Summer Frittata

Summer FrittataProbably there are many things that could be said about frittata. First off, the obvious, it's super fun to say out loud. Also, it's very similar to quiche, but a little more healthy (no crust and less cheese) and way faster to make than quiche as well. 

What you might not know about frittata is that it is the perfect breakfast dish to make for a group if you find yourself in possession of too many fresh eggs. How could this even come up, you ask? I know, I never thought it would either. Life takes strange turns sometimes. 

Summer Frittata  This particular recipe could easily feed 5-6 people if you have some toast or fresh fruit as a side (or a delightful-looking pastry if you're truly fancy). You can cut this in half to feed a smaller group; just be sure to also change the size of pan you use, as that will alter the thickness of your frittata, and also your bake time.

Fresh summer vegetablesSummer Frittata, serves 5-6. 

10 eggs
2-3 tablespoons cream or whole milk
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 bell pepper
1-2 small summer squashes
2 cloves garlic
(you can change up what veggies you use based on what you have available)
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste

Cut up your vegetables into bite-sized pieces and mince the garlic. A little chopped onion would be a great addition to this; I was just plumb out of onions this day, so I missed out. In a large, oven-friendly pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Sauté the vegetables until they just begin to soften. Then toss in the garlic and cook for another minute. 

Emma Chapman in the kitchenI like to use a big cast iron pan for this, as I can easily pull it off the stove and pop it in the oven. Also, fun fact: when I first started cooking, the only pot or pan I owned was a big cast iron. So I'm a little partial to them.

Emma Chapman in the kitchen In a large bowl, whisk to combine the eggs and cream. Add another tablespoon of oil to the pan and stir it around so it coats the bottom. Pour the eggs over the top of the already partially cooked vegetables. Season with a little salt, pepper, and cayenne (not too much; you can always add more later). 

How to make a frittataOnce some of the egg has begun to cook, use a heatproof spatula to push the cooked eggs up off the bottom of the pan, allowing uncooked eggs to run to the bottom. The frittata should look about halfway done, with the edges beginning to set when you're ready to move it to the oven.

How to make a frittata Carefully move the pan to a 450°F oven. Bake for 2-4 minutes until the edges and top are set and the eggs look to be no longer runny. Keep in mind that even after you remove the pan from the oven the eggs will continue to cook a little, so it's okay to pull it out a little earlier than "completely done" looking.

Once out, sprinkle the cheese over the top of the frittata and allow it to cool for a few minutes before you slice into it.

Summer Frittata See? It's super quick to make. Next to a small salad this could also make a fantastic, light dinner. Enjoy! xo. Emma

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman. Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with The Fresh Collection.

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