shop display love



Today I finished up a new spring styling wall. It's full of pretty jewelry and eclectic touches. It's inspired by bohemian and gypsy style with lots of old family photos snuck in, just for fun! I used tissue to make the chevron fringe necklace display for our new Moorea Seal pieces, lots of book paper, braided fabric and some tear outs from a Top Shop catalog. It's safe to say I'm FULLY in the mood for spring. Emma and I bought loads of high waisted pants this week and we're sending a bunch to the seamstress to make high waisted shorts! 

If you live in Springfield, stop in soon. We are working on sale racks and more displays this week. FUN! XXXXOooooooooo, els







33Thanks for taking a peek at my little shop! I love sharing shop peeks with my blog friends since some of you live across the globe. XO, elsie 

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