Sister Style: What To Wear?

Sister StyleDo you ever wake up and look in your closet filled with clothes and feel like you have nothing to wear? I've been going through that lately. An awkward phase, for sure. I'm itching to evolve. Most days, I feel like I am either way dressed up or way dressed down (like, "I hope I don't see anyone I know" status), and I don't really have an everyday style (unless you count yoga pants). It's true when people say you have to get dressed every day so you might as well enjoy it. That's my goal at the moment. 

So I've been making one of those secret pin boards called "outfits to try" and filling it with outfits that look cute on other people that would MAYBE look cute on me. Just trying to expand my comfort zone, you know. I guess I'm just stuck in a rut a little. But I'm excited to focus more on my style this year and see if I can turn it from something that's a little stressful into something that's really fun. 

Thanks for listening to my weird little rant. If you have any tips, I'm all ears! 

Sister Style Sister Style Sister Style Fun fact—taking sister style photos is our #1 most fun thing to do for the blog. It's basically a big coffee break where we get to talk and hang out. We realized recently that we haven't been doing very many and we want to do more! 

Sister Style    Sister Style    Emma's wearing: Shirt + Purse / H&M, Leggings / F21, Necklace + Shoes c/o ShopRuche and Sunnies / ShopSosie.

Sister Style       Elsie's wearing: Bobby Pin/Shop (also available in our shop!), Dress/Dear Creatures (a lucky hand-me-down from Laura), Sunnies/Crap Eyewear, Tights/ModCloth, Shoes/ ABM x Swedish Hasbeens, Lips purse/SkinnyDip London, Bracelet/Anthropologie. 

Sister Style         That was fun! Thanks for reading. xx!! Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson, Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions. 

  • I am IN LOVE with that dress, Elsie. It’s sooo my style. What I’m discovering it’s my style (I’m going through a change, too, I feel. I don’t really like the things in my closet and I don’t even know what kind of clothes to buy now, but I’m searching. Always searching).

  • I love those clog shoes. I’ve been wanting some for ages. Are they comfortable to walk in? X

  • You guys always look so cute.

    Please tell me you have days where you just stay in your pjs, don’t do your hair and don’t wear make up?

  • Elsie,
    Its really nice to know that you go through fashion ruts too. I always associate you with amazing fashion but thank you to admitting to us all that sometimes you do not know what to wear either. Both you ladies look amazing in this shoot. I look forward to seeing more sister styles! They are some of my favorite type posts. I miss Casual Friday/outtake posts too.

  • Hi Rebecca,
    Yes- Swedish Hasbeen sky high t-straps are my favorite heel ever. I almost always wear them on a night out. I even wear them to work, they’re that comfy. I know it seems crazy since they’re made of wood. I’m not sure how they are as good as they are.
    xx- Elsie

  • It’s nice to know you are also searching for that “golden middle”, we always see you so dressed up and cute. Great to hear more of Sister style posts are coming!

    Have a nice day everybody! Eva

  • Hi Elsie,
    Can you show us how you style your hair? I wanna have a hair cut just like yours 🙂

  • Oh, your outfits are so stylish and cool! Thanks for all the tips! Have a nice day,

    The Flash Window | Bloglovin

  • Hi Rosene! I will add that to my list! :)) I just do flat iron curls on the first day I wash it. Every other day I just touch it up, but don’t style the whole thing. 😀 I’ll make a video sometime soon to show it in more detail.
    xx- Elsie

  • I was in a clothing rut too but that was what really pushed me to start my spring cleaning and organization. Pinterest always helps with outfit inspirations, right?!
    That lip printed clutch is so bold and fun!


  • First of all, I totally second more Sister Style posts – I love them! & you guys look great!!

    Secondly, here’s what worked for me as far as learning to love my style & stop stressing about it: You know how everyone says to shop for the holes in your closet and don’t buy another grey tshirt if you already have five? Well I used to try and follow that, but found that I would just keep wearing the grey tshirt anyways. Recently, (I wish I could remember where I found this) I read the opposite: it’s ok to buy multiples of similar clothes if that’s what you love + will wear. That really stuck with me! It’s better to have six grey tshirts in steady rotation than a hot pink tshirt hanging in your closet forever. (I’m using the grey tshirt as an example because I seriously wear them all.the.time.)

    I’ve realized that life is too short to dress for other people! Trying to make things work that weren’t *really* me was only stressing me out & making me feel guilty for buying clothes that I then wouldn’t wear. Style should be fun! 🙂

  • you guys looking so pretty here…love Emma’s long shirt and your dress.. looking forward to more sister style posts..


  • Hi Elsie! I loooove your hair here, it looks so full and natural! I would love a post on how you style your everyday hair, what products are your fave etc.. It would be so helpful!

  • We all know that feeling…like you have nothing to wear in a closet full of clothes!! The part about fashion evolution is inevitably true! We adore these looks, girls.
    Check out for some inspiration and the latest of our free-spirited, bohemian fashions.

  • I’m in a rut too…my style is sort of “going/coming back from track practice for my middle school track team” hahaha. Just have to comment on the graphic bag; I LOVE that print!! I need to spruce up my wardrobe terribly!!

    xoxox, Naomi!!

  • It’s actually encouraging to hear that you struggle with style at times- because you gals always look amazing and so fashionable to me!
    And- sister style posts are my favorite to read on here- so keep them coming!

  • Hearing you talk about being in a style rut makes me feel a lot better about my own yoga-pants-wearing self! I’ve been trying to step up my style game, adding a few fresh Spring pieces to my wardrobe has definitely helped. But you two seriously always look gorgeous!

  • You girls looks so cute!! Makes me want to call my sister up and go dress up =) I’ve been cleaning up my closet, the Konmari method. Can’t wait to go shopping for new outfits that bring joy!!

    Juju Sprinkles

  • I love the tip of creating a Pinterest board. I always get stuck for what to wear but find it especially the case when the weather is turning, like when it’s getting warm but not warm enough to go out without a jumper.

    Sarah xo | PolkaDotLemon

  • These pictures are gorgeous! and I love the dress you’re wearing Elsie – it’s so interesting! I usually find that dresses made out of that sort of knit material are clingy and tough to wear but it looks really great on you!

  • I love both of these outfits! Also, I feel you with the style rut. I’ve been contemplating doing a capsule wardrobe because I’ve heard it can really help people hone in on their style. Do you know anyone who has tried a capsule wardrobe? Also, I’m a long time reader but a first time commenter…love this blog! It makes me happy so thank you!

  • Hi Elsie,

    Great post. I think you both have great style! You know how to mix and match and I think you are on the right track for sure! Love the dress.

  • Sister style is my MOST favorite!!! Yes, please do more!!! Love your dress, Elsie!

  • I came soooo close to buying the Dear Creatures sweater dress Elsie is wearing in blue from ModCloth – seeing how adorable she is, I really regret not getting it! You both look lovely ladies, and I enjoy reading your blog 🙂

  • Whenever I’m feeling like this, I do a clothing swap with my friends! Generally your friends kind of have the same style as you, which is a plus. Basically, it’s free shopping! Whenever I get rid of stuff my friends are like “HOW COULD YOU BE GETTING RID OF THIS I LOVE IT” and I feel the same way about their clothes. It’s also nice to de-clutter every once in a while. Win-win situation!

  • Please do more!! I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I see WE’D LOVE TO SEE MORE!
    The first thing I think someone needs to do when they’re in a style-rut is to detoxicate their closet (which, I believe, you’ve done through instagram recently). Step two is to really look at the stuff you still own and see them in a whole new perspective. You know, you might not have worn this top with those pants or those shoes with this purse or something like that and it gives everything a whole new, fresh look!
    Don’t be afraid to experiment and, you know, you might be on the verge of developing a different style for you and that’s why nothing seems to work! But it’s okay. Everyone goes through it, you just have to let it take its course.

    Alive as Always –

  • Hiya, I’ve been really intrigued with trying a ‘capsule wardrobe’ as a way to find my ‘style’ and generally be a little more appreciative of what I have (this site is really cool, if you’re interested/ haven’t already checked it out). Anyway, I’m a long time follower & I love your blog!


  • I have been going through the same thing! It is hard to realize when you have outgrown your closet. I am a year into being graduated from college and into my real life job and still have a closet full of high school clothes! My best advice is to go out shopping, and forget about any rules or guidelines you have set up for yourself. Forget about what is safe, or what you “need”, or what you think you should buy. Just go and buy two or three fun, out there pieces and surprise yourself! Sometimes it is an unexpected jolt to your look that will get your mind going on how you want to evolve your style!

  • Have you tried the Stylebook app? You take pics of your clothes, (or use pics from online stores)and combine outfits. I use move caracters or pinterest for inspiration.

    Or pick an item of clothing and make yourself 3-4 outfits with it. preferbly looks that you dont usually do.

    or have a ladys brunch and get help from your friends. We did this with my cusin,we picked out looks form her closet, she tried them on and then took pictures of the ones she liked.

  • Try picking an item you love eg, spotted shirt, and go on pinterest searching that phase to see how people have styled items you already own. Great way to learn new ways to work with what you already have!

  • I love both your styles 🙂 and yes going through a rut too, need more dresses in my life.
    and just wanted to say… your fringe (bangs) really suit you brushed to the side Elsie 🙂

  • I absolutely love this. There is nothing better than a classic white shirt when you feel as though you have nothing to wear. I love the dress you are wearing too, Elsie. Plus sister time is the best. My sister has just moved away to teach in a rural country town, but is coming home for school holidays next week. I cannot wait. We used to share all of our clothes and now I feel as though half of my wardrobe has moved away!


  • Hi Elsie,

    I’ve struggled with my wardrobe recently too. It tough to be in a transitional phase and feel like my clothes don’t match the inner growth I’m going through. Thanks for being honest about that here 🙂

    While I continue to struggle, the blog, Into Mind single handedly changed my approach to getting dressed. She has tons of great suggestions for creating a pulled together wardrobe. I recommend starting here:

  • I’m a huge fan of that geometric dress as well! It’s so unique and looks great with the pop of color from that clutch bag. Great look!

  • I’ve had the same issue, a lot. I’ve started to just put on things in my closet that I usually pass up or think won’t look good on me and pair it with a piece I really like and shove myself out the door. I mostly end up really glad that I took a “personal risk” because I feel more comfortable in that piece than I would have expected to. It also makes me feel less wasteful about previous spending & shopping.

  • Elsie, your dress is gorgeous! Plus, you are rocking that clutch and I think I’m going to have to get my hands on that. And Emma, THAT NECKLACE. You both are beautiful and you look like you’re having a lot of fun haha!

    I’d appreciate it if you’d check out my fashion blog too!

  • When I get in a rut I like to organise dress up parties with my sister and house mate. We basically find new ways to wear what we already own and take pictures of complete outfits and then print them for your own personalized wardrobe inspiration board. It’s great if you live together or all bring key pieces and sometimes swap items. And it’s a great fun night with your girlies

  • Try doing a capsule! It’s all about paring down your closet to the items you truly love and it makes getting dressed every morning a heck of a lot easier. It’s also helped me shop for what I truly need and not just blindly buying every single cute thing I see.

    I got the idea from Caroline’s blog and have been having a lot of fun with it so far

  • I can totally relate. I have that feeling quite a lot. Although, when I look at my closet, I actually have a lot to wear and mix & match. I guess we just need to be a little bit more adventurous and try to mix & match with almost everything that we have now.

  • So excited for this! I have really straight, thin hair (it looks closer to Emma’s texture, but I can’t rock a middle part like her!). It would be great if you all could talk about the product you use (especially Emma). Since my hair is thin, product can weigh it down or make it look greasy quickly. I’d really appreciate any product and styling (adding volume) tips you ladies have!


  • I totally relate to this! I always see all the super cute outfits on Pinterest and try to change my style, but I find I buy stuff and even wear it because it doesn’t feel like me. I’m working on learning to buy stuff I like and fits me well and that I really 100% comfortable in (or I know I won’t ever wear it). Thanks for sharing 🙂


  • “Do you ever wake up and look in your closet filled with clothes and feel like you have nothing to wear?” – Um yes, like every day! I like the pinboard idea – I have a decent closet, I just need ideas for how to combine things. You both look great here, and in budget friendly pieces – love. Well done.

  • Have you considered trying the Capsule Wardrobe approach? A pro at capsule wardrobe-ing is Michelle at Using some of her tips (but having a way different style and wardrobe need) I’ve begun my closet transformation (as of two days ago). I’m about to post about my second day at Spoiler alert, last night I removed over 60 pieces from my closet! If you haven’t heard of this technique for knowing what to wear each day, definitely check it out!

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