Stitched Photo Art Project

Stitched Photo Art Project www.abeautifulmess.comHi friends! We had so much fun creating this project. This is the first project in our yearlong collaboration with Canon USA! Today we're taking a few of our favorite photos, printing large black and white versions and adding stitches to create colorful, textural works of art! It's similar to this embroidered photo project we did, but we wanted to try a more abstract design and really play with color. Here's what we did…Stitched Photo Art- Printing the photoStep 1: Print your photos! We used the Canon PRO-100 printer and their huge semi-gloss photo paper. As you can see, the quality is absolutely amazing! We were able to fit two 8×12 photos on one 13×19 piece of photo paper. 

A few tips: We used the PRO-100, because of how rich the blacks are, but you could definitely pull this off with the MG6320. If you're using the PRO-100, be sure to load the paper so that the "good side" is facing up. Super obvious, I know, but we definitely made that mistake at first, since it's different than a lot of paper trays out there. 😉Stitched Photo Art- adding abstract stitches and textureStep 2: Start stitching! We used yarn and embroidery thread to cover the photo in fun, abstract stitches! Don't be shy—just go for it! Each photo took us about 4 hours to embroider, so we recommend doing this while watching TV or a movie for a few nights. Mad Men, anyone? ;)

A note about color: I find that using a limited color scheme (like all warm or all cool colors) on a black and white photo works really well! Whatever colors you choose, be sure to lay all the fibers out together before stitching to make sure you love the mix!Stitched Photo Art- ready to be framed!Step 3: Continue stitching until all of the "white space" in your photograph is filled with random stitches. Be sure to overlap some colors and add stitches in a variety of styles and directions.Stitched Photo Art-framingStitched Photo Art Project     Step 4: Framing! I purchased a floating frame set that was a little too large for my 8×12 prints. I added some balsa wood strips behind the photo and I love the detail it adds!Stitched Photo Art Project Done! I'm so excited to display these pieces in our home.

Stitched Photo Art Project  Stitched Photo Art Project  Enjoy your new artwork! Which photo will you choose for this project? 

xo. Elsie 

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