Palm Leaf Ring Dish DIY

Although it’s probably technically more of a “summer” thing, I love palm print all year round. It’s basically how I decorate my house too—all summery/beach things—so it’s a pick me up through the winter months. Anyway, I thought that the palm leaf shape would be a great base for an easy clay ring dish and it just took a few minutes to make my own leaf replica to hold my scattered rings in one cute spot.Supplies:
-green clay
plastic rolling pin
silicon mat
clay tools
clay glaze (optional)
-aluminum foil
-parchment paper
Roll out your clay into a 5×7″ rectangle about 1/4″ thick. Transfer your clay to parchment paper.Use a clay (or X-Acto) knife to cut out a large teardrop shape for the body of your leaf.Use a clay tool to lightly draw where you want your leaf indents to go. I did two on each side and a little upside down “v” at the bottom to look more like a monstera leaf. Cut your indents out with your knife tool.Use a clay tool that looks kind of like a dull pencil to create the vein and line indents of your leaf.Carefully build a small ledge under the sides of your leaf with aluminum foil to create a bowl shape to hold your rings in. Place your parchment paper and clay into an oven safe dish and bake for the amount of time suggested on the package of foil that you use. Once your clay is baked and cooled, you can glaze it with a gloss or leave it plain for matte finish. How sweet! I like the pop of color that it adds to a dresser or counter, although you can do it in whatever bright or muted shade of green you want (you could even do it in marbled greens, too). I’m notorious for leaving rings scattered all over the house, so I really do keep ring dishes every couple of feet to collect them in so I lose less over time. If you want a quick craft to make you smile AND help you out around the house, this may be just the thing! xo. Laura

Credits//Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

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