Painted Eye Statement Wall DIY

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) When I was planning to give our guest bathroom a makeover, there were tons of things I wanted to do with that space, but since we were redoing every room in the house, I mostly knew it had to be budget friendly. I liked the thought of wallpapering the room, but I know that wallpaper isn’t great for a bathroom with a shower (all that steam over time), and wallpaper can also get expensive depending on what you choose. What’s the solution? A painted statement wall! It holds up much better with the shower situation and is way cheaper since I only had to buy a little paint and print some stencils. The eye trend has been so fun and I love all the pillows, clothing, and housewares that feature it so I decided a bold eye print (inspired by this and this pattern) would be just the thing!

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) I first printed my eye design (the size I wanted it to be on the wall) onto a bunch of pages so I could used them to map out my design on the wall. Since I wanted to be able to transfer the design directly onto the wall, I used a pencil to rub over the lines of the design on the back of the paper.

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) I taped up the eyes all around the room so I could use a level and measuring tape to get the placement just right and know each one was in line with all the others. This part took a bit to get just right, but it’s definitely an important step with this sort of pattern.

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) Once I had all the papers in place, I took my pencil and traced over the lines on the front of the paper which in turn transferred the lines onto the wall behind it.

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) See? It totally works! Once I had the design stenciled all over the walls, I just had to use some black craft paint and a brush to trace the lines, and I was DONE SON!

Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) Love this eye pattern statement wall! (click through for tutorial) I. LOVE. THIS. PATTERN! The black and white makes a really bold statement, and it really feels like it’s a wallpaper rather than a painted on design. While it does take a bit of time to paint each design by hand with a brush, it really only cost me some craft paint and whatever ink I used up printing out the eyes to mock up the design – not too bad!! I knew I wanted something bold but still fun and quirky for our guests to see, and this eye print fits the bill perfectly! xo. Laura

Credits//Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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