Pomegranate, Beet, and Hidden Greens Smoothie

Pom, Beet, and Hidden Greens Smoothie (via abeautifulmess.com) It’s the time of year when I think we’re all trying to eat a little better. It might be that you’ve made some kind of New Year’s resolution around something health related (go you!), or it could be that after holiday overindulging, you are just looking to regroup, reset, and get back to packing in more plants in your diet. I guess I probably fall more into the second category, as my resolution this year is not centered around eating well or working out. I tend to set those kinds of goals more often for shorter amounts of time (like a monthly challenge—that’s more my speed).

But no matter where you are at, I have to say that a big glass of delicious fruits and vegetables in the morning or late afternoon just feels GOOD.

Pom, Beet, and Hidden Greens Smoothie (via abeautifulmess.com)This smoothie packs quite a lot in since it’s made of ALL plants and tastes surprisingly refreshing. I highly recommend you give this combination a try no matter whether you’re a green smoothie person or you’ve always felt a little nervous about them. 🙂

Ingredients for hidden greens smoothiePomegranate, Beet, and Hidden Greens Smoothie. Makes one.

1 beet (approximately 3 oz.)
1/2 apple, I recommend granny smith for the tart flavor (approximately 2.5 oz.)
1 big handful of spinach (approximately 1 oz.)
4 big mint leaves
1/2 cup 100% pomegranate juice

Peel and then wash the beet, removing any dirt or leaves. Cut into 4-5 pieces.

100% plants smoothie and juice recipesIn a good blender (I love my Vitamix!), combine the beet, apple (seeds and stem removed), spinach, mint, and pomegranate juice. Blend really, really well. You don’t want any leaves or large pieces of beet or apple left. A smooth consistency throughout is what you are aiming for.

Pom, Beet, and Hidden Greens Smoothie (via abeautifulmess.com) Enjoy immediately. Super simple, right? Just a few notes here, and then go get your smoothie on!

-This smoothie will be on the thin side, but not so thin that it is like juice. If you want the consistency of this to be more like juice, add 1/2 cup of water before blending. You can strain through a fine mesh strainer, but consuming all of the plants is more nutritious, so I recommend not straining.

-I tend to wear gloves when I cook with beets as they have a tendency to stain your skin. Also watch out if your counter tops are marble as it can stain those as well.

-Since we will be consuming the apple skin and all of the spinach and mint, it’s best to buy organic if you can. In general I prefer to buy organic all the time, but I know this isn’t always budget friendly. So I at least recommend it when you plan to consume the skin of a plant (apples, berries, etc.).

Happy smoothie making! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions

  • This looks really interesting! Can you really taste the beets? I’m not a big fan of those, but I would probably give this a try and see how I like it. I like smoothies with vegetables because it’s a great way to get my veggies in with breakfast 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  • You can taste the beet but it’s pretty mild. It’s a fairly “balanced” tasting smoothie so you can taste the beet, the mint, and sweetness from both the apple and pom juice. You don’t really taste the spinach, or at least I didn’t think so.

    Agree on getting in those veggies at breakfast, makes me feel like I’m already so ahead for the day nutritionally. 🙂


  • Oh my gosh. I just got a Vitamix for Christmas and I am looking for more smoothie recipes. I am super excited for this one!! Yea for BEETS!

  • You’re gonna love it! It seriously the best blender I’ve ever had. Do check out the instruction manual and the recipe book it comes with as those were both super helpful and full of good stuff. 🙂


  • Yummm, I already make a Variation of this one, but mint is a really good idea (even if not so easy to come accross in the dead of winter) 😉
    Just a question, when’s your cookbook coming out? We’re looking for our next Investment 😉

  • I’m not the biggest fan of beet so I’m not sure if I’d like this but it does seem really healthy and it looks cool!

  • You’re right, it does feel SO good! I love starting out my weekday mornings with a tropical green smoothie – definitely gives me a healthy kickstart to the week. I love the idea of adding beets! I have two in my fridge right now and just might have to give those a go tomorrow morning 🙂

  • Reading this while eating a delicious chocolate cake! hahaha I should feel guilty but…nope! I love smoothies though!

  • This looks so good! I never thought beets would mix well in a smoothie, but I tried one at a local smoothie shop just last week and it tasted amazing. I’ll have to try this one as well – they’re so good for you and I really love the addition of mint to this recipe!

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