oh how i love december….

December was SUCH a good month!

Emma has been in town and we have been having lots and lots of quality sibling time (and, of course, new photos) i love these two kiddos…


here is a just-for-fun painting i made for my friend, Aubrey, for Christmas…. (arcade fire lyrics)
4I’ve seen a few new movies lately…. I didn’t expect to, but i *LOVED* “the waitress”. It was a very emotional film….

and *oh-my-myyyy* Juno is succcch a good film. I loved it. Great soundtrack as well….


Thanks for all your kind words about my new place. It feels like home more than any other place i’ve ever lived and I really love working here. It is a huge blessing!

Ok… it is almost a new year! I have been making lists and plans and goals for this year. A few big ones… quite a few small ones and then just some random stuff that i would love to do if the opportunity arises. What are your goals for the new year? Anything creative? Anything challenging? I hope so…

much love. elsie

  • Lets see, goals. well I have a nail biting habit, I am attempting to get rid of that. Um… to organize a few rooms, get some better grades. nothing really creative. very practical I guess. Sounds like your having fun! :]]

  • Oh I’m always thinking of the goals thing. Infact I have had an art journal that has been empty for the last few mo. and my goal is to make an art journal about me in 2008. I have been so wrapped up in making things for other people that I dont do anything for myself. And the time is now…..to start. Also I have purchased a couple of photo’d canvas paintings from you that I have been dying to create a page with and then use them as art in my scrap room. Will post when completed. You have encouraged/inspired me to really think about goals in my life. And I have been doing alot of thinking. Now I need to get them on paper or I’ll forget.

    Ooooohhhhh! I loved the Waitress movie. I havn’t seen Juno yet though. Take care and Happy New Year!

  • Thanks for the movie recommendations. Your challenge sounds fun. I’ll see what I can come up with. My main goal for this year is to not take on too much…I have a tendency to think I can do everything and then I get stressed out because I can’t…so I’m focusing on school and learning to say no. 🙂

  • i love waitress. i *spoke* to me in so many ways. i was sad to read that the lady who directed it was murdered before it debuted at the sundance film fest. awful.

    i want to see juno, gotta find a sitter and head into austin.

    love all of the pics. keep them coming. have fun with emma while she is here.

  • I have been dying to see both of those movies. Maybe I will catch Waitress on Pay-Per-View tonight thanks Elsie 🙂 I do have tons of goals I want to shoot for in 2008. I definitely want to scrapbook more and focus on capturing the little moments. Like you I have a few big things I want to work on in 2008 wish me luck!!

  • I saw both these movies recently as well. LOVED both of them. It is quite sad watching the movie knowing what happened to the actress/writer/director. What do you have babies on your mind ? 😉 I asked myself that after watching these 2 movies!!

  • I wanna see that movie Juno– (along with a guilty pleasure–“National Treasure”!!) Ummm, as far as goals, I must must must get rid of all the packrat clutter hand-me-don’ts and things that hubby and I have collected and moved with over the years. We’re both packrats, but I save all the littlest things that hold memories–he just seems to save junk that he never will use . . . We need a dumpster and a maid. :]

    the little challenge sounds like fun. there are a zillion things I need to be doing, but I’ll prob. end up playing along!!! lol!


  • My husband and I just went to Juno last night and we looooooved it. It was just so great. Totally funny and real.

    Happy New Year!!

  • I LOVE that painting!!!! :] I’m sure your friend was thrilled!!! I have not seen Juno but want to, I saw Sweeny Todd and it was great … I recommend it highly!!! My Goals …. are to figure out things for me this year to make sure *me* is happy … and to scrap more and take more photos. Happy New Year!!

  • Love those fun pix of your sins. Good thing they like to pose. Question, have you been to Target lately? They have their Valentines stuff out and it reminds me of your stuff. You should take a look.

  • You are always SO inspiring. Glad to hear that it was a wonderful month for you. I pray you have many more!

  • now it’s an offical “yes” to go see Juno, i hadn’t heard from any1 about it until now. thx for the info

  • I’ve seen Juno three times and listened to the soundtrack a million times! It’s the best.

    “I’m already pregnant, what other shenanigans can I get into?”


  • neither of them films are out in the UK yet did see Enchanted the other day which is fab.

    Will try the challenge before i go out tonight but cutting it fine. love the pics

    happy new yr x

  • Juno looks so cute! 🙂 I definitely want to see it.

    I am going to try to make a page tonight or tomorrow, sounds like a lot of fun! 🙂

  • hey elsie!

    happy new year!

    i love how u do ur hair in the picture below! how did you do it? 😀

  • Happy New Year Elsie!

    If I had more time I would have loved to have scrapped a layout on how my scrapping has evolved in 2007 – coz I have had my first submission accepted for a Kiwi magazine just a couple of weeks ago! And I used all your Toby papers and ribbons – I loved it and obviuosly so did the magazine! Thanks Elsie for your inspiration in 2007, looking forward to 2008!

    Mich from New Zealand 🙂

  • Happy New Year Elsie (Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 🙂 ), i hope 2008 will be a fantastic year for you and for all of us! 🙂 I like your site very much.

    greetings from the Netherlands. Natas

  • that’s funny, in your country it is 31 december. Here it is 1 januari 2008. 9 hours ago it was 1 januari 🙂

  • Wow.. I will try to do this.. but I have a great idea… could we get a extension???I would love a few more days… but will try to bust something out.. 🙂

    Oh and Happy New year to you and you r blessed and wonderful family!! love the pics BTW!!! Tell Emma we miss her… and wish her the dreams of her life time!!

  • I already started ont this, kinda hard, you know? I haven’t scrapped in 5 months, so Im looking forward to this challenge :] Elsie what do you do when you’ve lost your mojo?

    loves. Carla

  • I would love to scrap my goals but as my house is full of family not sure if I will have time but will try…

    My biggest life goal EVER is one I may achieve this year. I have always wanted to go to live in another country to experience a different culture and way of life and work there to make a difference in some way.

    At the end of january we (husband and 4 small children!)are going to Cambodia for a visit to check it (and jobs out) Sooo so excited!

  • I definately want to see Juno. Thanks for the recommendation.

    My main goals for this year are to get my body healthy again. I’ve put it through some grueling treatments this year in an [failed] attempt for a baby. So this year I’m going to really treat my body with more care, starting with what I put into it. Creatively I’m wanting to paint and scrapbook more. I love how free I feel when I’m painting. I just need to learn how to be ok with the imperfections. I’d also like to establish a real ‘style’ for myself in my artwork. I love looking to others for inspiration, but I’d like to have something that’s signature me.

    I have my layout ready whenever you do the post. Thanks for the challenge because it really helped me to focus on getting it fiinished.


  • “I’m gonna bake me a pie with a heart in the middle”……….hee hee…..I love that song in the movie. Love Keri Russell!

    Happy New Year and God bless you in 2008!

  • I love it when you post new pictures. What settings do you usually use on your camera? I got a Nikon D40x for Christmas and I’m still learning how to use it. Do you usually tweak your pictures? They always seem so bright. I’d love to learn some new tricks on how to improve my photos. 🙂

  • I’ve just done a layout/hangy about my resolutions for this year (It’s on my blog) will have to get my thinking cap on about how I think I’ve evolved in 2007 hmmmm………

  • I had so much fun making my page. If I got it right the idea was to make a page about how you changed in ’07. After alot of thinking I finally decided on what defined my last year. Now stronger than ever and the only goal for ’08 is to surround myself with positive, inspiring things/people. And make a promise to create more because that is the most inspiring to me.

  • Elsie-

    I have a scrapbooking question for you. You make your pages with little pull outs from behind the photos. Do you have to pull the page out from behind the plastic protector to pull them out? If not, how do your secure everything so it stays down without ruining the other side of the page. Also, where do you buy 12×12 books without page protectors? Hope you see this, it’s been on my mind for a while. SAM

  • Great challenge!

    I was wondering if you knew when your Love, elsie recipe box is set to ship? All the websites say Nov but haven’t heard anything.

  • oooh…your photos always astound me, Elsie. =) I’m dying to see Juno..and I might just have to rent “Waitress” now, I was kind of on the fence about it…Hope your holidays were amazing!

  • i saw juno today

    totally adorable

    and any time music was playing

    we all turned to each other and said,

    “this is so elsie”


  • I am sooooo stealing that photo idea of Emma!! I am not lying either!! Its like I have already taken it!!! LOVE YOU!!!

  • I love your blog! Thanks for the inspiration! Also thanks for saying what music is in the cribs video, I just added the Sounds song to my playlist. Awesome painting! – Arcade fire is great too!

  • E-

    You’ve got great tastes in movies – i just saw Juno and I loved it!! and thanks for the heads up on the soundtrack – I loved the music in the movie. I also saw the Waitress when it came out – loved it too.

    take care,


  • Hey, who painted the alien painting? It’s cool, & reminds me of Allan Peck’s paintings. Cool!


  • Hey, who painted the alien painting? It’s cool, & reminds me of Allan Peck’s paintings. Cool!


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