Nesting: Chalkboard Planters

Chalkboard paint for indoor herb gardenChalkboard paint for indoor herb gardenOne of my ambitions in our new home is to cook at home more often. I would like to make it more of a hobby since we both really enjoy trying new recipes. We've often talked about how it would be convenient (and fun) to grow our own herbs. This weekend I started a small indoor herb garden along our windowsill, where they will get plenty of light. I thought it would be fun to use chalkboard paint on the planters and label each one. I got this idea from Martha Stewart! So far we have two different types of basil and parsley. I want to get a few more mint plants and we also have a lavender plant that is already too large for these tiny pots. I posted info about how to use Pebeo chalkboard paint here if you are interested in creating something similar. 

Have you tried growing your own herbs? Any recommendations or favorite recipes? xoxo. Elsie 

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