Plastic Camera Makeover DIY

Plastic_camera_DIYhi there! i am excited to share with you a new project i made this week. it’s scary doing DIYs for the first time (sometimes it can be a disaster in the experimenting stages!) but this one worked out even better than i’d imagined. here’s my idea for giving your cute plastic ‘toy’ cameras a makeover….  

Elsie_holga i’ve been collecting plastic cameras for a few years now. Holga, Polaroid, Lomo and Diana are just a few of the ‘toy’ cameras that have become so popular for their unpredictable and perfectly imperfect photos. recently i decided to start collection blue cameras because i want to do a home decor display with them when they aren’t in use. 

Elsie_blue_polaroidi decided to try to paint a few of my plastic cameras that i already owned to match my new collection. here’s the ‘BEFORE’ photo: 

Plastic_camera_beforethe Holga was a gift (so sweet) and the lomo super sampler is a recent eBay purchase. i scored a great deal because the camera was used and in pretty bad cosmetic shape (although it still works perfectly!). 

choosing the right paint is the most important part of this DIY. i used indoor/outdoor craft paint. it is very inexpensive and can be purchased at most craft stores. here are some brands that i’ve tried…. 

Craft_paint choose the colors you fancy the most and grab a few small paint brushes if you don’t already have some. 

Aqua_blue_paintit took me about three coats of paint (dying completely between each coat) to put a ‘base color’ on my cameras. i used a tiny brush to do the edging on the Holga (i always prefer to use a small brush over taping edges off, but that would work too). Next, I added the flower design (and my name… i couldn’t resist!) to the Holga and a cute little heart to the Lomo. i gave them 24 hours to dry, just to be safe! 🙂 


Hope you enjoyed this! It’s a really fun DIY and a great way to makeover items you already own! 
Plastic_camera_DIY_tutorialXOXO. elsie     

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