Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) I’m definitely one of those people that loves to sleep in the darkest room possible. I’m a bit of a light sleeper too, so sleep masks are always helpful for falling asleep either at home or in sleep circumstances that are less than ideal like cars, airplanes or hotel rooms. I’ve used sequins a few times to add some fun onto sweatshirts (like this phrase sweatshirt and this lips sweatshirt), and I thought it would be a great addition to a make a cute sleep mask as well. Since I always have brunch on my mind in the morning, a fried egg sleep mask seemed like the perfect idea!

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial)Supplies:
plain sleep mask
-white felt
-white sequin trim
-gold/yellow sequin trim
-fabric scissors
-fabric glue

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) First you’ll want to cut out two pieces of white felt in your fried egg shape. Just try to think of it as basically a circle or an oval shape that has 4-5 uneven bumps around the edges. Once you get two good shapes you like, use some fabric glue to glue them to each side of the top of your sleep mask. Use a pen to lightly mark two smaller circles on each shape that will be where the yellow of your egg goes.

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) Take your white sequin trim and use the fabric glue to glue the sequins all the way around the outside of your felt egg shape (try to get it to hang a little over the edge if you can). Keep gluing the trim all the way around, overlapping the next row with the previous one just a bit until you come to the inside circle that you marked off. If you need to get more trim in a different section, you can always double back over an area you already covered or you can cut the trim, make sure that end is glued down and then start a new section where needed.

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) Once your white is complete, start to glue the gold/yellow trim from the middle of the marked off circle, and wind it around and around until you have the size middle that you want. Make sure your trim end is glued down well and let the glue fully set before use.

Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) Sequin Fried Egg Sleep Mask DIY (click through for tutorial) Adorable! Since the sequins are on the outside of the mask, they won’t bother you while you sleep, but if you start dreaming of all breakfast items from now on, I guess you’ll know why! This sleep mask would also make a great gift for your brunch buddy (maybe make yourself a matching pair) and give it with a gift certificate to your favorite spot. If you need your sleep space a little darker and also love a good 11am pancake run, this sleep mask may be egg-actly what you need! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions.


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