Sister Style: Around the studio

Sister style Green applesA Beautiful Mess A Beautiful Mess  Elsie Larson  Emma Chapman A Beautiful MessElsie Larson   Emma ChapmanOh man, guys. We cannot wait to show you around the ABM studio house. It feels like we got to take you on a tour of everything before we started renovations and all the projects we wanted to add, and now we're working like crazy to get each room up and running. Some rooms were put on hold until Josh and Sarah got to town and settled, since we needed Josh's handy skills to DIY some furniture.

We of course plan to have lots of little previews and "in progress" posts to share in the coming months. We're pretty pumped to show you around and see what you think.

With the new office space, the new shop site and a few new additions to our team, this season is feeling like the beginning of a new chapter. At times things can feel overwhelming and even kind of scary. I think changes can do that. They can be so exciting but totally stress you out at the same time. I'm trying to enjoy it all for what it is the best I can.Elsie LarsonEmma Chapman  LaceWe teamed with our friends over at ModCloth for our outfits in this post. Seriously loving their Boho/Festival Collection.

Emma's wearing: jacket, shirt, leggings and sandals
Elsie's wearing: jacket, shirt, shorts, bag and sandals. Also this cute throw blanket

What about you? Are you starting a new chapter in your life this season? Any big changes (good or bad) stressing you out these days? xo. Emma + Elsie

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman, Photography by Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with Lennon from the Signature collection, and light leak 2 and multiple exposure from the Folk collection.

  • I have been following your blog for some time now and I’m so happy to see that all your hard work is paying off. I’m so looking forward to seeing all the photos of your new house in the upcoming house. Rock on! πŸ™‚

  • Just really looking forward to the spring and summer!

    That blanket looks like a really neat way to use up some yarn scraps leftover from projects.

    Happy weekend!

  • Emma, I love the subtle teal in your hair! This spring will be full of home renovating/redecorating and launching new creative endeavors. All of it is freaking me out a little, but I know it will all be good. Can’t wait to see how the house has turned out. After seeing all this growth, I think all of us reading can’t help but feel so proud of you two.

  • hahahaha, oh man! I thought that last picture of Elsie was showing off a bump a bump at first! I guess it’s just the way you’re posed. :o)

  • I absolutely LOVE these outfits….and can we talk about Emma’s hair? I’m obsessed!

    Lately, my stress has stemmed 100% from my crippling fear of change. Earlier this week I brought a sweet bulldog puppy into my life and now my stress revolves around training her and trying to adjust my schedule to fit her needs. The stress is definitely getting to me, but it will be worth it in the end.

  • Sister style posts are my favorite and I love both of your outfits! Lovely! and that modcloth collection is beautiful!

  • I never would have looked twice at the lace cardigan on Mod Cloth’s website. However, it looks super cute on! This would be perfect for California’s 9 months of summer πŸ™‚

  • Lovely! All these pictures make me grin…beautiful photography and editing! I’m SO grateful you ladies made mini actions available!

  • What, shorts and sandals!!! So jealous! You girls are gorgeous, and your studio looks amazing! Can’t wait to see more!

  • Im moving to seattle in the coming months! Im so excited but pretty nervous at the same time.. This should be a good change in the end but right now, stressful!

  • Oh my gosh I just loved this edition of SS – You can see the sister love ..I was scrolling away and was like WHY AM I SO IN LOVE WITH THIS?! And then I saw ‘modcloth’ ‘boho’ and ‘festival’ πŸ˜‰ xoxoxo

  • I have been following for quite some time almost 4 years since ive been blogging! πŸ™‚ and yes, I am going through changes this season as we venture on the journey of being mobile- with a car and drivers license (husband) and I am starting a job in sales. πŸ™‚ Hoping the spring brings us good luck and a good budget!

  • Today was my husbands last day of his 8 year career at a local university and in a few months we and our four babies are moving to Uganda, Africa. Excited about this new chapter! πŸ™‚

  • I’ve been looking at that bag for a while on ModCloth. How do you like it? Is it sturdy?

  • My husband and I are getting ready to pick up and move closer to family in a couple of months, leaving behind two rather secure jobs and as we’re getting ready to start over (in a sense), I’ve been so encouraged and impacted by all the personal and business posts y’all have posted lately. Thank you for posting those! I have no idea what’s next for us, which is scary and exciting all at the same time!

  • All the work you’ve done in the past years I’ve followed your blog has been awesome! I’m so happy for this new chapter of A Beautiful Mess. I really feel inspired and identified by all your work and I feel like I’m growing as you are.
    As for me, this is a BIG month. I am getting my bachelors degree on Monday (the day I present my final project). So from next week onwards I can call myself a journalist and a filmmaker. I am also moving from Montevideo (Uruguay) to NYC in two weeks time. It’s scary, its overwhelming, its GREAT. I can’t be happier.

  • Are you ladies cold? Sandals and shorts are definitely a welcomed sight, but it’s only March! Brrr!

  • Plotting my next trip to Italy! This will be the first time I’m taking my business with me abroad so fingers crossed it all goes smoothly! If not, I’m sure a bottle of Chianti and a cup of gelato will make it all better…

  • You both (as well as your team) are so inspiring! And I LOVE Emma’s hair! I saw on pinterest that it was hair chalk? If so I’d love to know what brand! I’ve been so scared to try any. And I wouldn’t mind a post on how it was applied, how long it lasted, that kinda stuff. ^.^

    x Sarie

  • Can I be THAT girl and ask what color you chose for the front door? Sherwin Williams is about to have their big sale and we have a house to paint! I’m wanting a dark gray with bright white trim and an aqua door! πŸ™‚

  • Not quite this season, but besides waiting for winter to finally get over itself, I’m moving in with my boyfriend in September. I cannot wait to make a place for us, it’ll be 2 years together at that point! Any cute decoration ideas are welcome! Seriously cannot wait!

  • I think you two are the prettiest sisters ever! I love A Beautiful Mess so much. Visiting the site is such a highlight of my day. No matter what you are writing about, it always makes me happy. Thank you for that! It really is a gift you guys give multiple times a day! So happy for you and all the amazing growth you have see over the years! Xoxo

  • Congratulations Emma & Elsie! This is incredible. Good luck for the expansion of A Beautiful Mess and all things beautiful. It’s amazing to read of your blog/brand/vision as it grows & grows!

  • Now i don’t want to say that she’s looking fat or anything but could a certain sister be preggers? There’s a certain glow and change in her face!..hmmmm… maybe exciting news ahead? You should both be super proud of yourselves!

  • Yes I am starting a whole new chapter. I started a photography business + opened an etsy shop to sell other personal works AND hand lettered prints. It’s been super fun, only hope it all takes off!

  • You two are so lovely! I can’t wait to see more of your studio! It looks amazing.
    I’m hoping to get back into writing this spring, and to start a writer’s video diary of progress, frustrations, writing tips, ideas, etc. I used to write ALL the time (I’ve finished two novels) but in the last two years or so I’ve been too busy to write!
    Happy weekend!

  • My husband and I are both stress cases as we are buying our first house and doing a mini-reno prior to moving in-all ourselves! We are so exhausted! I can’t even think about all the DIY decorating I’d like to do as I still have to pack, do taxes, prep my 150+ flowerpot garden for the move, and, and, and!!! Life is good!

  • Hi Elsie and Emma. i don’t know if you noted it but you have been featured on this site in Singapore πŸ˜‰

  • I have been SOOOO scary for change lately. My boyfriend and I have decided to move in together. We’re both in college (18 and 19 yrs) and in love, but our families think we aren’t ready. At times I feel so excited about the move and having our own space and starting our lives together and other times I can’t help but let my parents doubts seep into my mind. Everything is so nerve-racking! Any tips about moving in with significant other for the first time?

  • OOH LA LA. I’m loving Elsie’s Jacket and Emma’s entire outfit. Guys everything looks so amazing and I wish I could teleport myself into the ABM house. -Aish xx
    Babbles to the World

  • Lovely photos!! You are both so beautiful and inspiring!!! I am under a lot of stress right now! But good stress!! We arr moving from a big town to a lovely village in the south of France. I am trying my best to find a permanent job and we are trying to have a baby… Lots of things to look for but lot if things that i can not control!!! Happy but stressed!!! Thank for your blog, i read it everyday and i love it!!!

  • Hi!! “Sister style” are my favorite posts!
    You both look beautiful in these pictures and I love both outfits (my favorite is Elsie’s jacket!!) and the studio house seem so colorfull and fresh, I can’t wait to see more!

    Regards from Paris xo

    Ester πŸ™‚

  • Okay, so I just went and PORED over these photos and I CANNOT see what made you think either of them were, haha. Is it the close-up of the sort of lace-cardigan-thing in the last shot? This is driving me crazy trying to figure out what made you think they were!

    Also, I do love that short-sleeve cardigan thing (I never know what to call these. They’re not pullovers, not really cardigans… it’s a mystery). Hm…

  • I just bought a house! It has the same awesome moldings and charm that your houses/studio seems to have. It’s stressful waiting for the home inspection but also very exciting! I would love your recommendations on some of your favorite “whites” for paint. Also, totally convincing my other half to paint one of the bathrooms black. That styling room convinced me!

  • Both of you are beautiful! By any chance can you tell me what lipstick Emma is wearing? Seriously beautiful colour.

  • I thought that was a subtle hint implying a future baby bump too! Haha πŸ™‚

  • In LOVE with the blue tips in your hair, Emma! Totally adorable! I totally feel you guys on the big changes. There has been a lot of those, which have been exciting and definitely a little stressful at times, in my life and I’m looking forward to the outcome of all of them. Maybe it’s the almost-spring season, but I’m so ready to jump right into something new right now!


  • I am loving the new candid photos..they are so adorable..i wish i had a sister too..Love from India

  • This season is the end of multiple chapters in my life. Both my husband and I are graduating college in June, after what feels like many years of being students! And, we are expecting our first baby {GIRL!} in September and we are over the moon! It is the end of being students, and of life with just the two of us! I am overwhelmingly excited and just a little bit scared all at the same time. I look forward to starting a new chapter this summer as we move, prepare for baby, and hopefully get a job!


  • Even though it’s stressful and a bit scary, isn’t it such an awesome ride?
    It’s what makes life so exciting!

    Enjoy the adrenaline while it lasts πŸ™‚

    I’ve jumped into the homeschooling world, which has been scary but exciting. It’s this whole new community to that I never knew existed! Lots of new friends and lots of new adventures. Just enjoying the ride!
    xoxo- Olivia

  • Emma you look so gorgeous with your hair and your sweet face. I’ve been a long time follower and wanted to share how warming it is to see happy people doing beautiful, messy things <3 Keep spreading the love

  • Yes!! I am graduating pharmacy school in May and moving from Phoenix to Portland two days later. Crazy adventure coming up!!

  • Such cute pictures! I can’t get enough of that lace cardigan.

    Good luck with all your changes! Can’t wait to see what comes next! As for me… college graduation is coming up…

  • So strange my mother just bought an absolutely identical jacket/cardigan to the one Elsie is wearing, in New Zealand from a little designer boutique called Jellicoe?? So weird?? I do love it though. May just have to “borrow” it a few more times.

  • You girls look so lovely! I’m happy that you’re going through this big change – exciting stuff!

  • Love these photos! Honestly I’m so jealous – can you adopt me…I want to be the third sister. Love your outfits! Love the studio photos too.

  • I am looking forward to spring and summer! I have just started a great new job, and the change definitely has me a little scared, I will not lie! But, great things can come with change.

  • This season will be my most exciting yet – closing the long distance in my relationship and moving in with my fiance! I can’t wait to finally use all the inspiration I get from y’all’s blog in our new home! <3

  • gorgeous photos! i love your outfits, getting my in a total spring-mood! and yesss, studies are a major stress factor right now. can’t wait for my break mid april, and then start over again! also my move for my internship abroad in september is starting to get to me.. all that arranging!
    xo, cheyenne

  • May I ask about the lovely pink lipstick that you(Emma) are wearing? What kind is it? I have been looking for that color and I keep missing the boat.

  • I’m going to start a new chapter this season! After 2 years’ of marriage, I’m coming to my husband in New York, a fully different place from where I live in (Bangladesh). I’m planning to decorate our home with some DIY project ideas I got from ABM.. But, as it is a rented apartment, I’ll have to stay in my limit! But still, I’m excited to experience a new place, new culture & a new way of living!
    The only matter that is stressing me out is, my future plan! My career & study.. & should I be able to adjust in this new place?! Any tips for me?! πŸ™‚

  • I just found your blog a few minutes ago and I really like it, many things to browse. Nice ways to photograph and explain the things you show. πŸ™‚

    FB|Portfolio|Instagram|Pinterest|Mein Buch|YouTube

  • These photos are lovely! I really like the homey setting, you guys seem so natural and relaxed. I love Elsie’s sandals, and that close up of Emma is seriously stunning! xx

  • I’m (hopefully) moving to Colorado in June… from Canada! Would love some moving tips/advice, especially when you’re moving away from your family.

    xo Kenzie

  • hahaha omg! you’ll be like Bella Swan! She moved from Phoenix to Forks (but Portland was mentioned a few time!) hahhaha ok, that was weird lol

    Congratulations and good luck in your new adventure! xx

    [From Chile with love]

  • Oh Emma, how your whole face changes when you are in a picture with your sister, it is truly wonderful. So much softer, sweeter and more warming! You two make a great team!

  • Oh my gosh, neither of you look even a little pregnant in this post… but I had to laugh at the comments. For the record, I AM pregnant, so that’s the life change that has me currently over-the-moon and also freaking out. πŸ™‚

    Last year, I told friends and family that my husband had been accepted to nursing school. It was a huge change for us and super exciting. But EV.ERY.ONE. thought I was announcing that I was pregnant. It was frustrating!

  • Love the subtle teal in Emma’s hair and the floral plants, is the last picture hinting to a pregancy?!

  • This is so exciting and I’m so happy for all the positive changes you’re experiencing. I looove your outfits too!
    This post is perfectly timed as I’m starting a new chapter tomorrow – I’m starting an internship tomorrow which means I’m only four months (and a bachelor thesis) away from graduating. Yay change! πŸ™‚

  • As a photographer myself I just HAVE to say hiring a photographer was a solid move! These photos are so awesome and raises your blog to a whole new level. Just a fan from Canada!

  • I used to work for Maryink (the company that made the shirt Elsie is wearing). I was always telling her we needed to send y’all some samples and advertise with you. Funny how you ended up with one anyway.

  • OH MY GOODNESS that white lace-jacket is perfection, especially for my Hawaiian island climate! Stressing me out: my man is deploying again. I have heartache and trying to adjust again to this tough time, BUT I also have a whole lot of great coming up to. Have to keep looking at each day as an opportunity for something beautiful. Your blog helps;)

  • Looking forward to seeing the new space! This season I’m starting a new part-time job that I’m looking forward to, as well as growing my own little piece of the interwebz.

  • Both of you ladies look gorgeous πŸ™‚ I’m really looking forward to seeing more of your studio house too, the peaks you’ve been sharing already look great! Rosie x

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