stuff! Her Beatles collection being my favorite! ???? I barely have any new vinyl and need to update my player but it is definitely one of my favorite collections and I’m so glad my brother never got into vinyl or it would have been a fight to the death! ????

  • Such a great collection, Elsie! It’s really a gift that keeps on giving, and it’s so great to return to old favorites in their original format as well.

    My favorite collection is probably my basket of niche perfumes. Each one is so unique and striking that I love to wear them on ordinary days when I’m home to savor their notes and infuse some luxury into my routine.

    Dee ~ Vanilla Papers

  • Love it! Do you have any tips for record organization? I am trying to get started so I know how to quickly find different artists!

  • Katy Perry & Vampire Weekend! I’ve been building my vinyl collection since 2017 🙂 So fun seeing other people’s. Great stuff!

  • I actually just got two records passed down from my grandparents. I got BB King and Carl Calton. I think Carl was actually my uncles but I treasure them both.

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