Sweet Tea Hot Toddy

Hot toddy recipeOne of our favorite local spots start serving hot cocktails during the colder months of the year. I love a good hot toddy. It's the perfect drink to sip and enjoy good company and chilly weather. Most hot toddy recipes are pretty simple and can be made with ingredients you already have. This is one of my favorites, a sweet tea hot toddy.Easy hot toddy recipeSweet Tea Hot Toddy, makes two.

Needed: tea of choice (I used a vanilla chamomile. I think black or herbal teas are best for this, but you can try a green if you prefer.), one lemon, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 ounces (I use a shot glass to meaure) bourbon or whiskey and hot water.

Heat water and when ready steep the tea. I keep mine light by steeping for less time than usual. To each glass add juice from half a lemon, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 ounce alcohol. Stir to combine. Feel free to add more honey if you like yours a little more on the sweet side.Sweet tea hot toddySuper easy and super comforting. Enjoy one curled up with a good book under the covers. If you're that kind of gal (I totally am, with fuzzy socks and everything!). xo. Emma

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