New York in iPhone Photos!

Hotel room viewHotel room viewHi friends! We are traveling home today from an amazing trip to New York. Here are a few photos that the four of us snapped with our iPhones…Random HouseOur first order of business was a day full of meetings with our publisher. It was amazing to meet the entire team in person (so many talented + fun people!) and make plans for current and future book projects. By the end of the day our minds were exploding with ideas and inspiration. Plus, you should see the to-do list that we brought home with us. Epic.Taza!It was such a treat to meet Naomi (and Josh too!) over brunch. We loved talking about projects, BABIES (no, we're not pregnant) and blogging. She's such a gem!Empire State BuildingEmma and Trey got all touristy and visited the Empire State Building one afternoon. So sweet. #megryan

We love dogs in coats!When someone asked me what my favorite part of New York was I quickly replied, "DOGS IN COATS!" That's an exaggeration, I'm sure, but it was  super fun to see so many cute doggies out walking in their cute outfits. I tried very hard to control my excitement.So much funWe felt lucky this trip, because we got to meet up with several old and new friends! We had cocktails with Gala, Bonnie and Keiko (all SO sweet), and we made new friends too. It was fun to meet some blog readers at the Sucre concert as well! Thank you so much to everyone who said hello—that was a treat!Coffee at StumptownStumptown coffee… so good. 

Our doggies twins at American ApparelAs we were walking to dinner one night, I saw some familiar faces in a window at American Apparel. How fun is that?Cute wallCute wallCute wallWe had such a good time! I hope we will be back to visit again when the weather is warmer. We're in love with the city. Until next time…. xo. Elsie (+ Emma too) 

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