Sister Style: Budget Edition

Budget Sister Style - Emma Budget Sister Style - Emma Budget Sister Style - Emma We were raised super thrifty… and I mean REALLY thrifty. In high school we practiced the art of thrifting and altering clothing to fit the current trends. Even though we're older now and don't have to live on a super tight budget we still enjoy saving money whenever we can. We like to think our mom would be proud that the penny-pinching habits she taught us stuck with us. Today we want to share a special budget friendly edition of Sister Style. Here are a few outfits we wore this past week that won't break the bank…

Emma's Wearing: A thrifted top originally from Gap ($3), DIY Shorts (learn to make 'em here), a hand-me-down turquoise ring from our great aunt Virgina and $15 shoes from Target. 

Budget Sister Style - Elsie Budget Sister Style - Elsie Budget Sister Style - Elsie Elsie's Wearing: A vintage dress (stolen from our shop, of course! it has a stain so it probably would have ended up on the $5 or $10 rack…), a family hand-me-down I ♥ NY bracelet from our great aunt Virgina and Dr. Martens from highschool (circa 1998). 

Do you shop on a budget? We love thrifting and garage sales. What are your shopping secrets + challenges? XO. emma + elsie

  • I love thrifting! Loads of my favorite items are from second-hand stores. I usually just go down to my local thriftstore and browse. Usually I end up with a thing or two – and then I do it again a week later, since they get new stuff ALL THE TIME. It’s really amazing!

  • I recently got into thrifting and it’s really addicting!

    There’s a Goodwill nearby that’s right outside a super nice neighborhood, so they get incredible awesome designer clothes in on a fairly regular basis and you can get some awesome deals. I recently got an Ann Taylor Blazer, Express white button-up, an adorable printed skirt, and a fabulous black leather purse for under $20. Can’t beat that! It’s an entire outfit!

  • There’s a thrift shop in my town that sells all clothes for a dollar or less. My friends and I will go there and find great stuff to DIY with so that even if we mess up and botch the skirt or dress or whatever, we still only spent a dollar and it was good sewing practice anyway.

  • I really never been great at being on a budget. I always did love to go to thrift stores for baskets and stuff but I was never really into those style of clothing they had there. I love Emmas ring 🙂

  • I’m seriously a thriftaholic! I super love getting into thrift stores to hunt down the cutest skirts or prettiest dresses. Sometimes, even whilst thrifting, the price can get overwhelming. I usually just compromise or reserve the piece beforehand — thank God, my local thrift store does that. Aside from that, I try to be on the lookout for sales and special prices 🙂

  • I’m doing a challenge for the year where all I buy is thrifted (except presents for others) so I’m learning to love the thrift stores.I love your budget outfits, they’re great. I think the key is only buying clothes you really like when thrifting – because otherwise you end up with lots of clothes you don’t really wear, don’t just buy lots because it’s cheap and I think you need to wear the thrifted clothes soon after you buy them so you get comfortable in them and confident enough in your new look.
    Love your dress Elsie and your ring Emma!

  • I absolutely do shop on the budget. My new job pays me nothing so I have to. I’ve lately gotten more into thrift shopping and always go straight to the sale section at regular stores. With vintage shopping my problem has been the sizes. They always seem to be too big for size 4 gal like me.

  • I love shopping and realized I can shop so much more when my items cost $1 instead of $20. I’ve recently started refashioning the items I find at thrift stores and garage sales giving me even more options and a chance to get creative.

  • My mom and I shop thrift stores regularly, because she found a love for that while being in high school. But we both lie the fact it’s budget friendly.

  • That dress is divine elsie!! Sometimes I buy pieces with stains or rips in them anyways and do my best to fix them up 🙂

  • I love thrifting. Thanks to my mon and both y grandmothers, sewing is in my blood. I like to spend the least amount of money whenever possible. I also like to have pieces in my Wardrobe that no one else has 🙂 but I also like the notion of thrifting because it’s more friendly to the environment and it helps me stay away from supporting bigger companies who use slave labour to make their clothes.

  • I love thrifting as well (obviously as my blog title!). I also have been hitting up a lot of yard sales. However, my favorite thrifty trick is find my mom’s and grandma’s old clothes; – especially their old maternity clothes, because they have the least wear – and belting them to make look non-frumpy. Also, since I have started my blog, a lot of the old ladies in church have been all too happy to hand over some of their old clothes, and I have been all too happy to accept them! 😛


  • I was raised by a Mum who spent SO much money on clothes, wore them once or twice, then threw them away. As in the bin, not even thinking to give them to charity.
    For my 8month old son, I am happy to say 90% of his wardrobe is either hand made by me, hand-me-downs, or thrifted. My wardrobe is pretty much the same.
    Love how your “sister style” promotes fashion on any budget.

  • I’ve been a passionate thrifter for almost a decade already. I started in high school and haven’t looked back since. Most of my clothing is handmade/refashioned by me or thrifted. It’s partly to save money, partly because I looove sewing and creating something out of thin air + old clothing, and partly because it’s so much better for the sweet mother Earth.

  • As a Thrifter I have learned one major trick, that I’d swear by. Always check the rack by the dressing rooms, where people place the clothes they have already tried on. Generally, these clothes tend to be in the best shape and the most stylish because it’s what people have already picked out to consider. Once in awhile I find a real steal I would have missed otherwise!

  • I have gotten into thrifting this summer, and am definitely hooked. The girls from the youtube channel ‘The Fashion Citizen’ really inspired me! Recently I got some DiamondJ boots from goodwill for eight bucks and looked online to learn more about them. They are riding boot, are vintage, and go for forty bucks! I was sooo excited, they are perfect for fall and winter and are so beautiful. So go research thrift stores in the area I guess…I also shop at the vintage stores here, but they can be a little pricey. The cheapest thrift store I know is the Salvation army. Thanks!!!!! <3

  • Being a college student, I would say I have to be thrifty when it comes to clothes shopping. I love so many of the current trends, but unless someone else is footing the bill, it’s not exactly an option for me to buy a lot of brand new things that aren’t necessities. I love buying sale items and checking out vintage stores in my college town! Thanks for sharing! Both of these looks are wonderful!

  • In the past few years, Forever 21 and other fast fashion retailers started to resemble a thrift store since 80s and 90s fashions are back. I also realized that minor alterations and clothing dye can make a huge difference. I own a lot of vintage, thrifted, and second hand items and many of them are my favorites. I think the best shopping technique is to thrift first and buy new if you can’t find the item second hand. It’s also a lot more responsible to buy second hand. – Leah,

  • I am always on a budget when I shop (because otherwise I would spend every penny on cute clothes) one in awhile I’ll splurge but not often. Love both of your outfits! I need to get more into thrifting 😉

  • I love thrifting and do so whenever possible! My biggest challenges are being 4’10” and 92 lbs, but built as womanly as they come. With that said, some of my favorite things to thrift are accessories. Scarves, jewelry, belts and bags are the things I love picking up when I’m out looking for a good deal.

  • my favorite thrifting secret: buying stuff that’s too big for ya, because you can reconstruct it, and have leftover fabric for a matching headband, teeheehee.

  • My thrift store challenge is trying to shop fast enough so that I can get first pick of the goods. Sometimes I will walk into a thrift shop minutes after someone who is similar in age and style to myself. I feel like they are picking everything I would pick!!!

  • I grew up needing to be thrifty. It’s a favourite pastime for my Mum, sisters and I.

    I love hand-me-downs, op shops (thrift stores), discount racks and old favourites. I think it’s really important to ‘share the love’ though. So when I have clothes I no longer need, I pass them on to friends or the local op shop!

  • I’m definitely on the budget of hardly every shopping and mostly hitting up thrift stores… I also tend to borrow clothes from my boyfriend or my mom and there’s a lot of clothes swapping with friends which is probably my favorite thing! I just figured out how to sew undies from old tees and like to repurpose clothes. Whenever I clean out my closets I always end up with a bigger pile of “stuff to repurpose” than to donate heh. Sometimes that’s not a good thing cos I’ll have a million works in progress sitting around so it doesn’t exactly help with my goal of getting rid of clutter… This is definitely my favorite sister style post yet, I love your family heirlooms!

  • I love the challenge of shopping on a tight budget, though sometimes I have to let myself splurge. Thrift stores are so fun to hunt through and I always feel like a winner when I leave with a bag of goodies at a fraction of the price they originally went for. Love the vintage dress the best! I wish I still had some of my shoes from high school, maybe I’ll find them at the thrift store one day. 😀

  • I adore thrifing, we have lots of charity shops in England so not only are you being budget conscious and environmentally aware when you shop there but you’re doing your bit for charity too. That said, my best style advive would be to find your own style (as you two do), that way you’re not constantly repurchasing just to suit the latest fickle trend of the fashion world.Rx

  • I’m a big fan of thrifting as well! I love the fact that it’s almost like a treasure hunt, and that you will most likely get something that many other people have (;
    The challenge is that where I live (Indonesia), good thrift and vintage shops are still so rare! If any, they are messy and dirty and not really an inspiring place to go shopping. Therefore I’m currently running an online-based thrift shop, to help kick things off here in Indonesia!(; If you wanna know more, you can check my blog out here: ! 😀

    Love, Marsha of Marsha-Go-Round

  • You two look perfect 🙂 I don’t buy clothes too often but I don’t have any ideas how to reinvent my style.. I probably look the same all the time.

  • Thrifting is great, inspiring and addictive 🙂 On top of that, it’s cheap and recycling. What can be better than that? Nice clothing and sharing! Cheers

  • I live by thrifting. We have never had much money and in this current climate I am proud to be able to to make, create, scrimp and save just like our grandparents did! The extra money we save means we can put cash away for our house deposit and be able to go on holidays. Being thrifty rules.

  • My best friend and I started thrifting and garage sale-ing in high school too! Even though I can’t fit into my HS clothes anymore, some of my favorite jewelry pieces now are ones that I picked up for practically nothing back in the day.

  • I don’t think I’ve been to an actual STORE or MALL in AGES. Except to go to the movie theatre within a mall of course. I am obsessed with thrifting. My mom and I go all the time when we go out for brunch – it’s our own little tradition I guess you could say 😛


  • What a wonderful idea to make a blog betwenn sisters!
    I love the multicolor dress. It makes a 50’s look!
    It’s a very good blog: congratulations!
    See you soon!

  • I really want to get into thrifting but i never know where to start!! I’ll have to give it another go, you two make it look so easy 🙂

  • MAN I can’t wait to go thrifting! My friends and I usually do a clothing swap once a year. We put out old clothes we don’t wear anymore, and trade them with each other. It’s a sweet deal because you get rid of your old clothes you don’t want, and get a chance to snag your friend’s clothes that you’ve always admired! (And it’s free…)

  • To be honest, the bulk of my clothes cost around fifty cents to a dollar (or even sometimes less!) because there’re so many thrift shops around my college campus that are totally overrun with stuff. I haven’t started altering any of my finds, but I’m thinking about it!

  • Up until recently I’d been kind of weirded out by shopping at garage sales, the idea of wearing my neighbor’s clothes just seemed wrong. But I’ve started venturing out of my comfort zone (and city limits!) to find some nice pieces at garage/yard sales. As a (poor) college student saving every penny counts, and the occasional jackpot makes the hunt totally worth it!


  • Want to talk budget? In Alaska, we have ‘transfer sites’ which are like mini dumps and reuse platform stations. Everything is free, a lot needs to be cleaned, but it is amazing what you an find. We started a Silly Fashion blog modelling ala urban outfitters/free people at:

  • I’m lucky that I live in a good thrifting town. But I also have a group of friends who host clothing swaps at least quarterly – we all bring our gently used clothing and accessories and swap away!

  • Our family moto is that we don’t pay full price for anything. My girls and i love hitting the thrift store. We find the best stuff and my kids can get a lot for their allowance. It’s a win win and it teaches them life lessons that they will use in adulthood, like you girls.

  • My family and friends don’t do a lot of thrifting. My sister and I are the odd ones out. We’d rather spend an hour at a thrift store trying to find something than go to the mall.

    My tip is to thrift regularly, but be picky. Sometimes it can be discouraging walking out empty handed, but when I first started thrifting I went a little nuts and bought things I never wore/used.

  • Thrifting is AWESOME! I am a College student and I definitely have to live on a budget. Having to pay for school + books + other things I don’t necessarily want to be paying a lot of $ for things I know I can get cheaper. Some tips I have is to always buy on Sale or Clearance items. Not all the time but when you feel like it’s a good deal then just go for it. Also think about how many times you will wear on a certain item and if it’s worth to pay the price for how many times you will wear it. When it comes to clothing items when you thrift don’t just look at name brands but feel the fabric and look at the clothing piece and make sure it is sturdy and not easily tear-able. It helps when you only shop for the color that is on sale for that day. For example the color of the day is Orange tag then just be on the look out for that orange tag. It’s usually like 50% but hey if you can get it for 50% off cheaper than it was before you will definitely be saving $.

  • always! I did a Post on Thrifting not to long ago. It’s awesome! I got some designer purses. I even got LV for $7.00 there to and it’s PERFECT! 😀
    XOXO Pamela

  • Hey, Today is 1st day I have read your blog but believe me you are ready good in writing.I love reading blog and your discussion. I really learned a lot and what you shared is really useful.I really learned a lot and what you shared is really useful. thanks for sharing.

  • I’m a super thrifter! If it’s not under $5 it’s too much! Great outfits ladies 🙂

    xoxo Sarah

  • My favorite thing about buying thrifted clothes is that I will experiment a little more, because it’s so inexpensive, and buy things I normally wouldn’t have spent full retail price on. Last week, I spent fifty dollars at goodwill on two tshirts, two blouses, two skirts, a dress and a pair of shorts – and I got vintage finds for my shop! All while spending money for a charity and recycling items that would have ended up in the dump! Sweet!

  • When I was a kid, we ONLY bought clothes at thirft shops and garage sales. My mom loves to tell the story of me walking into a real clothing store for the first time (around age 10) and exclaiming, “Look, they have one of these dresses in EVEY SIZE!”

  • I still thrift with my parents. Though I usually can’t seem to find clothing I like from the thrift stores. I do love looking through everything, especially decor and practical stuff. I got two of the cutest mugs it was from a set of six but my parents put their foot down. Both literally cost only pocket change. It was less than a dollar.

  • I love this post, everything I do and buy is on a budget, money isn’t tight I just love to get more for my money. I’m a bit of a car boot junky, I have furnished most of my house and filled my walk-in-wardrobe with car boot stuff.

  • As a shopper/blogger on a very tight budget, I appreciate this post so much! I was raised with very little money, and I still like to shop that way. I can find so much at the Thrift Store, or even from my own closet! In fact, I just did a post last week with all my finds from thrifting, take a look!

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