Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Perfect party food alert!! This is not a drill, you guys. I really have found one of the best party appetizers ever. I discovered this delicious little gem when I went to a birthday party at our office manager, Jacki's house a few weeks ago. Her friend Mallory had brought the most delectable looking little crostinis topped with roasted grapes and rosemary garnish. I've certainly never had roasted grapes before, so I didn't know what to expect. But they were so good that I literally stood next to the table for the next 45 minutes and ate more than my fair share of them. I made a few small tweaks to Mallory's recipe, and I think it's a winner!

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)
Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini, makes 20 crostinis.

3 cups washed and halved grapes
2-3 sprigs of rosemary
6-8 oz. of honey goat cheese (or just mix in some honey to taste with regular goat cheese if you can't find honey flavored)
1 large baguette
olive oil

Begin by taking your washed and halved grapes and putting them in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil on top. Finely chop your rosemary, add it to the grapes and olive oil, and mix together.

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Preheat oven to 450˚F, and place the grape and rosemary mixture on a baking pan. Bake the grapes for 17-20 minutes until their skins are wrinkled and begin to blister.

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Turn the oven down to 350˚F. Cut your baguette into thin slices. Brush each side of the bread slices with olive oil, and bake on another baking sheet for 7 minutes or so until they are toasted.

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Spread your honey goat cheese onto each crostini, and top with your roasted grape and rosemary mixture. Mallory used a combination of goat cheese and cream cheese for her creamy base, but I thought that honey goat cheese would be delicious as well and add another layer of flavor to the bite. Try it both ways!

Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      Roasted Grape + Honey Goat Cheese Crostini (click through for recipe)      The creamy and tangy taste of the honey goat cheese pairs so well with the sweet earthy taste of the grapes and rosemary, and it all comes together in a nice crunch with the crostini underneath. This would be great for a holiday party appetizer, and I seriously can't wait to have people over so I can make this (although mostly for myself to eat of course). Think you'll give it a try at your next party? xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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