Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Pumpkin SeedsI’ve made roasted pumpkin seeds every single year since my mom let me help as a kiddo. Every year someone asks me to post the recipe, but I’ve always been like, “nah- it’s not really a recipe!” I thought it would be fun to post our recipe this year just in case there is even ONE of you out there who hasn’t tried making them. They are delicious and a fun autumn tradition. I can’t wait to teach my kiddos this little recipe someday too!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 1Ewwww! Just kidding. I actually LOVE the smell of pumpkin guts. It’s a childhood memory thing, I think.

First remove all of the seeds from the inside of a pumpkin. Place them into a large bowl removing as much pulp as possible as you go.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 2Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 3Soak the seeds in some warm water then strain to remove the rest of the pulp.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 4Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 4Add a tablespoon of oil to the seeds and spread them out in one layer across a baking pan. The goal is to avoid clumps so they cook evenly and don’t stick together. Sprinkle a little Lawry’s on all the seeds.

Bake at 350°F for about 10 minutes. To keep them from burning I like to stir them halfway through with a spatula. Watch them carefully because they burn easily. You’ll know they’re done when most seeds are golden in color. I like mine a little overcooked, but that’s coming from someone who likes burnt popcorn. Ha!

Easiest little recipe ever and SO yummy. If you’re out of oil you can use melted butter instead.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Do you have a food that you strongly associate with Autumn? xo. Elsie

Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson

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