Ombre Ricotta Pancakes Recipe

Best pancakesElsie has a theory that the best pancakes are made at home. It's probably no surprise to you that we love homemade. And homemade pancakes are the perfect example. You can make them exactly how you want and wear your pjs while eating them. This is one of my all time favorite pancake recipes. The addition of the ricotta makes these just the right amount of creamy.Ricotta pancakesColorful pancakesRicotta Pancakes, makes 6-8

3/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs
1/3 cup ricotta
1/2 cup milk
oil or butter for cooking

In a bowl combine all ingredients until nearly no lumps appear in the batter. Heat a skillet over medium heat with a couple tablespoons oil or butter. I usually use oil (canola or vegetable) as I prefer a slightly crispy edge to my pancake. When your pan is hot pour 1/4 cup batter in the center. Wait until the batter begins to bubble, then flip. Adjust your heat if the pancakes are cooking too fast or too slow.
Ricotta pancake recipeI divided my batter into three bowls and tinted each with varing amounts of red food coloring before cooking. This created an ombrΓ© color effect, which I thought was really cute. I was sort of bummed the morning I made these because my niece wasn't staying at my house that weekend. (She's there every now and again, and I love it!) She is a big fan of "pink" food, so I will have to make these again for her sometime. xo. Emma

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