Our Sunny Guest Bedroom

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheckTo me there are two kinds of rooms when you decorate—rooms you makeover and rooms that evolve over time.

This room is definitely the second kind.

When we first bought the house, it looked like this, and while the walls were yellow, it wasn’t the kind of yellow that inspires me. So we went white. Always a good choice. Fresh, clean, easy. And it looked like this. I liked it but didn’t love it. I realized that what I needed was MORE of a statement. I decided to really go all out and decorate it like the ultimate hotel room. Since it’s not one of the main living areas, I felt like it was a good place to really go BOLD. So we took a giant leap… wallpaper.

Then I just ran with the theme and embraced sort of a sunny, tropical vibe. This rattan bed really completed the space. For, like, five minutes I thought about switching to a more neutral rug, but then I decided that the mix of patterns FEELS good to me. Rules are made to be broken, you know? (here’s the link to this rug)

Our light fixture is custom made from Sazerac Stitches. It’s super pretty and perfect for the space!

I love having guests, and this room is one of my favorite rooms in the house. Here are photos taken this summer by Alyssa Rosenheck for our domino feature. This room didn’t make it into the magazine. I think probably because it was the fall issue and these colors just aren’t autumn. That said, I wanted to make sure to show you the photos anyway, since I had so much fun styling the room just for that shoot!

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheck This portrait of my grandmother is one of my most prized possessions. In our last home, it hung right by the front door. It was really bothering me that I couldn’t find the perfect home for it in our new house, so I’m really happy it gets to live in such a happy space. Also, ponytail palms are one of my favorite plants right now!

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheck My friend Jess of The Northern Needle made this macrame. I love it SO much! It works really well with the busy wallpaper.

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheck Still obsessed with these gold planters we found at a flea market in Missouri. Plants make any space feel more alive!

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheck I try to curate a little reading material for each of my guests. This is my favorite coffee table book of all time. So inspiring!

Elsie's Guest Bedroom ©AlyssaRosenheckWell, that’s all the peeks I have of our guest room for now. It’s been one of my favorite rooms to decorate, and I’m so thrilled with the almost-completed room. We’ve been having guests often, so it’s a well-used and loved space in our home.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments! xx -Elsie

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson, Photography/Alyssa Rosenheck


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