Sucré for Invisible Children

I'm so proud to share this beautiful performance that Sucré did for Invisible Children. Invisible Children is an organization that aims to stop the longest-running war in Africa, to end the abduction of innocent children forced into fighting and to rebuild schools and provide education and jobs in northern Uganda. I'm so proud of Jeremy, Darren and Stacy… this is magical. 

Oh… and here are some more photos that Stacy and I took for Sucré. We've done a lot of photo shoots, but I already cannot wait for our next one! I've been piling up vintage dresses everywhere for her. She's my favorite muse!Sucré stacy king 1Sucré stacy king 2Sucré stacy king 3Sucré stacy king 4Sucré stacy king 5Sucré stacy king 6Sucré stacy king 7All of these photos were taken in Jeremy's studio (above Red Velvet) where their album was recorded. For more updates on Sucré, follow Sucré Diaries. It's pure magic… xo. Elsie

PS. This is my 2000th blog post. Thanks for reading! 

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