Sister Style: Ready For Summer

1111I think we might be (finally) heading in to summertime weather season. Maybe it's not "officially" summer yet. I don't really know. Growing up, if school was out then it was summer! But now that "summer vacation" is just an idea/past memory/day-dream-that-will-never-be-again the best we can really hope for is the time of year when I don't have to wear a jacket anymore. I'm a warm weather kind of gal. I LOVE the sun and sandals. I love it when the sun doesn't go down until at least 8pm. I want to eat citrus every single day. Summer is my jam. And I realized that it was, for sure, the beginning of summer when Elsie and I were driving around to run a few errands and I noticed my car air conditioner does not work. At all. Oh dear. I probably should try to get that fixed before my wedding day (in under 2 weeks!!!) or else I might just arrive everywhere as a hot, sweaty mess. Not a very bridal look. πŸ™‚

Emma's Wearing: Dress c/o Modcloth, sunnies/Anthro and shoes c/o BC Footwear5555Elsie's Wearing: Dress/Ruche, Hat/H&M, Flats c/o Wanted Shoes, Sunnies c/o Toms

What about you? Has the weather been changing in your neck of the woods? xo. Emma + Elsie 

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